We did a small contribution to this year Language Learning conference, which happened as onlince conference, titled: „BY PUPILS FOR STUDENTS: EXPERIENCE WITH THE MOOC „TENSES EXPLAINED““

Usually, it is the university teachers who develop educational resources for their students. The development procedure presented in this article differs significantly from common processes: Students aged about 15 years (9th grade) were actively involved in the production of videos for a language learning MOOC, which is primarily aimed at university students. The article pursues the question of how and with what effects students were involved in the video production for a language MOOC. We systematically describe the background and processes of the development of the MOOC „Tenses Explained“ and the final result. The paper gives insights into the processes and activities of more than 600 participants so far through data from the MOOC platform MooX.at. In addition, the aim is to share the experience in the form of insights in processes as well lessons learned.

[full article @ HAL-archive]
[full article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Thomas Murr, Sandra Schön, Martin Ebner. BY PUPILS FOR STUDENTS: EXPERIENCE WITH THE MOOC „TENSES EXPLAINED“. MOOCs, Language learning and mobility, design, integration, reuse, Apr 2021, Online Conference, Italy. ⟨hal-03225981⟩

[publication] Diagnose leicht gemacht (Learning Analytics in der Schule) #LearningAnalytics #tugraz

Wir freuen uns, dass unser Beitrag zu Learning Analytics in der Schule nun veröffentlicht wurde:

Wenn digitale Informationssysteme im schulischen Kontext genutzt werden, entstehen auch Sammlungen von Daten zum Lernverhalten. Einige Anwendungen sammeln und analysieren diese Daten gezielt, um damit Lernende zu unterstützen. Das Forschungsfeld dazu heißt “Learning Analytics” und ist erst rund 10 Jahre alt (Leitner et al., 2019). In diesem Beitrag möchten wir zwei Anwendungen aus dem Schulkontext vorstellen, die Datenanalysen einsetzen um Lernfortschritte von Schüler/innen zu beobachten und Rückmeldung in Echtzeit zu geben (s. Ebner, Leitner, Ebner 2020). Wir nennen zudem Chancen und Herausforderungen von Learning Analytics im Schulkontext.

[Preprint @ ResearchGate]

Referenz: Schön, S., Ebner, M. (2021) Diagnose leicht gemacht. In: on. Lernen in der digitalen Welt. Schiefner-Rohs, M. & Aufenanger, S. (Betr.). Heft 5/2021 (Jg. 2). S. 10-11. ISSN: 2700-1091

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 16 / No. 11 #ijet #research

Issue 16(11) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Genetic Algorithm for Solving Multi-Objective Optimization in Examination Timetabling Problem
  • Impact of Using the Differentiated Instruction (DI) Strategy on Student Achievement in an Intermediate Stage Science Course
  • A Hadoop-Based Online Teaching Model of „VisibleBody“
  • Allocation Efficiency of Higher Education Resources in China
  • Evaluation of Factors Affecting Student Participation in Peer-Assisted English Learning Based on Online Education Platform
  • The Urgency of Digital Literacy for Generation Z Students in Chemistry Learning
  • Improving Academic Performance Through Blended Learning: The Case of Afghan Higher Education
  • Learning Management Systems in Academic and Corporate Distance Education
  • Digital Learning Games Scale (DLGS): A Scale Development Study
  • A Personalized English Learning Material Recommendation System Based on Knowledge Graph
  • Analysis and Design of an Online Data Collection Scheme Based on Campus Public Opinion Monitoring System
  • The Effect of Digital Technology Integration on Students’ Academic Performance through Project-Based Learning in an E-learning Environment
  • Convergent Publishing Workflow for Online Classes – Teaching Materials from Meta Formats
  • The Impact of Online Quizzes on Student Success
  • Transformation of the Educational Process within Online Technologies Implementation in the Period of the Global Crisis
  • Work with Gifted Young People: A Survey of Practices of the Leading Russian Universities
  • Ideas for Creation: A Comparison of the Learning Results of Three-Dimensional Images between Active Learning and Child-Centered Education of Product Design Students
  • Teachers’ Perception on the Benefits of Using Online Resources
  • Design of an Educational Virtual Assistant Software
  • Exploring the Feedback Quality of an Automated Writing Evaluation System Pigai

[Link to Issue 16/11]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me :-).

[publication] Learning Analytics as a Service for Empowered Learners: From Data Subjects to Controllers #LearningAnalytics #lak21

Our contribution to this year Learning Analytics Conference (LAK21) is about „Learning Analytics as a Service for Empowered Learners: From Data Subjects to Controllers„.

