[publication] Playing a Game in Civil Engineering

Our this year publication on “Playing a Game in Civil Engineering” at ICL 2011 conference is now online available as Draft version. The slides were already published here.

The goal of our research work was to find out whether in-depth learning of complex theoretical engineering knowledge at higher education level could be improved by the use of online games. In this context we addressed the research question to what extent online games contribute to the students learnin goutcome. The corresponding online game was used for the first time during a lecture on Structural Analysis at bachelor’s level with 159 students of the third semester. We used a pre-/post-testdesign with questionnaires and an independent online tracking. As a result we can point out that playing the game did not increase the learning outcome per se and the didactical scenario should be reconsidered. Nevertheless, the usage of the game for learning purposes was underlined by the oral feedback given which says that students enjoyed playing the game more than learning in a traditional way.

Playing a Game in Civil Engineering The Internal Force Master for Structural Analysis

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Reference: Zechner, J.; Ebner, M. (2011), Playing a Game in Civil Engineering. – in: 14th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2011) ̶ 11th International Conference Virtual University (vu’11). (2011), S. 417 – 422

[publication] A Qualitative Approach towards Discovering Microblogging Practices of Scientists

Our this year publication on “A Qualitative Approach towards Discovering Microblogging Practices of Scientists” for ICL 2011 conference is now online avaible as Draft version. The slides were already published here.

Although Microblogging (for instance Twitter) is still rather young compared to other traditional weblogging services there already exists quite a number of studies on itsusage. The majority of scholars dealing with this topic have chosen a quantitative approach focusing on different aspects such as publishing patterns, follower patterns, publishing practices, etc. However, there are less qualitative evidence and case studies on how Twitter is used by adults in their personal working practices. This paper presents a qualitative approach of discovering microblogging practices and obtaining rich descriptions of few cases that give a deeper insight into how Twitter isused by scientists and how this practice shapes their social networks. The methodological approach is based on online ethnographic studies. ThereforeGrabeeter, a tool for collecting all public tweets of a person in various formats, hasbeen adapted in order to obtain the data appropriate for a qualitative analysis following a grounded theory approach. After an analysis of the current state-of-the-art we will outline an approach for a more qualitative analysis that focuses on discovering tacit aspects of microblogging practices such as value or purpose. Finally some initial results from four individual cases will be discussed. This work presentsthe initial phase of a detailed qualitative approach towards exploring microblogging practices of scientists.

A Qualitative Approach towards Discovering Microblogging Practices of Scientists

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Reference: Ebner, M.; Kieslinger, B. (2011), A Qualitative Approach towards Discovering Microblogging Practices of Scientists, – in: 14th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2011) ̶ 11th International Conference Virtual University (vu’11). (2011), p. 51 – 57

[publication] The Integration of Aspects of Geo-Tagging and Microblogging in m-Learning

Our article on “The Integration of Aspects of Geo-Tagging and Microblogging in m-Learning” is now published in the book “Media in the Ubiquitous Era: Ambient, Social and Gaming Media“. A draft version of the article is online available:

The recent years have shown the remarkable potential use of Web 2.0 technologies in education, especially within the context of informallearning. The use of Wikis for collaborative work is one example for the application of this theory. Further, the support of learning in fieldsof education, which are strongly based on location-dependent information, may also benefit from Web 2.0 techniques, such as Geo-Tagging and m-Learning, allowing in turn learning in-the-field. This chapter presents first developments on the combination of these threeconcepts into a geospatial Wiki for higher education, TUGeoWiki. Our solution proposal supports mobile scenarios where textual data andimages are managed and retrieved in-the-field
as well as some desktop scenarios in the context of collaborative e-Learning . Within this scope, technical restrictions might arise while adding and updating textual data via the collaborative interface, and this can be cumbersomein mobile scenarios. To solve this bottleneck, we integrated another popular Web 2.0 technique into our solution approach, Microblogging.Thus, the information pushed via short messages from mobile clients or microblogging tools to our m-Learning environment enables thecreation of Wiki-Micropages as basis for subsequent collaborative learning scenarios.

