[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 16 / No. 4 #ijet #research

Issue 16(04) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • The Case for a Cost-Effective General-Purpose Computer Cluster for Small Colleges
  • A Conceptual Framework for Integrating Gamification in eLearning Systems Based on Instructional Design Model
  • Developing Students’ Learning and Innovation Skills Using the Virtual Smart Classroom
  • Education Between GovTech and Civic Tech
  • Mobile and Web-Based Support in Overcoming Behavioral Difficulties of Adolescents
  • „Start-Up“ in E-Learning Mode as a Basic Project of the Final Year of Entrepreneurship Education
  • Portrait-Based Academic Performance Evaluation of College Students from the Perspective of Big Data
  • Improving the Teaching Ability of Dance Major Courses
  • Digitalization of Modern Education: Problems and Solutions
  • Survey of Machine Learning Techniques for Student Profile Modeling
  • Training Model and Quality of College Students in English Major
  • Distance Learning of a Foreign Language – Necessity or Future
  • Digital Competences in the Elderly and University Students: Didactic Interaction from the Use of Social Networks
  • Cultivation Model for Autonomous Learning Ability of Japanese Majors
  • Examining the Role of Engaging in Research Activities with Digital Technologies for Graduate Students’ Success
  • Application of Blockchain Technology in Cultural and Creative Design and Education
  • Implementing E-learning Training toward English Virtual Lecturers: The Process, Perspectives, Challenges and Solutions
  • Modeling of a Smart University Social Network for the Development of Soft Skills in a Professional Environment (SUSN)
  • Effects of Using Digital Tools on the Process of Memorization

[Link to Issue 16/04]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me :-).

[publication] Chatbots for Brand Representation in Comparison with Traditional Websites #chatbot #tugraz

Our publication about „Chatbots for Brand Representation in Comparison with Traditional Websites“ are published in the International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM).

Chatbots have gained enormous popularity in recent years. IT giants such as Microsoft, Google and Facebook have taken an interest in automated conversations. Messaging apps like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger are playing an increasingly important role in smartphone usage and communication in general perfect conditions for chatbots. This paper provides an introduction of recent chatbot development in general and in customer environments. As part of this work, a chatbot was developed for the Austrian IT company CodeFluegel GmbH. The chatbot, named Theodore, provides information about CodeFluegel via Facebook Messenger and webchat, like the existing company website. The design process and implementation of the chatbot as well as architectural considerations are explained throughout this document. In a user study, participants perform typical tasks with the website and the chatbot. The usage of both platforms is evaluated in order to identify advantages and disadvantages as well as differences compared to the other technology and to draw conclusions. Findings to this study indicate promising prospects for chatbots as alternative touchpoints for customers and others and a way to replace and enhance traditional websites.

[full article @ ResearchGate]
[full article @ JournalsHomepage]

Reference: Kühnel, J., Ebner, M., Ebner, M. (2020) Chatbots for Brand Representation in Comparison with Traditional Websites. In: International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM) 14(18):18-33

Erschienen: Projektbericht zum OER-Schnittstellen an der TU Graz und OEAA #oer #OEAA #openeducation

Die Beteiligten haben ihre Arbeit rund um OER-Schnittstellen zwischen den Systemen der TU Graz und zum österreichweiten OER-Refereratory der Universität Wien bereits in zwei wissenschaftlichen Publikationen publizieren können. Jetzt folgt der noch etwas ausführlichere Projektbericht:

Um einen breiten Zugang zur Bildung und großzügige Nutzung von Bildungsressourcen zu ermöglichen, setzt auch die Technische Universität Graz (TU Graz) auf offene Bildungsressourcen (Open Educational Resources, kurz OER). Der Arbeitsbericht beschreibt die technologischen Entwicklungen und Prozesse, damit Lehrende der TU Graz das eigene Lernmanagementsystem für die Veröffentlichung von OER nutzen können. Es wird nachgezeichnet, wie Schnittstellen und Prozesse gestaltet wurden, um Lern- und Lehrressourcen der TU Graz mit entsprechenden Metadaten auszuzeichnen, um sie über das universitätseigene OER-Repositorium und entsprechenden Schnittstellen für das OER-Fachportal der Universität Wien einer breiten Öffentlichkeit recherchierbar anzubieten. Nur entsprechend qualifizierte Lehrende der TU Graz erhalten die Berechtigung für die Nutzung des neuen OER-Plug-In. Der Projektbericht schließt mit Empfehlungen für Nachahmer/innen.

[publication] MAKER DAYS for Kids: Learnings from a Pop-up Makerspace #makereducation #makerdays

Our conference contribution at last year Robotics in Education conference got published now titled „MAKER DAYS for Kids: Learnings from a Pop-up Makerspace„.

