[publication] Professor YouTube and Their Interactive Colleagues How Enhanced Videos and Online Courses Change the Way of Learning #youtube #tugraz #research #edil19 #digitalnatives

Our publication about „Professor YouTube and Their Interactive Colleagues How Enhanced Videos and Online Courses Change the Way of Learning“ at this year ED-Media conference in Amsterdam is online available:

Although, videos for teaching and learning have been established for many years, transferring of knowledge has changed tremendously within the past decade. Students increasingly consume learning content via videos. In this context, the triumph of YouTube in becoming a main source for learning is astonishing. In combination with an increasing use of online courses, videos however, also need to be focused from a didactical perspective. This fact is one out of a couple of interesting results from 2018’s survey amongst first-year students of Graz University of Technology. This survey focuses on the student’s IT preferences and competence; it has been executed annually since 2007. Based on more than 9500 datasets, this long-term survey records changes in ownership of students‘ IT equipment, IT driven communicative behavior, and use of apps as well as social media services over a period of twelve years. One further remarkable result is the very clear rejection of Facebook. Currently, even SMS is more frequently used than Facebook. Thus, it can be stated that Facebook is no longer a major platform for first-year students.

[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Nagler, W., Haas, M., Schön, M. & Ebner, M. (2019). Professor YouTube and Their Interactive Colleagues How Enhanced Videos and Online Courses Change the Way of Learning. In J. Theo Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 641-650). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

[publication] Effects of a Mathematical Bridging Course #MOOC #imoox #MatheFit

Our contribution about „Effects of a Mathematical Bridging Course“ to this year eMOOCs conference in Naples got published now:

The secondary to tertiary transition is generally considered as problematic. Thereby, especially mathematics is a significant barrier for students of universities. The reasons are diverse and occur not least because of the changes in the school curriculum caused by the centralised school leaving examination. Subsequently, many universities and academies in the European area provide various approaches to work against the widely spread issue. In 2018, a free accessible online bridging courses for mathematics was designed by Graz University of Technology. The course is provided on the iMooX platform 1 and represents a form of technology-enhanced learning. The aim is to optimise the design of the course considering the needs of freshmen and freshwomen. Following the active course period, course participants take part in evaluations. The outcomes are investigated, which represents the empirical part of the paper. The online course receives positive feedback. As a consequence, it is recommended to continue the course offer within the next few years.

[Full article @ ResearchGate]

[Conference Proceeding eMOOCs 2019]

Reference: Reich, S., Ebner, M., Ebner, M. (2019) Effects of a Mathematical Bridging Course. Proceedings of EMOOCs conference, pp. 197-202, Naples (Italy)

[publication] Conception of a Conversational Interface to Provide a Guided Search of Study Related Data #chatbot

Our research about „Conception of a Conversational Interface to Provide a Guided Search of Study Related Data“ got published in the International Journal of Emerging Technologies.


Since the beginning of software development, solution approaches and technolo-gies have changed massively, including the requirements for a user interface. At the very beginning, it was the desktop application, with a classic Graphical User Interface (GUI), which fulfilled the needs of a user. Nowadays, many applica-tions moved to web respectively mobile and the user behavior changed. A very modern concept to handle the communication between a computer and a user is a chatbot. The range of functions of a chatbot can be very simple up to complex ar-tificial intelligence based solutions. This publication focuses on a chatbot solution for Graz University of Technology (TU Graz), which should support the student by finding study related information via a conversational interface.

[Full Article @ Journal’s Homepage]

[Full Article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Berger, R., Ebner, M. & Ebner, M. (2019) Conception of a Conversational Interface to Provide a Guided Search of Study Related Data. International Journal of Emerging Technologies (i-JET). 14(7). pp. 37-47

[publication] Experiences with a MOOC-platform — Who are our learners and what do they think about MOOCs? #research #MOOC #emoocs #imoox

Our contribution about „Experiences with a MOOC-platform — Who are our learners and what do they think about MOOCs?“ to this year eMOOCs conference in Naples got published now:

iMooX, the first and currently only Austrian MOOC platform, has been hosting xMOOCs since 2014. Directly after the start a survey of the first three MOOCs was conducted and published in 2015. In the meantime, the MOOC platform contains more than 45 courses and serves many thousands of learners. Therefore, we are investigating, if there is a change towards the learners themselves, their expectations and experiences regarding learning with MOOCs as well as with the platform. Using the exact same survey as years before it can be shown that there are little changes in the right directions or maybe it can be concluded that learning with MOOCs became more common to a broader public, at least in the academic world.

