[publication] Developing an Addition and Subtraction Trainer with Automated Categorization of Errors for Learners in Their First Two Years of Primary School #tugraz #research #mlearning

Our research publication titled “Developing an Addition and Subtraction Trainer with Automated Categorization of Errors for Learners in Their First Two Years of Primary School” for the EDMedia and Innovative Learning 2023 conference is published.

Abstract: This paper discusses the development and testing of a gamified mathematical learning app. Said app is designed for primary school children in their first two years of learning, so that they can practice the arithmetic operations addition and subtraction in a playful way. Predefined error categories are used to specifically eliminate weaknesses. As an incentive for the learners, mascots, stars and a child-oriented look are offered, as well as a mode in which the players can compete with others worldwide and, in the case of good performance, find themselves on the leaderboard. A test run and a subsequently conducted survey with 49 school children showed that the app generally works well and that the subjective perceptions regarding the motivational ability of the mascots correlate with the overall perception of the app.

[preprint @ ResearchGate]
[publication @ publisher’s homepage]

Reference: Zöhrer, H., Wachtler, J. & Ebner, M. (2023). Developing an Addition and Subtraction Trainer with Automated Categorization of Errors for Learners in Their First Two Years of Primary School. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 832-843). Vienna, Austria: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved July 19, 2023 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/222586/.

[publication] A Math Training Platform to Foster Individual Learning #tugraz #math

Our chapter about “A Math Training Platform to Foster Individual Learning” got published now. We describe there our innovative service Neo-Lernhilfen to train math skills on an individual level.


The use of mobile technologies such as Smartphone, Tablet are becoming more pervasive in our daily lives. Obviosly, it should also be used and integrated to support learning seamlessly. But not all learning environments can be used with all these devices. In some cases special libraries are needed (e.g. flash not available on iPAD, Mac OS X) or a permanent internet connection to a learning-platform is necessary. This publication proposes a new way in math education using the standard format PDF with completly auto-generated tasks for seamless learning and presents new learning scenarios for collaborations. On the one hand a new information system will be described and on the other hand use cases are carried out to establish individual learning. It can be concluded that indivitual math training is an important step to foster future education.

[Link to draft version @ ResearchGate]

[Link to final book]

Reference: Neuherz, E., Ebner, M. (2016) A Math Training Platform to Foster Indivitual Learning. In: Şad, S. N., & Ebner, M. (eds). Digital Tools for Seamless Learning (pp. 1-26). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-1692-7

[master] Interaktive Lernvideos im Mathematikunterricht #tugraz

Im Rahmen seiner Diplomarbeit hat Michael die Möglichkeiten von LIVE untersucht und den Mathematikunterricht mit Videos begleitet, welche Interaktionsmöglichkeiten hatten. Die Folien zu seiner Verteidigung sind hier zugänglich:

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[publication] Das digitale Übungsheft #math #research #tugraz

Für die Ausgabe 2016 (1) des Magazins L.A. Multimedia haben wir einen Beitrag verfasst wo wir kurz die innovative Softwareapplikation neo-lernhilfen beschrieben haben. Für alle Mathematiker, es lohnt sich wirklich ein Blick darauf.

Das digitale Schulbuch ist in aller Munde. Eine bloße „Eins-zu-Eins-Übersetzung“ der Schulbücher in eine digitale Version schöpft die Möglichkeiten der digitalen Welt jedoch nur unzureichend aus. Hier gilt es, innovativ zu denken: Warum nicht auch Übungsbeispiele automatisch generieren, inklusive vollständigem Lösungsweg? Warum nicht auch Kompetenz-Checks individuell für jeden Lernenden automatisch erstellen?

[Preversion @ Researchgate (.pdf)]

Zitation: Neuherz, E., Ebner, M. (2016) Das digitale Übungsheft. L.A. Multimedia 2016 (1). S. 35-38