As Learning Analytics (LA) in the higher education setting increasingly transitions from a field of research to an implemented matter of fact of the learner’s experience, the demand of practical guidelines to support its development is rising. LA Policies bring together different perspectives, like the ethical and legal dimensions, into frameworks to guide the way. Usually the first time learners get in touch with LA is at the act of consenting to the LA tool. Utilising an ethical (TRUESSEC) and a legal framework (GDPR), we question whether sincere consent is possible in the higher education setting. Drawing upon this premise, we then show how it might be possible to recognise the autonomy of the learner by providing LA as a service, rather than an intervention. This could indicate a paradigm shift towards the learner as empowered demander. At last, we show how this might be incorporated within the GDPR by also recognising the demand of the higher education institutions to use the learner’s data at the same time. These considerations will in the future influence the development of our own LA policy: a LA criteria catalogue.

[article @ ResearchGate]
[article @ Journal’s Homepage]

Reference: Gosch, N., Andrews, D., Barreiros, C., Leitner, P., Staudegger, E., Ebner, M., Lindstaedt, S. (2021) Learning Analytics as a Service for Empowered Learners: From Data Subjects to Controllers. In LAK21: 11th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (LAK21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 475–481. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3448139.3448186

[publication] Systematische Förderung von offenen Bildungsressourcen an österreichischen Hochschulen mit OER-Policies #OER #tugraz #fnma

Im letzten fnma-Magazin haben wir einen kurzen Beitrag rund um die systematische Förderung von Open Educational Resources geht, indem wir die beiden OER-Policies der Universität Graz und der TU Graz beschreiben.

[Artikel @ ResearchGate]

Zitation: Schön, S., Ebner, M. & Kopp, M. (2021). Systematische Förderung von offenen Bildungsressourcen an österreichischen Hochschulen mit OER-Policies. In: fnma Magazin 01/2021, Themenschwerpunkt zu „Chatbots in der (Hochschul-)Lehre”, S. 7-10, DOI: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4688404

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 16 / No. 9 #ijet #research

Issue 16(09) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Acceptance and Assessment in Student Pair-Programming: A Case Study
  • Adaptive Training of the Mental Rotation Ability in an Immersive Virtual Environment
  • Learning in the COVID-19 Era: Higher Education Students and Faculty’s Experience with Emergency Distance Education
  • Universal Models and Platforms in E-Learning
  • A Hierarchical Learning Model based on Deep Learning and its Application in a SPOC and Flipped Classroom
  • The Science-Math Stories Based on Digital Learning: Digital Literacy Innovation in Increasing Ability to Solve Problems
  • The Impact of Social Network Sites on Students’ Psychological Problems
  • Teacher Training’s Needs in University Context: A Case Study of a Chilean University of Applied Sciences
  • Flipped Classroom in Higher Education: A Bibliometric Analysis and Proposal of a Framework for its Implementation
  • Blended Learning of Management Courses Based on Learning Behavior Analysis
  • Use of Data Mining Technologies in an English Online Test Results Management System
  • University Students’ Use and Perceptions of Telegram to Promote Effective Educational Interactions: A Qualitative Study
  • A Resource Recommendation Algorithm for Online English Learning Systems Based on Learning Ability Evaluation
  • An Improved Apriori Algorithm for Association Mining Between Physical Fitness Indices of College Students
  • Tactical Thinking and its Relationship with Solving Mathematical Problems Among Mathematics Department Students
  • Very Simple and Inexpensive System for Distance Learning with the Use of Chalkboard
  • Towards an Approach Based on Adjusted Genetic Algorithms to Improve the Quantity of Existing Data in the Context of Social Learning
  • Using Virtual Reality (VR) in Teaching Students with Dyslexia

[Link to Issue 16/09]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me :-).

[publication] Developing a Taxonomy Concerning Physical Existing Makerspaces in and Used by Schools #makereducation #makerspace

We are happy to announce that our article about „Developing a Taxonomy Concerning Physical Existing Makerspaces in and Used by Schools“ got published in the International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy.

This systematic literature review addresses strongly on makerspaces in schools. An evaluation of literature about their status-quo shows qualitative and quantitative knowledge gaps in the relatively new field of makerspaces in and used by schools according to infrastructure, funding, and administration. A taxonomy concerning physical existing makerspaces in schools and used by schools including parameters like location, responsibilities, financing, instructors, users, time restrictions, and feasible maker activities is developed. Two different electronic journal databases, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and ScienceDirect, acted as source for this literature review. Most of this existing literature concentrates on the educational maker activities and only some feature additional information like the physical space, the financing or else. Nonetheless, these rare findings suggest four main categories of real-world makerspaces used for educational pur-poses in schools: External makerspaces, school makerspaces, open makerspaces located in schools, and temporary (Pop-up) makerspaces. Furthermore, we identified the need for investigations on the question of open makerspaces located in schools and the financial and organizational structure to operate them.