[Full article @ ResearchGate]

[Conference Proceeding eMOOCs 2019]

Reference: Leitner, P., Ebner, M. (2019) Experiences with a MOOC-platform — Who are our learners and what do they think about MOOCs?. Proceedings of Work in Progress Papers of the Research, Experience and Business Tracks at EMOOCs 2019co-located with the (European MOOCs Stakeholders Submmit 2019) Conference. pp 163-168. Naples, Italy

[publication] Influential factors for technology-enhanced learning: professionals’ views #tugraz #research

Our publication about „Influential factors for technology-enhanced learning: professionals’ views“ got published in the Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching &Learning.


The literature includes several studies that define different critical success factors (CSF) which have to be considered to support the implementation of technology-enhanced learning (TEL) approaches. An analysis of such studies revealed that (1) regional differences seem to determine the CSF for TEL approaches, (2) certain CSF are relevant for TEL approaches in general, and (3) professionals in higher education determine which influential factors they consider when implementing TEL approaches. Thus, the question arises: in general, which influential factors do professionals in Austrian and German institutions of higher education actually consider when implementing TEL approaches?

The study is a quantitative research approach based on survey data.

The results show that certain influential factors seem to be generally important, such as the factors of respecting learning success or motivation. However, the outcome of the study also indicated that different moderating variables like experiences and personal relevance affect the professionals’ choices.

The originality and value are in the approach to identify generally important influential factors for the implementation of TEL approaches in Austrian and German institutions of higher education.

[Article @ Journal’s Homepage]

[Article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Schweighofer, P., Weitlaner, D., Ebner, M., Rothe, H. (2019) Influential factors fortechnology-enhanced learning: professionals’ views. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching &Learning, https://doi.org/10.1108/JRIT-09-2017-0023

[publication] Learning Analytics Cockpit for MOOC Platforms #imoox #LearningAnalytics

Our article about an important extension for iMooX titled „Learning Analytics Cockpit for MOOC Platforms“ got publishes now. Enjoy reading 🙂

Within the sector of education, Learning Analytics (LA) has become an interdisciplinary field aiming to support learners and teachers in their learning process. Most standard tools available for Learning Analytics in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) do not cater to the individual’s conception of where Learning Analytics should provide them with insights and important key figures. We propose a prototype of a highly configurable and customizable Learning Analytics Cockpit for MOOC-platforms. The ultimate goal of the cockpit is to support administrators, researchers, and especially teachers in evaluating the engagement of course participants within a MOOC. Furthermore, comparing learner’s individual activity to course wide average scores should enhance the self-assessment of students, motivate their participation, and boost completion rates. Therefore, several metrics were defined which represent and aggregate learner’s activity. From this predefined list, stakeholders can customize the cockpit by choosing from multiple visualization widgets. Although, the current prototype focuses only on a minimal group of stakeholders, namely administrators and researchers. Therefore, it is designed in a modular, highly configurable and customizable way to ensure future extensibility. It can be strongly carried out that customization is integral to deepen the understanding of Learning Analytic tools and represented metrics, to enhance the student’s learning progress.

[Article @ Book’s Homepage]

[Draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Maier, K., Leitner, P., & Ebner, M. (2019). „Learning Analytics Cockpit for MOOC Platforms“. In Emerging Trends in Learning Analytics. Leiden, Niederlande: Brill | Sense. doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004399273_014

[publication] Why Will Technology Enhanced Language Learning be Essential for Pupils? #LearningAnalytics

Our publication about „Why Will Technology Enhanced Language Learning be Essential for Pupils?“ got published in the Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology.

