[presentation] Automated Podcasting System for Universities

Our presentation about „Automated Podcasting System for Universities“ for this year ICL conference in Villach is online available.

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[podcast] Zukunftsforschung und mobile Technologien

Die Aufzeichnungen der Vorträge im Rahmen der Vorlesung „Gesellschaftliche Aspekte der Informationstechnologie“ über Zukunfststechnologien und mobile Technologien sind nun online verfügbar.
Sandra Schön: “Technologien der Zukunft – Ansätze, Methode und ausgewählte Ergebnisse der Zukunftsforschung“

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Christian Kittl: “Das Handy als Geldbörse oder wie mobile Technologien ganze Branchen revolutionieren“

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[publication] Podcasting for Electrical Power Systems

Our contribution about „Podcasting for Electrical Power Systems“ for this year MIPRO 2012 conference is now online available.

This paper reflects six years of managing (lecture) recording activities at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) with a special eye on the broad experiences of the Institute of Electrical Power Systems of TU Graz (IFEA) according to podcasting as well as their advantages of using this service. Furthermore the paper analyses the history, development, and management, its increase, aspects of evaluation, and didactics as well as its future trends, facing the challenges of a university wide automated recording system. The paper too presents the latest development of an integrated search functionality offered for each single recording serviced by the Department of Social Learning (DSL) of TU Graz. This is made possible on base of OCR (Optical Character Recognition) recognition of indexed video frames. Podcasting has become an integrated part of teaching activities at IFEA and at TU Graz in general. It will be further enlarged to an automated system providing high quality multimedia lecture recordings.

Podcasting for Electrical Power Systems

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Reference: Grigoriadis, Y., Fickert, L., Ebner, M., Schön, M., Nagler, W. (2012) Podcasting for Electrical Power Systems, Conference Proceedings MIPRO 2012, IEEE, p. 1412-1417, ISBN 978-953-233-069-4