[Full article @ ResearchGate]
[Full article @ Journal’s Homepage]

Reference: Sagbauer, N., Ebner, M. (2021) Developing a Taxonomy Concerning Physical Existing Makerspaces in and Used by Schools. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy 11(2), pp. 57-68

[publication] The Online Course as Initial Stage of a Course in Higher Education: Implementation and Evaluation of the Pre-MOOC Concept in a Technical Degree Course #mooc #imoox #research

Our publication about „The Online Course as Initial Stage of a Course in Higher Education: Implementation and Evaluation of the Pre-MOOC Concept in a Technical Degree Course“ got published in the International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJet).

In university teaching, a massive open online course (MOOC) is often regarded as an isolated online course, typically addressing a broad public of lifelong learners or future students. Nevertheless, some universities use MOOCs as a lecture for their students or use MOOCs as integrated part of their own lectures. In this study, we focus on a lecture concept called „Pre-MOOC“, where a MOOC is an obligative first part of a lecture in higher education, followed by lecture-part only open for own students and typically in presence. Therefore, we explore the current state of practices and research on Pre-MOOCs and describe our design-based research approach, the development of the MOOC and evaluation of its implementation in 2019. The article describes the instructional design process of the lecture in a master program of electrical engineering in which we used the instructional design model ADDIE. Finally, we will analyze the results of the evaluation with regard to the concept of a Pre-MOOC. Based on feedback from students and teachers, recommendations for designing a course with the Pre-MOOC design will be provided and implications as well limitations of the study will be discussed.

[article @ ResearchGate]
[article @ Journal’s homepage]

Reference: Braun, C., Ebner, M., Fickert, L., Schön, S. (2021) The Online Course as Initial Stage of a Course in Higher Education: Implementation and Evaluation of the Pre- MOOC Concept in a Technical Degree Course. In: International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJet). 16(6). pp. 245-258

[publication] Digital gestütztes Lernen in der Erwachsenenbildung – wo liegt die Innovation? #tugraz #research #mooc

Mit Sandra Schön habe ich mir im Sommer Gedanken zu Innovationen beim digital gestützten Lerrnen in der Erwachsenenbildung gemacht:

Seit rund 30 Jahren spielen digitale Technologien eine wichtig werdende und wandelnde Rolle bei ihrer Nutzung und Auswirkung auf die österreichische Erwachsenenbildung. Nach einem kurzen Überblick über die Entwicklungen und Auswirkungen beschreibt der Beitrag zunächst Innovationen der Erwachsenenbildung durch Digitalisierung. Hier wird unter anderem auf MOOCs (kurz für Englisch: „massive open online course“) eingegangen und das Konzept des Inverse Blended Learnings sowie die erfolgreiche Umsetzung für die EBmooc-Umsetzungen präsentiert. Im Anschluss werden wichtige Herausforderungen der Erwachsenenbildung benannt, insbesondere die Herausforderung von Ungleichheiten und herausfordernde Unterschiede beim digitalen Basiswissen zwischen den Geschlechtern in Österreich. Der Beitrag schließt mit einem Appell zur aktiven Mitgestaltung zukünftiger Entwicklungen der traditionellen Erwachsenenbildungseinrichtungen auf dem Bildungsmarkt der (zukünftigen) Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten.

Schön S., Ebner M. (2021). Digital gestütztes Lernen in der Erwachsenenbildung – wo liegt die Innovation? In: Egger R., Härtel P. (eds) Bildung für alle?. Lernweltforschung, vol 36. Springer VS, Wiesbaden, pp. 231-252, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-31054-7_12;, Preliminary Version: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/349444475_Digital_gestutztes_Lernen_in_der_Erwachsenenbildung_-_wo_liegt_die_Innovation;

Book Project: Learning with Technologies in Learning #cfp #elearning #research #springer

There is a new book project we would like to invite interested authors named „Learning with Technologies in Learning

In six sections (see sections’ calls for chapters), this edited volume aims to contribute to the discussion about how to agree upon standards to design and organize learning with technologies, how to streamline future developments using online delivery, multimedia content as well as machine learning in educational settings in higher education and respective institutions, and how to put respective measures for quality assurance and validation processes into practice. This work will present a rich resource for contemporary and future design considerations in technology supported higher education.

We plan to publish this book in the first half of 2022 in Springer publishing house (Cham). At this point, we are in negotiations about the book with the publisher and expect a final decision by and contract signing with Springer by mid-April. Nevertheless, not to lose time, we start our work already now and invite you to participate with your valued knowledge and experience by submitting an abstract:

– Call for Paper publication: March 31, 2021
– Chapter manuscript proposals due (2-page abstract): April 30, 2021
– Feedback and manuscript invitation (pending publisher decision): May 15, 2021
Full chapter manuscripts due: September 15, 2021
– Notification of reviewers’ feedback: October 15, 2021
– Final chapter manuscript submission: October 29, 2021
– Notification of final decision: November 15, 2021
– Expected publication date: First half 2022

Find here the final call for contributions:
[Call for book chapter proposals]