The availability of personal digital devices in schools and at home are offering new ways of engaging students in the area of language learning. In this publication, we present a new approach on writing and blogging for children aged 8 to 12 years, which is especially helpful for those who struggle with the acquisition of German orthography. On a web-based platform the pupils can write essays and blog them later on. Combined with learning analytics methods we offer individualized feedback during the process of writing and a training database with appropriate exercises to support the students‘ autonomous learning.

[Article @ Journal’s Homepage]

[Article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner, M., Ebner, M., Edtstadler, K. (2019) Why Will Technology Enhanced Language Learning be Essential for Pupils?. Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology. 2019/1. pp. 14-17

[publication] Bildung im digitalen Zeitalter #nbb18 #tugraz

Es freut mich, dass ich bereits zum zweiten Mal am nationalen Bildungsbericht mitwirken durfte und meine Expertise im Bereich Digitalisierung der Hochschule, informatische Grundbildung, digitale Kompetenzen, Learning Analytics, Maker Education und Robotics einbringen konnte. Auch das Theme LehrerInnenbildung liegt mir natürlich sehr am Herzen. Also zusammen mit meinen Co-AutorInnen ist ein wohl sehr umfassender Beitrag entstanden, der lesenswert ist 🙂


Dieser Beitrag widmet sich der Frage, wie sich Bildung unter den Bedingungen der Digitalität verändert. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf der Leitfrage, welche Kompetenzen Schüler/innen im Laufe ihrer Schulbildung erwerben sollen, um in einer Gesellschaft, die sich unter dem Einfluss von Prozessen der Digitalisierung kontinuierlich verändert, selbstbestimmt mündig agieren und diese aktiv mitgestalten zu können. Damit verbunden sind Fragen der (Neu-)Organisation des Unterrichts mit Blick auf den Fächerkanon, den Einsatz digitaler Medien, das Lernen mit und über digitale Medien im Unterricht und Fragen der Steuerung von Projekten zur Schulentwicklung.


[Beitrag @ ResearchGate]

Zitation: Brandhofer, G., Baumgartner, P., Ebner, M., Köberer, N., Trültzsch-Wijnen, C, Wiesner, C. (2019) Bildung im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung. Nationaler Bildungsbericht 2018. Bd. 2, S. 307 – 362. doi:10.17888/nbb2018-2-8

[article] Virtuelle Lernorte: eine Übersicht #VirtualLearningEnvironment

Ich durfte einen kurzen Artikel bei der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung zu „Virtuelle Lernorte: eine Übersicht“ verfassen. Dieser ist nun frei zugänglich.


Learning-Management-System, MOOC, immersive Lernumgebung – alles schon einmal gehört, aber nie so richtig verstanden? Martin Ebner liefert einen Überblick über verschiedene Formen virtueller Lernorte.

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Zitation: Ebner, M. (2019) Virtuelle Lernorte: eine Übersicht. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. 2019

[publication] Inverse Blended Learning – a didactical concept for MOOCs and its positive effects on dropout-rates #mooc #imoox

We are very happy to announce that our chapter on „Inverse Blended Learning – a didactical concept for MOOCs and its positive effects on dropout-rates“ is published 🙂


Massive Open Online Courses, shortly MOOS, are one important trend of technology-enhanced learning of the last years. In this contribution we introduce a new didactical approach that we call „inverse blended learning“ (IBL). Whereas „blended learning“ is the enrichment of traditional learning settings through online inputs or phases, the IBL approach aims to enhance a pure online course with additional offline meetings for exchange and practising. Within two case studies the concept was tested and evaluated. The research study points out that the typical high dropout rate for MOOCs decreased arbitrarily. Therefore we recommend introducing the didactical approach of inverse blended learning in future MOOCs, if applicable.

[Link to the book]

[Link to draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner, M., Schön, S. (2019) Inverse Blended Learning – a didactical concept for MOOCs and ist positive effects on dropout-rates. In: The Impact of MOOCs on Distance Education in Malaysia and Beyond. Ally, M., Amin Embi, M., Norman, H. (eds.). Routledge. ISBN 9780367026615