[publication] E-Learning at Graz University of Technology – From Research to Practice

Im TU Graz weiten Journal „TU Graz research“ sind wir mit einem Kurzbeitrag in der Ausgabe 01/2011 vertreten. Der Artikel ist in zwei Sprachen (englisch/deutsch) abgedruckt:

E-Learning an der TU Graz – Von der Forschung in die Praxis als Gesamtstrategie / E-Learning at Graz Univer…

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Reference: Ebner, M. (2011) E-Learning an der TU Graz – Von der Forschung in die Praxis als Gesamtstrategie, TU Graz research 01/2011, TU Graz, p. 36-39

[publication] Survival of the Fittest – Utilization of Natural selection Mechanisms for Improving PLE

Our publication on „Survival of the Fittest – Utilization of Natural selection Mechanisms for Improving PLE“ at EFEPLE11 Workshop in France is now online available – the slides you will find here.

In the current ongoing work we propose the use of tracking and feedback mechanisms in order to improve our Personal Learning Environment (PLE), officially launched in October 2010. The approach can be seen as a necessary prerequisite similar to the darwinistic model of evolution. This means the implemented widgets will be improved (variation) and removed (selection) according to the observations. This paper will describe the backgrounds, methods and some details of the technical implementation.

Survival of the Fittest – Utilization of Natural Selection Mechanisms for Improving PLE

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Reference: Taraghi, B., Stickel, C., Ebner, M. (2011) Survival of the Fittest – Utilization of Natural selection Mechanisms for Improving PLE, 1st Workshop on Exploring the Fitness and Evolvability of Personal Learning Environments (EFEPLE’11), Held at the 2nd STELLAR Alpine Rendez‐Vous (ARV) in the French Alps, March 27‐31

[publication] L3T assits m-Learning

Our publication about „L3T assists m-Learning“ at Mobile learning: Crossing boundaries in convergent environments Conference in Bremen ist now onine available.

L3T is a project founded by two researchers of Technology Enhanced Learning in April 2010 with the goal to establish a book for learning and teaching with technologies, short e- Learning. Due to the fact that publishing a book in a traditional way is not appropriate for a Web 2.0 community the project integrates from the very first beginning different Social Media channels like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc. as well as provides different possibilities for access via mobile phones. In this publication we give a short overview about the mobile Learning Strategy im more detail how we are able to ensure that all chapters of the book can be read with modern smartphones like iPhone or Android phones by developed appropriate Apps. Furthermore an iPad App gives insight in the possibilities of providing chapters as innovative and interactive eBooks.

L3T assists m-Learning

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Reference: Ebner, M., Schön, S. (2011) L3T assits m-Learning, Rummler, K., Seipold, J., Lübcke, E., Pachler, N., Attwell, G. (Ed.), Mobile learning: Crossing boundaries in convergent environments conference, Bremen, 2011, p. 69-21

[l3t] Einführung – Das Themenfeld „Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien“

Ich möchte nun nach und nach einzelne Kapitel unseres Lehrbuchs „Lernen und Lernen mit Technologien“ an denen ich selbst mitgearbeitet habe hier vorstellen. Am Beginn steht das aller-, aller-, allererste Kapitel – die Einführung. Wir haben hier versucht die Begrifflichkeiten wie technologiegestütztes Lernen, E-Learning bis hin zu Web 2.0 darzulegen und auch das große interdisziplinäre Feld des Fachgebietes darzustellen.
Besonders hinweisen möchte ich auf die im Kapitel vorkommende Barbecue-­Typologie mit der wir versuchen die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten des Technologieeinsatzes zu benennen. Angefangen vom technologiefreien Präsenzunterricht, über das Blended Learning Szenario bis hin zur reinen Online-Lehre soll diese Metapher zeigen wie Facettenreich Technologie verwendet werden kann um den Unterricht zu bereichern. [Link zum Beitrag]

Dieser Beitrag stellt einen ersten Einstieg in das Themengebiet des Lernens und Lehrens mit Technologien dar. Was wird eigentlich darunter verstanden? Als zentrale Begriffe werden das technologiegestützte Lernen und Lehren (engl. „technology-enhanced learning“), E-Learning sowie das Lernen mit neuen Medien erklärt. Auch wird in die pädagogischen Grundbegriffe aus dem Bereich des Lernens und Lehrens sowie in Lerntechnologien eingeführt. Weil das Themen- und Forschungsfeld des technologiegestützten Lernens und Lehrens interdisziplinär ist, werden die wichtigsten Zugänge vorgestellt. Die zunehmende Zahl an Lehrstühlen, Forschungseinrichtungen und Studiengängen werden als Indizien für eine Konsolidierung des Themenfelds als Forschungsgebiet interpretiert. Die gebotene Kürze verhindert eine ausführliche Diskussion, insbesondere der Grundbegriffe. Deshalb möchten wir darauf hinweisen, dass wir hier nur ausgewählte Zugänge und Meinungen präsentieren können.

Referenz: Ebner, M., Schön, S., Nalger, W., (2010), Einführung – Das Themenfeld „Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien“, In: Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien, Ebner, M., Schön, S. (Hrsg), https://l3t.eu

[publication] Open Education Resources als Lifelong-Learning-Strategie

Unser Beitrag für das Buch „The Lifelong Learning University“ über „Open Educational Resources als Lifelong-Learning-Strategie am Beispiel der TU Graz“ ist nun erschienen.

Der Zugang zu offenen Bildungsressourcen – Open Educational Resources (OER) – wird in der heutigen Zeit viel diskutiert, angestrebt und auch eingefordert. Dieser Beitrag widmet sich dem Thema aus Sicht einer Universität und unter dem Gesichtspunkt der für sie geltenden spezifischen Rahmenbedingungen. Auf Basis eines Modells wird gezeigt, welche Maßnahmen an der Technischen Universität Graz getroffen werden und welche Ziele dahinter stehen. Eine kurze Darstellung bereits durchgeführter Aktivitäten rundet den Beitrag ab.