The Integration of Aspects of Geo-Tagging and Microblogging in m-Learning

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Reference: Safran, C., Garcia-Barrios, V. M., & Ebner, M. (2012). The Integration of Aspects of Geo-Tagging and Microblogging in m-Learning. In Lugmayr, A., Franssila, H., Näränen, P., Sotamaa, O., Vanhala, J., & Yu, Z. (Eds.), Media in the Ubiquitous Era: Ambient, Social and Gaming Media. (pp. 95-110). doi:10.4018/978-1-60960-774-6.ch005

[publication] Semantically driven Social Data Aggregation Interfaces for Research 2.0

At this year iKNOW’11 conference we did a publication on “Semantically driven Social Data Aggregation Interfaces for Research 2.0” and explained our research efforts on Semantic Social Media by developing a browser for finding out similar person of interest.
First the presentation:

Semantically Driven Social Data Aggregation Interfaces for Research 2.0

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We propose a framework to address an important issue in thecontext of the ongoing adoption of the “Web 2.0” in science and research, often referred to as “Science 2.0” or “Research 2.0”. Agrowing number of people are linked via acquaintances and onlinesocial networks such as Twitter allows indirect access to a hugeamount of ideas. These ideas are contained in a massive humaninformation flow. That users of these networks producerelevant data is being shown in many studies. The problem however lies in discovering and verifying such a streamof unstructured data items. Another related problem is locating anexpert that could provide an answer to a very specific researchquestion. We are using semantic technologies (RDF, SPARQL3) ,common vocabularies (SIOC, FOAF, SWRC) and Linked Data(DBpedia, GeoNames, CoLinDa) to extract and minethe data about scientific events out of context of microblogs. Hereby we are identifying persons and organization related tothem based on entities of time, place and topic. The framework provides an API that allows quick access to the information that isanalyzed by our system. As a proof-of-concept we explain, implement and evaluate such a researcher profiling use case. It involves the development of a framework that focuses on the proposition of researches based on topics and conferences theyhave in common. This framework provides an API that allow quick access to the analyzed information. A demonstrationapplication: “Researcher Affinity Browser” shows how the APIsupports developers to build rich internet applications for Research 2.0. This application also introduces the concept“affinity” that exposes the implicit proximity between entities andusers based on the content users produced. The usability of ademonstration application and the usefulness of the framework itself are investigated with an explicit evaluation questionnaire.This user feedback led to important conclusions about successfulachievements and opportunities to further improve this effort.

Semantically driven Social Data Aggregation Interfaces for Research 2.0

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Reference: De Vocht, L.; Selver, S.; Ebner, M.; Mühlburger, H. (2011) Semantically driven Social Data AggregationInterfaces for Research 2.0. – in: 11th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies (2011), S. 43:1 -43:10, International Conference on Knowledge Management (iKNow), ACM New York

[publication] Der Wert und die Finanzierung von freien Bildungsressourcen

Bei der diesjährigen GeNeMe 2011 Tagung die ein Teil der Wissensgemeinschaften 2011 Veranstaltung sind, haben wir einen Beitrag zu offenen Bildungsressourcen (am Beispiel L3T) geschrieben und die Frage gestellt, was sind diese denn eigenlich wert bzw. wie könnte ein Erlösmodell aussehen. Die Präsentation ist bereits online [Link].

Es kann zusammenfassend festgehalten werden, dass die Finanzierung von OER durchaus eine große Herausforderung darstellt. Wenn nicht auf entsprechendeFördergeber zurückgegriffen werden kann, die ein konkretes Ziel damit verfolgen,ist die Erstellung solcher zumeist von ehrenamtlichen Engagement getragen unddie Finanzierung schwer kalkulierbar. Dieser Beitrag zeigte auf, welche Möglichkeiten bestehen, OER nachhaltig zu sichern, kann aber auch nur darauf verweisen, dass diese Modelle von der Gesellschaft anerkannt und getragenwerden müssen. Erst wenn das Bewusstsein, dass eine frei zugängliche Ressourceauch einen Wert hat, geschärft ist und Einzelpersonen sowie Unternehmen dieVerteilung und Anerkennung im World Wide Web erkennen, kann OER zu dengewünschten Effekten einer öffentlichen Bildungsinitiative führen.

