[GADI13] Digital Natives und Software-Urheberrecht

jaburek[GADI13] Martin EbnerIch darf heute, Mittwoch 08.05.2013, wieder zur Vorlesung „Gesellschaftliche Aspekte der Informationstechnologie“ an der TU Graz herzlich begüßen. Der sechste Termin besteht aus folgendenden Vorträgen:

  • Martin Ebner: „Digital Natives – seid ihr alle anders?
  • Walter Jaburek: „Software-Urheberrecht

Die Vorträge werden live ab 16.15 Uhr gestreamt – Link zum Streamingserver
Weitere Vorträge/Abstracts findet man hier auf der Vorlesungshomepage.

[publication] Have They Changed? Five Years of Survey on Academic Net-Generation

Our publication about „Have They Changed? Five Years of Survey on Academic Net-Generation“ is now online available in the Open Access Journal of Applied Computing.


At Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) a questionnaire amongst freshmen is carried out each year since 2007. Aim of this poll is to check IT and Web 2.0 competences and skills of the newstudents coming to TU Graz in order to adapt the e-learning services for their study at TU Graz. Furthermorethe results mirror current trends and changing behaviors of young people said to be the net-generationoften postulated to which we and our teachers will face to. After five years of investigations time hascome to take a look back and reel up processes and progresses not only because five years match thestandard duration of a study at TU Graz. Which trends have been established, which assumptions did notarrive, what happened totally unexpected? This paper targets the main changes within the last five yearsdue to this subject. It compares the five study years and outlines the current study results of 2011 in. Oneof the main results over five years is that the net-generation did arrive but slowly adapt their study life towhat they are already used to do in private.

Reference: Ebner, M.; Nagler, W.; Schön; M. (2012) Have They Changed? Five Years of Survey on Academic Net-Generation, Journal of Applied Computing, Vol. 8, Nr. 1, p. 21-31, ISSN: 2179-2518 [Link to the article]

[publication] Have They Changed? Five Years of Survey on Academic Net-Generation

Our publication at this year ED-Media Confernece in Denver, USA is now online available. It’s about our surveys with our first year students. The slides of the talk are already published here.

At Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) a questionnaire amongst freshmen is carried out each year since 2007. Aim of this poll is to check IT and Web 2.0 competences and skills of the new students coming to TU Graz in order to adapt the e-learning services for their study at TU Graz. Furthermore the results mirror current trends and changing behaviors of young people said to be the net-generation often postulated to which we and our teachers will face to. After five years of investigations time has come to take a look back and reel up processes and progresses not only because five years match the standard duration of a study at TU Graz. Which trends have been established, which assumptions did not arrive, what happened totally unexpected? This paper targets the main changes within the last five years due to this subject. It compares the five study years and outlines the current study results of 2011 in. One of the main results over five years is that the net-generation did arrive but slowly adapt their study life to what they are already used to do in private.

Have They Changed? Five Years of Survey on Academic Net-Generation

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Reference: Ebner, M., Nagler, W. & Schön, M. (2012). Have They Changed? Five Years of Survey on Academic Net-Generation. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2012 (pp. 343-353). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

[publication] Studieren 2.0: Digital Natives in Zeiten von Bologna

Wir haben nun einen Arbeitsbericht der Abteilung Vernetztes Lernen veröffentlicht rund um das Thema „Digital Natives“ und „Netgeneration„. Dabei geht es um die Darstellung der Umfrageergebnisse unter den Erstsemestrigen, sowie einer weiteren unteren Lehrenden.

Kernthemen der Bologna Follow-up Group sind die Aktionslinien „LebenslangesLernen“, „Mobilität“ und „Studierendenzentriertes Lernen“. Die Abteilung VernetztesLernen der Technischen Universität Graz ist der Frage nachgegangen, in wieweitdie Bologna-Ziele auch den Wünschen und Anliegen der Studierenden undLehrenden für den Teilbereich E-Learning entsprechen? Basis der Diskussion sinddrei unabhängige Untersuchungen: die Erstsemestrigen-Befragung, die Umfrage„Studieren 2020“ und die Zukunftswerkstätten 2010 des Vereins Forum neueMedien Austria mit der Thematik „Studieren und Lehren 2020“. Das Ergebnis zeigt,dass die Auswirkungen des Bologna-Prozesses wohl in den Curricula zu findensind; im Geschehen im Hörsaal spiegeln sich Veränderungen nur rudimentär wider, werden aber sehr gefordert!

Studieren 2.0: Digital Natives in Zeiten von Bologna

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[publication] The Facebook Generation Boon or Bane for E-Learning at Universities?

Our publication on „The Facebook Generation Boon or Bane for E-Learning at Universities?“ at this year ED-Media Conference in Lisbon is now online available. The slides have been already published here.

No other social community has been that booming ever than Facebook. A query among freshmen at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) displays this strongly ongoing trend too. Compared to the freshmen-studies of the last three years we can demonstrate the way Facebook already influences the communication behavior of today ́s students. Does the use of Facebook lead to a more competent understanding and intensive practice of Web2.0 applications in general? Does Facebook pave the way for Web2.0 or absorbs it by implementing and enabling Web2.0 functionalities on the platform? And what does this mean for teaching and learning aspects so far? Using a couple of statistical analysis methods for complex investigations (hierarchical cluster analysis, the principle component analysis and the varimax rotation) we tried to answer these questions and found out that the usage of Facebook already leaves it ́s marks on the communicational behavior of students. An influence on the usage of other Web2.0 applications cannot be stated with significance so far but it seems that Facebook has a repressive factor rather than a promotive one; it serves as a substitute for them.

The Facebook Generation Boon or Bane for E-Learning at Universities?

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Reference: Ebner, M., Nagler, W., Schön, M. (2011). The Facebook Generation – Boon or Bane for E- Learning at Universities?. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2011 (pp. 3549-3557). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Online-Podium bei e-teaching.org

Ich bin eingeladen worden am 26.10.2009 um 17.00 Uhr zusammen mit Mi­chael Gerth (Uni Leipzig) und Dr. Matthias Rohs (Uni Zü­rich) eingeladen rund um das Thema „Befragungen Studierender zum Thema E-Learning„. Ich werde dort ein wenig zu unseren Umfragen Stellung nehmen.

Inzwischen haben verschiedene Studien die Vorstellung widerlegt, dass die mit Computer und Internet aufgewachsenen heutigen Studierenden diese Technologien problemlos und sinnvoll auch im Studium nutzen können. Welche digitalen Kompetenzen haben die Studierenden wirklich – und welche benötigen sie? Wie beurteilen sie das Thema E-Learning?

Hier die Einladung im Detail auf e-teaching.org.