[publication] Dezentral bereitstellen – zentral finden. Zur Umsetzung hochschulübergreifender OER-Angebote #oer #oeaa

Im Rahmen der OER-Konferenz gab es noch einen weiteren Beitrag von uns zu „Dezentral bereitstellen – zentral finden. Zur Umsetzung hochschulübergreifender OER-Angebote“. Hier beschreiben wir erstmals die technische Komponente des Projekts im Open Education Austria Projekt.

Um OER nutzen zu können, müssen sie gefunden werden. Dieser Beitrag beschreibt eine Lösung für den österreichischen Hochschulraum durch die Zusammenführung von lokalen Hochschul-OER-Repositorien.

[Beitrag @ ReserachGate]

Referenz: Gröblinger, O., Ganguly, R., Hack, C., Ebner, M., Kopp, M. (2021). Dezentral bereitstellen – zentral finden. Zur Umsetzung hochschulübergreifender OER-Angebote. In: Cinzia Gabellini, Sabrina Gallner, Franziska Imboden, Maaike Kuurstra und Peter Tremp (Hrsg.) Lehrentwicklung by Openness – Open Educational Resources im Hochschulkontext, Luzern: Pädagogische Hochschule Luzern, S. 39-44, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5004445

[publication] The relation of prior IT usage, IT skills and field of study: A multiple correspondence analysis of first-year students at a University of Technology #edil21 #tugraz #research

Our contribuation to this year ED-Media 2021 conference about „The relation of prior IT usage, IT skills and field of study: A multiple correspondence analysis of first-year students at a University of Technology“ got published. The slides are already here online.

Starting from the question of whether the students in the different fields of study differ in terms of several variables related to IT and learning with IT, namely their general extent of IT usage, the extent of IT usage for learning, the IT skills of the students, their participation in online courses, if they learned coding basics at school and the extent of IT usage in class at school, a multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) was chosen to find answers. The MCA resulted in four clusters of fields of study. The inclusion of the variables in the biplot shows that for one dimension the IT skills of the students are crucial, and for the second dimension a further variable, the type of school added as supplementary points, explains the differences between subjects. Finally, the article discusses that these insights might change drastically – especially due to the changed conditions of first-year students with regard to their experiences with the use of IT in learning as a result of the school closures during COVID-19 pandemic. The data for this analysis come from the survey of first-year students at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) in 2020 (N=955) which is subjected to a secondary analysis in this article.

[article @ learntechlib]
[preprint @ ResearchGate]

Refrence: Mair, B., Ebner, M., Nagler, W., Edelsbrunner, S. & Schön, S. (2021). The relation of prior IT usage, IT skills and field of study: A multiple correspondence analysis of first-year students at a University of Technology. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 304-312). United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved August 15, 2021 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/219673/.

[publication] Learning Analytics – Didaktischer Benefit zur Verbesserung von Lehr-Lernprozessen? Implikationen aus dem Einsatz von Learning Analytics im Hochschulkontext #LearningAnalytics

Unser Beitrag zu „Learning Analytics – Didaktischer Benefit zur Verbesserung von Lehr-Lernprozessen? Implikationen aus dem Einsatz von Learning Analytics im Hochschulkontext“ ist nun in der neuesten Ausgabe der bwp@ Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik – online erschienen

Die Zunahme an digitalen Lernsettings führt zu einer Fülle an verfügbaren Daten zu Lehr- Lernprozessen. Gleichzeitig stellt die Interpretation dieser Daten die Akteurinnen und Akteure vor neue Herausforderungen. Learning Analytics umfassen die Aggregation und Interpretation von Lernendendaten mit dem Ziel, Lehr-Lernprozesse zu verbessern. Im Zentrum dieses Beitrages stehen die Implikationen, welche der Einsatz von Learning Analytics im Hochschulkontext mit sich bringt, exemplifiziert anhand der Implementierung in einem konkreten Forschungsprojekt. In einem ersten Schritt erfolgt eine literaturbasierte Aufarbeitung des didaktischen Potenzials aus dem Blickwinkel der Lernenden, Lehrenden sowie des Inhalts und des Learning Designs. Anhand einer qualitativen und quantitativen Begleitforschung eines aktuellen Projektes werden anschließend didaktische Implikationen für den Einsatz von Learning Analytics im Hochschulkontext abgeleitet. Deutlich wird, dass das in der Literatur verortete didaktische Potenzial auch in dieser Implementation zutage tritt, jedoch Learning Analytics gleichzeitig auch erhöhte Anforderungen an Lehrende und Lernende stellt.