Der Wert und die Finanzierung von freien Bildungsressourcen

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Referenz: Schön, S.; Ebner, M.; Lienhardt, C. (2011) Der Wert und dieFinanzierung von freien Bildungsressourcen. – in: Virtual Enterprises, Communities &Social Networks, S. 239 – 250

[publication] Mit Vielen offene Bildungsressourcen erstellen

Bei der diesjährigen GMW 2011 Tagung die ein Teil der Wissensgemeinschaften 2011 Veranstaltung sind, präsentierten wir auch L3T. Die Präsentation ist bereits [hier] online.

Das Internet verändert die Möglichkeiten des Lernen und Lehrens und auch die Ar- beitsweise von Wissenschaftler/innen und Lehrenden. Frei zugängliche Lernmate-rialien zu erstellen, zu modifizieren und in der Lehre einzusetzen ist eine Konse-quenz aus technischen Möglichkeiten und Veränderungen der Wahrnehmung und Nutzung der Möglichkeiten des Teilens und Tauschens im Bereich der Bildung.Am Beispiel des Lehrbuchprojektes „Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Techno-logien“ (L3T) wird in diesem Beitrag aus Perspektive der Initiatoren davon berich-tet, wie sich solche neuen Formen und Wege gestalten (können) und welche Erfah-rungen damit gemacht wurden. Dazu wird das Projekt L3T mit drei derzeit neuarti-gen Formen von Initiativen verglichen: (a) mit Initiativen zu offenen Bildungsres-sourcen, (b) mit Crowd-Sourcing-Initiativen und (c) mit offenen Bildungsinitiati-ven

Mit Vielen offene Bildungsressourcen erstellen: Neue Wege der Erstellung von Lehrbüchern am Beispiel L3T

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Reference: Ebner, M.; Schön (aka Schaffert), S., (2011) Mit Vielen offeneBildungsressourcen erstellen: Neue Weger der Erstellung von Lehrbüchern am Beispiel L3T.- in: Wissensgemeinschaften / Digitale Medien – Öffnung und Offenheit in Forschung undLehre. (2011), S. 21 – 35

[publication] EduPunks and Learning Management Systems – Conflict or Chance?

Our publication for this year ICHL 2011 conference on “EduPunks and Learning Management Systems – Conflict or Chance?” is now online available. The Slides are already published here.

The term Edupunk coined by Jim Groom defines a do-it-yourself concept of using the most recent Web tools available for teaching, instead of relying only on commercial learning platforms – it is the information, the content, the knowledge which matters. Technology itself does not make education valuable per se, it is the creation of individual knowledge which is of paramount importance. However, today, so much free technology is available, which can be used as hands-on tools to enhance learning and teaching of students. However, in this article, we demonstrate that such issues can also be included in a large university wide LMS, which has been developed at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) during the last years. The development was initiated by the necessity to emphasize and implement three crucial factors for learning: communication, active participation and social interaction. We assess the potential of current Web 2.0 technologies for implementing such factors. We show that the development process was not technology driven; on the contrary, end user requirements of all end user groups engaged into university learning (students, teachers and administrators) were thoroughly investigated and mapped onto functional components of the LMS. Finally, we provide an overview of the platform functionalities with an emphasis on Web 2.0 elements and EduPunk concepts.

EduPunks and Learning Management Systems – Conflict or Chance?