Makerspaces exist in different forms with different target groups and goals. Dedicated makerspaces are often organized as communities of practise. They provide space, devices, tools and materials for (digital) (re)production to support (social) innovation and to democratize STEAM education. The potential of makerspaces as authentic learning environments to teach 21st century skills is one reason why pop-up makerspaces are especially designed for children and teenagers, with a great focus on the tools and activities offered. The MAKER DAYS for kids are one example of a temporary makerspace for more than 100 participants with an open approach to encourage (especially female) participants to pursue a career in STEAM domains. Based on the gathered data of the last MAKER DAYS in 2018 and 2019 at Graz University of Technology, this publication focuses on the challenges in the design of maker activities in pop-up makerspaces and comments on the changes and improvements that were/are applied to the last/upcoming event.

[article @ publisher’s homepage]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Cite this paper as: Grandl M., Ebner M., Schön S., Brünner B. (2021) MAKER DAYS for Kids: Learnings from a Pop-up Makerspace. In: Lepuschitz W., Merdan M., Koppensteiner G., Balogh R., Obdržálek D. (eds) Robotics in Education. RiE 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1316. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-67411-3_33

[publication] Learning Analytics and MOOCs #imoox #hci20 #research

Ebru did a first publication of her PhD-work titled „Learning Analytics and MOOCs“ for this year HCII conference.

There are new discoveries in the field of educational technologies in the 21st century, which we can also call the age of technology. Learning Analytics (LA) has given itself an important research field in the area of Technology Enhanced Learning. It offers analysis, benchmarking, review and development techniques for example in online learning platforms such as those who host Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). MOOCs are online courses addressing a large learning community. Among these participants, large data is obtained from the group with age, gender, psychology, community and educational level differences. These data are gold mines for Learning Analytics. This paper examines the methods, benefits and challenges of applying Learning Analytics in MOOCs based on a literature review. The methods that can be applied with the literature review and the application of the methods are explained. Challenges and benefits and the place of learning analytics in MOOCs are explained. The useful methods of Learning Analytics in MOOCs are described in this study. With the literature review, it indicates: Data mining, statistics and mathematics, Text Mining, Semantics-Linguistics Analysis, visualization, Social network analysis and Gamification areas are implementing Learning Analytics in MOOCs allied with benefits and challenges.

Abstract of the publication

[full article @ publisher’s webpage]
[draft @ researchgate]

Reference: İnan E., Ebner M. (2020) Learning Analytics and MOOCs. In: Zaphiris P., Ioannou A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Designing, Developing and Deploying Learn- ing Experiences. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12205. Springer, Cham. pp. 241-254

[publication] Experiences Based on a Major Information Server #tugraz #research

Together with my colleagues we published an article about „Experiences Based on a Major Information Server“ in the Journal of Transactions on Internet Research.

In this paper we describe lessons we have learnt from building up a webserver with reliable information over a period of ten years. We show how we have tried to overcome often encountered weaknesses and thus encourage the community to follow our suggestions. We also point out that much research and development work remains to be carried out.

[full article @ ResearchGate]
[full article @ journal’s homepage]

Reference: Delilovic, N., Ebner, M., Maurer, H., Zaka, B. (2020) Experiences Based on a Major Information Server. Transactions on Internet Research 16(1). pp. 75-82

[publication] Automated System Testing for a Learning Management System #ijet #research #tugraz

Our article about „Automated System Testing for a Learning Management System“ was published in the International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET).

Over the last years software development life-cycles have continuously been shortened and new releases are being deployed at a more and more frequent level. In order to ensure the quality of those releases, a strong shift towards automated testing at all testing levels has become noticeable throughout the software development industry. At system testing level, the scope of testing is the developed product as a whole, tested in a test environment that has a very close resemblance to the production system. Because of this system-wide scope and the many potential sources for failures, the implementation of automated tests at this level is challenging. Exhaustive testing is neither feasible nor maintainable, therefore proper designed test cases that cover important functionality are essential. Due to increasing laws and regulations on data protection and data privacy, proper management of test data used in automated testing is as important. This paper discusses how automated system tests for TeachCenter 3.0, Graz University of Technology’s learning management system, were implemented.

[full article @ journal’s homepage]
[full article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Kripser, L., Ebner, M., Ebner, M. (2020) Automated System Testing for a Learning Management System. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET). 15(24). pp. 89-100

[publication] Learning Analytics in der Schule – Anforderungen an Lehrerinnen und Lehrer #tugraz #LearningAnalytics

Unser Beitrag zu „Learning Analytics in der Schule – Anforderungen an Lehrerinnen und Lehrer“ wurden nun in einem tollen Buch über „Bildung und Digitalisierung“ publiziert.