[full article @ ResearchGate]
[full article @ journal Homepage]

Referenz: Lipp, S./Dreisiebner, G./Leitner, P./Ebner, M./Kopp, M./Stock, M. (2021): Learning Analytics – Didaktischer Benefit zur Verbesserung von Lehr-Lernprozessen? Implikationen aus dem Einsatz von Learning Analytics im Hochschulkontext. In: bwp@ Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik – online, Ausgabe 40, 1-31. Online: https://www.bwpat.de/ausgabe40/lipp_etal_bwpat40.pdf

[publication] University Innovation Report 2021 #tugraz #innovation

Ein Teil der Digitalisierungsstrategie der TU Graz ist auch, dass wir Innovationen aus der Forschung an der TU Graz selbst erproben und etablieren wollen. Das ist kein leichtes Unterfangen, denn der Weg von einem Prototypen zu einem flächendeckenden Service ist durchaus lange. Dennoch haben wir es versucht und über einen TEL-Marketplace realisiert. Das alles wurde nun zusammengefasst im „University Innovation Report“ 🙂

Der University Innovation Report ist der Wegweiser, um schnell erste Informationen einzuholen, direkt zu den digitalen Innovationen aus Lehre, Verwaltung und Forschung der TU Graz zu gelangen und mit den Methoden und Events des Marketplace die Universität von morgen mitzugestalten.

[Report (full text) @ Research Gate]

Referenz: Dennerlein, S. M., Sluga, P., Maitz, K., Ebner, M., Ebner, M., Veider, T., Pammer-Schindler, V. (2021) University Innovation Report 2021. Technische Universität Graz http://dx.doi.org/10.3217/978-3-85125-834-9


Mit diesem Beitrag dürfen wir uns in die Weihnachtspause 2021 verabschieden und wünschen allen ein ruhiges, entspannedes Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Rutsch ins Jahr 2022. Viel Gesundheit im nächsten Jahr und wir freuen uns, wenn wir auch 2022 einen kleinen Teil dazu beitragen können, dass sich die digitale Lehre an den Hochschulen weiterentwickelt.

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 16 / No. 21 #ijet #research

Issue 16(21) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • A Proposed Architecture of an Intelligent System for Assessing the Student’s UML Class Diagram
  • From the Music Learning Process to its Effective Design
  • Object-Based Trace Model for Automatic Indicator Computation in the Human Learning Environments
  • Automatic Recommendation System of College English Teaching Videos Based on Students’ Personalized Demands
  • Students’ Perceptions of Online Lecture Delivery Modes: Higher Education During Covid-19 Pandemic and Beyond
  • An Empirical Study on the Effect and Quality of Situational English Teaching
  • Evaluation Criteria for Quality Education of Physical Education Lessons Based on Logical Analysis
  • The Student-centered STEM Learning Model Based on Artificial Intelligence Project: A Case Study on Intelligent Car
  • Remote Academic Platforms in Times of a Pandemic
  • Digital Technologies for Heritage Teaching: Trend Analysis in New Realities
  • Application of Project-Driven Teaching in College English Class
  • Development Strategies for Higher Education Institutions Based on the Cultivation of Core Competitiveness
  • E-Learning Recommendation System for Big Data Based on Cloud Computing
  • Online Education and Engineering Students‘ Perception of Pedagogical Quality, in Learning the Process Control Course with MATLAB
  • Ideals and Virtual Realities
  • Development of a Set of Requirements for the Hardware and Software of LMS Services of the University
  • Modification of the Role of a Teacher Under the Conditions of Distance Learning

[Link to Issue 16/21]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me :-).

[publication] Change of IT equipment and communication applications used by first-semester students from 2011 to 2020 and possible effects of the COVID-19 pandemic: Analysis of a long-term #tugraz #research #edil21

Our contribuation to this year ED-Media 2021 conference about „Change of IT equipment and communication applications used by first-semester students from 2011 to 2020 and possible effects of the COVID-19 pandemic: Analysis of a long-term“ got published. The slides are already here online.

The technical equipment of first-year students and their preferred communication applications are changing. This paper presents the two latest, unpublished surveys of first-year students at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) from 2019 (N=824) and 2020 (N=955) and compares the results concerning devices and applications with the results of the surveys conducted since 2011. The analysis shows that laptops, desktop computers and smartphones are among the most important and widespread multifunctional devices, while the MP3 player in particular or the social media application Facebook have lost most of their former importance. The increasing importance of photo-based social media applications, first and foremost Instagram, is striking. If comparing the data from 2019 to those from 2020, the first academic year start that took place within the COVID-19 pandemic, the same applies to the use of Facebook and Facebook Messenger, which now only have the same minor significance as Telegram, Signal, Skype, or others. Concerning effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the equipment and communication tools used, the authors see a major impact on the prevalence of portable powerpacks.

[article @ learntechlib]
[preprint @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Nagler, W., Mair, B., Ebner, M., Edelsbrunner, S. & Schön, S. (2021). Change of IT equipment and communication applications used by first-semester students from 2011 to 2020 and possible effects of the COVID-19 pandemic: Analysis of a long-term survey. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 107-114). United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved August 15, 2021 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/219645/.

[publication] Effects of Remote Learning on Practitioner Integration #tugraz #research #edil21

Our contribuation to this year ED-Media 2021 conference about „Effects of Remote Learning on Practitioner Integration“ got published. The slides are already here online.