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Reference: Ebner, M.; Scerbakov, N.; Tsang, P. .; Holzinger, A. (2011). EduPunks and Learning Management Systems – Conflict or Chance?. Pro- ceedings of International Conference on Hybrid Learning IHCL 2011. Springer Lec- ture Notes in Computer Sciences LNCS 6837. p. 224 – 238

[publication] Is the iPhone a Ubiquitous Learning Device? A First Step Towards Digital Lecture Notes

Our contribution “Is the iPhone a Ubiquitous Learning Device? A First Step Towards Digital Lecture Notes” to the book “Ubiquitous Learning – Strategies for Pedagogy, Course Design and Technology” is now published and as draft version online available.

Computing conquers to mobile devices very quickly. Students are among the first to adopt to it even accelerate this progress. This opens new possibilities for teachers to reach and interact with their students but also increases the amount of information a learner has to cope with. This paper describes the idea and prototypical implementation of a method to use the Web and digital devices to ease the digitalization of lecture notes and thus accessibility of information gathered in the course of learning.

Is the iPhone a Ubiquitous Learning Device? A First Step Towards Digital Lecture Notes

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Reference: Ebner, M., Billicsich, T. (2011). Is the iPhone a Ubiquitious Learning Device? A First Step Towards Digital Lecture Notes. Kidd, T. T. & Chen, I. (Ed.). Ubiquitous Learning Strategies for Pedagogy, Course Design and Technology. Information Age Publishing. p. 137-151

[publication] The World of Widgets – An Important Step towards a Personalised Learning Environment

Our publication at this year PLE Conference in Southampton about “The World of Widgets – An Important Step towards a Personalised Learning Environment” is now online available. The slides have already been published here.

The learning environment of the future must be more individualised and personalised – for years this is one of the international demands in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) and teaching. Since fall 2010 Graz University of Technology provides a Personal Learning Environment (PLE) based on mashup of widgets connecting various web applications. The publication aims to give a first demonstration of the way these PLE widgets can be converted to run on all common desktop Operating Systems (OS) to increase the range for individualisation of learning activities. After a short introduction we present an overview about the possibilities of the PLE-converter, discuss the working prototype and conclude with an answer to the question of an online framework for the widgets as well as desktop variants for usual operating systems.

The World of Widgets – An Important Step towards a Personalised Learning Environment

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Reference: Taraghi, Behnam and Ebner, Martin and Altmann, Thomas (2011) The World of Widgets – An Important Step towards a Personalised Learning Environment. pp. 1-8. In: Proceedings of the The PLE Conference 2011, 12-14 July, University of Southampton. https://journal.webscience.org/650/

[publication] Lehrbuch einmal anders

Unser Artikel über L3T in der Zeitschrift Wirtschaft & Berufserziehung über “Lehrbuch einmal anders – Das frei zugängliche Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien” ist als Entwurfsversion nun online verfügbar.

Seit Februar 2011 gibt es mit dem „Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien“ ein neues und auch neuartiges Lehrbuch für Studierende und Lehrende im Bereich des technologiegestützten Lernens. Es unterscheidet sich in den Themen und der Aufbereitung der Texte von den vorhandenen Sammelwerken und Büchern des deutschsprachigen Angebots. Hinzu kommt, dass es sich nicht um ein traditionelles Lehrbuch handelt: Alle Kapitel sind kostenlos im Web zugänglich (via https://l3t.eu), auch in mobilen Varianten und durch ein weiteres zusätzliches Angebot ergänzt. Schließlich wurden auch bei der Entstehung des Lehrbuchs bekannte Pfade verlassen. In diesem Beitrag berichten die Initiatoren und Herausgeber des Lehrwerks über seine Inhalte, die Zugangsmöglichkeiten sowie seine Entstehung.

Lehrbuch einmal anders – Das frei zugängliche “Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien”

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Zitation: Ebner, Martin & Schön, Sandra (2011). Lehrbuch einmal anders. Das frei zugängliche “Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien”. In: W & B. Wirtschaft und Berufserziehung. Zeitschrift für Berufsbildung und Berufspolitik. Juli 2011, 63. Jahrgang, S. 14-19.