[publication] Inverse Blended Learning – a didactical concept for MOOCs and its positive effects on dropout-rates #mooc #imoox

We are very happy to announce that our chapter on “Inverse Blended Learning – a didactical concept for MOOCs and its positive effects on dropout-rates” is published 🙂


Massive Open Online Courses, shortly MOOS, are one important trend of technology-enhanced learning of the last years. In this contribution we introduce a new didactical approach that we call “inverse blended learning” (IBL). Whereas “blended learning” is the enrichment of traditional learning settings through online inputs or phases, the IBL approach aims to enhance a pure online course with additional offline meetings for exchange and practising. Within two case studies the concept was tested and evaluated. The research study points out that the typical high dropout rate for MOOCs decreased arbitrarily. Therefore we recommend introducing the didactical approach of inverse blended learning in future MOOCs, if applicable.

[Link to the book]

[Link to draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner, M., Schön, S. (2019) Inverse Blended Learning – a didactical concept for MOOCs and ist positive effects on dropout-rates. In: The Impact of MOOCs on Distance Education in Malaysia and Beyond. Ally, M., Amin Embi, M., Norman, H. (eds.). Routledge. ISBN 9780367026615

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