The widespread inclusion of experts and practitioners in educational settings to teach and collaboratively learn can help alleviate a multitude of systemic problems. A new, inclusive path to teach youth the skills needed to utilise the problem solving approach named computational thinking is explored in this case study. During 2020 remote learning became ubiquitous and after a successful face to face workshop the consequences of a virtual environment were evaluated. This publication answers three questions based on an action research approach: What effect has remote learning on practitioner integration? What learning outcomes does a flipped classroom approach lead to? What lessons can be learned for a post-social-distancing world? Data was gathered during an expert driven virtual workshop, in an Austrian technical school with predominantly male students aged 17 to 18 (K-12). Analysis revealed the benefits of remote expert integration as relatively little overhead can establish practical knowledge and differentiated perspectives in an almost uninterrupted virtual workflow. The integration of practitioners should be made possible within virtual environments to minimise distraction and overhead if applicable. Despite its clear benefits a blended environment with additional face to face settings led to more interaction and excitement from the learners. Easy access to experts and practitioners is key to offer young people the tools necessary to face the challenges of the future.

[draft @ ResearchGate]
[final publication @ learntechlib]

Reference: Pollak, M., Sagbauer, N.N. & Ebner, M. (2021). Effects of Remote Learning on Practitioner Integration. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 389-400). United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved July 28, 2021 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/219684/

[publication] Speech-based Learning with Amazon Alexa #tugraz #research #edil21

Our contribuation to this year ED-Media 2021 conference about „Speech-based Learning with Amazon Alexa“ got published. The slides are already here online.

Almost every child and adult today have access to the Internet and different technologies like smartphones, tablets and co. Scientists recognized this very quickly and started to create a whole new way of learning. Therefore, learning applications have been developed to increase student and adult interest in studying and training. This paper describes the development of a speech-based Alexa Skill for educational purposes. The main goal is to help students as well as adults to learn and train mathematical basic calculation types. The skill was designed in a way that young students as well as adults can interact with Alexa in their own words. Therefore, the skill „Mathe Rätsel“ (Eng.: „Math riddle“) offers two difficulties to meet the needs of young and old users.

[draft @ ResearchGate]
[article @ proceeding’s homepage]

Reference: Weiss, M., Ebner, M. & Ebner, M. (2021). Speech-based Learning with Amazon Alexa. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 156-163). United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved July 27, 2021 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/219651/.

[publication] School Start Screening Tool #edil21 #research #app

Our contribuation to this year ED-Media 2021 conference about „School Start Screening Tool“ got published. The slides are already here online.

This paper concentrates on the implementation of a new screening method in Austrian schools to assess children and find out if they have any special educational needs in educational areas like phonology, counting, knowledge of letters and numbers and others. The underlying structure of the assignments was developed by developmental psychologists from the University of Graz and the University of Vienna and then implemented as a mobile application for Android tablets. For testing and evaluation purposes, the app’s prototype was first used voluntary by multiple Austrian schools. Furthermore, the mobile application had to be fully functional when offline as well as a central web application had to be developed to give the developmental psychologists access to the screening results. However, the main goal was to develop the application in a way that especially children without sufficient skills in reading and writing are able to understand the assignment’s tasks and to perform input.

[Draft @ ResearchGate]
[article @ LearnTechLib]

Reference: Krassnig, P., Ebner, M. & Ebner, M. (2021). School Start Screening Tool. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 213-226). United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved July 26, 2021 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/219660/.

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 16 / No. 16 #ijet #research

Issue 16(16) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Evaluating Feasibility and Effectiveness of Digital Game-Based Instructional Technology
  • A Blended Grammar Learning System Featuring Unsupervised Pattern Discovery
  • Simple Technology is an Improved Solution for a Post-Pandemic Informative System: A Reference Model
  • An Intelligent Assessment System of Teaching Competency for Pre-service Teachers Based on AHP-BP Method
  • Influence of Entrepreneurship Education on Employment Quality and Employment Willingness
  • Development of Students‘ Pedagogical Abilities through Socio-Psychological Training
  • Pedagogical Mediation and Complexity. A Perspective on the Training of Economists
  • Comprehensive Application of Spatial and Reasoned Thinking in Physical Education
  • A New Music Teaching Mode Based on Computer Automatic Matching Technology
  • Research in the Classroom: The Teaching of Economics and Gamification
  • Web-Based Learning Under Tacit Mining of Various Data Sources
  • Adopting A New Hybrid Force Model: A Survey During Covid-19 In Indian Higher Education
  • Integrating the Webinar as a Tool to Support Adult Training: A Case Study on the Training for Entrepreneurs of SMEs in Thailand
  • Testing an Immersive Virtual Environment for Decreasing Intergroup Anxiety among University Students: An Interpersonal Perspective
  • The Digital Educational Environment: The Problem of Its Accessibility for Visually Impaired Students
  • Using Serious Games and Video Materials in Clinical Training in Nursing and Midwifery Education
  • Virtualization of Teaching and Learning of Engineering Students and its Impact on Self-Perception of Attitude Acquisition, in the Context of COVID-19
  • Applying Collaborative Learning for Enhancing the Teaching-Learning Process in Online Learning through Social Media

[Link to Issue 16/16]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me :-).