Reference: Ebner, M., Stöckler-Penz, C. (2011) Open Educational Resources als Lifelong-Learning-Strategie am Beispiel der TU Graz, Tomaschek, N., Gornik, E. (Hrsg.), The Lifelong Learning University, Waxmann, Oldenburg, S. 53-60

[publication] iPhone/iPad Human Interface Design

Our workshop proposal on „iPhone/iPad Human Interface Design“ held at the 6th Symposium (USAB 2010) of the Workgroup HCI&UE of the Austrian Computer Society in Carinthia (Southern Austria) is now online. The slides are already available here and also a short video summary.


In this tutorial, we will present the Human Interface Guidelines for both iPhone and iPad and offer hands-on experience in designing user interfaces for these devices. We will also discuss how to integrate the guidelines in higher education and give examples from our lecture on iPhone application development. The goal of the tutorial is to provide the participants with a basic understanding of the iPhone Human Interface Guidelines and enable them to review and design iPhone apps according to the standards.

Reference: Ebner, M.; Kolbitsch, J.; Stickel, C. (2010) iPhone / iPad Human Interface Design. – in: Human-Computer Interaction in Work & Learning, Life & Leisure, pp. 489 – 492

[publication] The XAOS Metric – Understanding Visual Complexity as measure of usability

Our publication about „The XAOS Metric – Understanding Visual Complexity as measure of usability“ held at the 6th Symposium (USAB 2010) of the Workgroup HCI&UE of the Austrian Computer Society in Carinthia (Southern Austria). The slides are already available here.


The visual complexity of an interface is a crucial factor for usability, since it influences the cognitive load and forms expectations about the subjacent software or system. In this paper we propose a novel method that uses entropy, structure and functions, to calculate the visual complexity of a website. Our method is evaluated against a well known approach of using the file size of color jpeg images for determining visual complexity. Both methods were applied on a dataset consisting of images of 30 different websites. These websites were also evaluated with a web survey. We found a strong correlation for both methods on subjective ratings of visual complexity and structure. This suggests both methods to be reliable for determination of visual complexity.

Reference:Stickel, C.; Ebner, M.; Holzinger, A. (2010) The XAOS Metric: Understanding Visual Complexity as measure of usability. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 6389. – in: Human-Computer Interaction in Work & Learning, Life & Leisure, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 6389., pp. 278 – 290

[publication] A Simple MVC Framework for Widget Development

Our publication on ”A Simple MVC Framework for Widget Development” for this year ECTEL-Conference is now online. Slides have been already published here.

The great advantage of a Rich Internet Application (RIA) is the improved performance, since a great part of the processing can be done on the client-side rather than the server-side. For many web-based RIAs JavaScript (JS) is the most common programming language as it is popular as a script language for browsers. While server-side programming languages have the advantages of object oriented programming paradigm, JS bases on objects with a specific object literal notation. Using design architectures such as Model View Controller (MVC) in JS reduces the code complexity and allows semi-parallel application development. It causes an easier and much less time-consuming development on further extensions of RIAs. Web-based widgets are actually RIAs. In this paper a very simple design pattern for widget development is introduced that bases on MVC design architecture. The pattern has been applied during the development phase of widgets for the Personal Learning Environment (PLE) at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) and
is mostly appropriate for students and RIA developers who have beginner knowledge/experience in JS programming.

Reference: Taraghi, B.; Ebner, M. (2010) A Simple MVC Framework for Widget Development. – in: Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Mashup Personal Learning Environments (MUPPLE10), S. 1 – 8

[publication] @twitter Try out #Grabeeter to Export, Archive and Search Your Tweets

Our publication on „@twitter Try out #Grabeeter to Export, Archive and Search Your Tweets“ for this year Research 2.0 Workshop at ECTEL Conference is now online available. The slides you will find here.

The microblogging platform Twitter is beside Facebook the fastest growing social networking application of the last years. It is used in different ways, e.g. to enhance events (conferences) by sending updates, hyperlinks or other data as a news-stream to a broader public. Until now the stream ends with the end of the event. In this publication a new application is introduced that allows information retrieval and knowledge discovery by searching through local stored tweets related to a corresponding event. The architecture of the prototype is described as well as how the data is being accessed by a web application and a local client. It can be stated that making tweets available after the end of an event, enhances the way we deal with information in future.

Reference: Mühlburger, H.; Ebner, M.; Taraghi, B., (2010) @twitter Try out #Grabeeter to Export, Archive and Search Your Tweets. – in: Research 2.0 approaches to TEL. (2010), S. 76 – 85, Workshop Proceeding, ECTEL 2010, [Link]

[publication] All I need to know about Twitter in Education I learned in Kindergarten

Our publication at this year World Computer Congress about „All I need to know about Twitter in Education I learned in Kindergarten“ is now online as draft version available.

Share everything.
Play fair.
Don’t hit people.
Put things back where you found them.
Clean up your own mess.
Don’t take things that aren’t yours.
Say you’re sorry when you hurt somebody.
Wash your hands before you eat.
Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.
Live a balanced life – learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.
Take a nap every afternoon.
When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands and stick together.
Be aware of wonder.

Reference: Reinhardt, W., Wheeler, S., Ebner, M. (2010), All I need to know about Twitter in Education I learned in Kindergarten, N. Reynolds and M. Turcsányi-Szabó (Eds.): KCKS 2010, IFIP AICT 324, pp. 322–332, 2010