Dieser Beitrag ermöglicht eine kurze Einführung in das Themenfeld Learning Analytics mit einem besonderen Blick auf den Schulunterricht. Heute erscheint es noch weit entfernt, bis derartige Anwendungen im deutschsprachigen Raum flächendeckend Fuß fassen können. Durch die voranschreitende Technologie werden jedoch solche Anwendungen und die Auseinandersetzung mit der Frage, inwieweit künstliche Intelligenz Aspekte der eigentlichen Lehre ergänzen und erset-zen kann, zunehmend zum Diskussionsgegenstand. Die vorliegende Publikation zielt darauf ab, Learning Analytics selbst und die damit verbundenen Herausforderungen zu definieren. Anschlie-ßend werden einige allgemeine Beispiele genannt, ehe auf zwei webbasierte Informationssysteme im Detail eingegangen wird-dem Einmaleins-Trainer und dem Programm zum Aufbau von Schreibkompetenz IDeRblog. Auf Basis der dort gewonnen Erkenntnisse und Erfahrungen werden drei wesentliche Anforderungen für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer abgleitet: statistische und digitale Kom-petenz sowie grundsätzliches Wissen im Bereich Datenschutz. Der Beitrag schließt mit der Frage, inwieweit diese zukünftig in die Lehrerbildung integriert werden können und müssen.

[Link Vorabzug @ ResearchGate]

Referenz: Ebner, M., Leitner, P., Ebner, M. (2020) Learning Analytics in der Schule – Anforderungen an Lehrerinnen und Lehrer. In: Bildung und Digitalisierung- Auf der Suche nach Kompetenzen und Performanzen. Trültzsch-Wijnen, C., Brandhofer, G. (Hrsg.). S. 255-272. Nomos. ISBN 978-3-8487-6538-6

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 16 / No. 1 #ijet #research

Issue 16(01) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Predicting Factors that Influence Students’ Learning Outcomes Using Learning Analytics in Online Learning Environment
  • Kaanbal: A Mobile Learning Platform Focused on Monitoring and Customization of Learning
  • Design and Application of an Improved Genetic Algorithm to a Class Scheduling System
  • Antecedents of Blackboard Adoption by Lecturers at a South African Higher Education Institution – Extending GETAMEL
  • Interactive Study of Multimedia and Virtual Technology in Art Education
  • Does Flipped Classroom Model Affect EFL Learners’ Anxiety in English Speaking Performance?
  • The Effect of Network Relational Structure on Knowledge Diffusion Learning: An Empirical Study
  • Postgraduate Training Performance Evaluation Applying Weighting and Comprehensive Fuzzy Evaluation Methods
  • Utilizing Text Mining and Feature-Sentiment-Pairs to Support Data-Driven Design Automation Massive Open Online Course
  • A Study on Digital Literacy Skills of Faculty of Letters Students: Use of University Library
  • Analysis of Blended Learning Model Application Using Text Mining Method
  • Formation of Legal Competence of Future Bachelors of Psychological and Pedagogical Education
  • Optimization Analysis and Implementation of Online Wisdom Teaching Mode in Cloud Classroom Based on Data Mining and Processing
  • Designing and Developing e-Assessment Delivery System Under IMS QTI ver.2.2 Specification
  • An Accent Marking Algorithm of English Conversion System Based on Morphological Rules
  • A Research-Oriented Teaching Model for Public Physical Education in Colleges Based on Extenics Theory
  • Influence of Teacher-Student Matching on Knowledge Innovation of College Students
  • Measurement and Evaluation of Collaborative Development Level of Higher Education
  • The Use of Electronic Educational Resources of The University as A Means of Increasing The Educational Motivation of Students

[Link to Issue 16/01]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me :-).

[publication] The Development and Implementation of Missing Tools and Procedures at the Interface of a University’s Learning Management System, its OER Repository and the Austrian OER Referatory #OER #tugraz


How to develop missing tools and processes when impementing an OER repository and connect it with the Austrian wide OERhub.at? We document and explain our work in our latest publication:

To enable broad access to education and generous use of educational resources, Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) also relies on Open Educational Resources (OER). This article describes the technological developments and processes that enable teachers at TU Graz to use their own learning management system (LMS) for the publication of OER. The article describes how interfaces and processes have marked educational resources of TU Graz with metadata to offer them to a broad public via the university’s own OER repository and via the Austrian OER portal of the University of Vienna. Only appropriately qualified lecturers at TU Graz are authorized to use the new OER plug-in. The article concludes with recommendations for projects in OER infrastructure implementations.