[publication] Distance Learning and Assistance Using Smart Glasses #tugraz #smartglass #AugmentedReality

Our newest research on „Distance Learning and Assistance Using Smart Glasses“ got published within a special issue, called „Challenges and Future Trends of Distance Learning„.


With the everyday growth of technology, new possibilities arise to support activities of everyday life. In education and training, more and more digital learning materials are emerging, but there is still room for improvement. This research study describes the implementation of a smart glasses app and infrastructure to support distance learning with WebRTC. The instructor is connected to the learner by a video streaming session and gets the live video stream from the learner’s smart glasses from the learner’s point of view. Additionally, the instructor can draw on the video to add context-aware information. The drawings are immediately sent to the learner to support him to solve a task. The prototype has been qualitatively evaluated by a test user who performed a fine-motor-skills task and a maintenance task under assistance of the remote instructor.

[Full Article @ Education Science Journal]

[Full Article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Spitzer, M.; Nanic, I.; Ebner, M. Distance Learning and Assistance Using Smart Glasses. Educ. Sci. 2018, 8, 21.

[publication] 360 DEGREE VIDEOS WITHIN A CLIMBING MOOC #imoox #research

Our publication at this year CELDA 2017 conference titled „360 DEGREE VIDEOS WITHIN A CLIMBING MOOC“ is now online available.


In this research study a course, combining both computer-supported and face-to-face teaching using the concept of blended learning, has been designed. It is a beginners climbing course called „Klettern mit 360° Videos“ (climbing with 360° videos) and the online part has been implemented as a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). This research study presents the background of the course, the course concept, the course itself and the results of the evaluation. To measure the difference between the pure online participants and the blended learning participants the MOOC has been evaluated independently from the blended learning course. It should be mentioned that all participants (whether pure online or both) evaluated the course in a positive manner. The use of technology enhanced learning realized by the concept of blended learning proved to be a well-suited method for this course setting. Furthermore, many advantages of computer based learning, blended learning and 360°-videos have been reported by the participants.

[Full Paper @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Gänsluckner, M., Ebner, M., & Kamrat, I. (2017). 360 Degree Videos Within a Climbing MOOC. 14th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2017). D. G. Sampson, J. Spector, D. Ifenthaler, & P. Isaías (Eds.). IADIS Press. pp. 43-50. ISBN: 978-989-8533-68-5

[presentation] 360 Degree Videos Within a Climbing MOOC #imoox #research

Markus presented our research results titled „360 Degree Videos Within a Climbing MOOC“ at this year CELDA conference in Portugal. Here are his slides:

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[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 12 / No. 07 #ijet #research

Issue 12(07) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Multimedia Teaching Platform Design for Urban Planning Course Based on Information Entropy
  • Exploration of An Open Online Learning Platform Based on Google Cloud Computing
  • An Online Interaction Mode for International Trade Practice Course under Network Environment
  • Design and Analysis of Online Micro-course of Garden Architecture Design Based on CPC Model
  • Mobile Teaching of Digital Mapping Based on the WeChat Official Account Admin Platform
  • Construction of Multimedia Teaching Platform for Community Nursing Based on Teaching Resource Library Technology
  • Mobile Multimedia Classroom Construction for Rhythmic Gymnastics Based on APT Teaching Model
  • Design of 3D Animation Special Effects in Animation 3D Modeling Teaching Based on QFD Theory
  • Construction of xAPI-based Multimedia Interaction Technology in Architectural Design Teaching
  • Teaching Mode of Mechanical Design Course based on Simulation Analysis Technology
  • Application of Practical Curriculum for College Specialty of Economic Management under TPACK Framework – Taking “Enterprise Operation and Decision Simulation System” Curriculum as an Example
  • Research on Teaching Method of Mold Course Based on CAD/CAE/CAM Technology
  • Investigation and Analysis of College Students‘ Cognition in Science and Technology Competitions
  • Construction of Interactive Teaching System for Exercise Training Based on Education Video Resource Push Technology
  • Exploring the Convergence of the Mobile Learning Mode in Network Environment and the Traditional Classroom Teaching Mode

[Link to Issue 12/07]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me :-).

[vocast] On Using Interactivity to Monitor the Attendance of Students at Learning-Videos #tugraz #research #edmedia

Because we are not able to attend the ED-Media conference 2017 in Washington this year, we are doing our presentations virtually. The last of four talks is about „On Using Interactivity to Monitor the Attendance of Students at Learning-Videos„:


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[vodcast] From the Idea to a Finished LEGO® Technic Artifact, Assembled by Using Smart Glasses #tugraz #research #edmedia

Because we are not able to attend the ED-Media conference 2017 in Washington this year, we are doing our presentations virtually. The third of four talks is about „From the Idea to a Finished LEGO® Technic Artifact, Assembled by Using Smart Glasses„:


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[vodcast] Mobile, Social, Smart and Media Driven – The Way Academic Net-Generation Has Changed Within Ten Years #research #tugraz

Because we are not able to attend the ED-Media conference 2017 in Washington this year, we are doing our presentations virtually. The first of four talks is about „Mobile, Social, Smart and Media Driven – The Way Academic Net-Generation Has Changed Within Ten Years„:


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[publication] A case study on narrative structures in instructional MOOC designs #mooc #imoox

Our publication about „A case study on narrative structures in instructional MOOC designs“ has been published in the Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning.


The purpose of this paper is to share the lessons learned in implementing specific design patterns within the “Dr Internet” massive open online course (MOOC).

MOOCs are boasting considerable participant numbers, but also suffer from declining participant activity and low completion rates. Learning analytics results from earlier xMOOCs indicate that this might be alleviated by certain instructional design patterns – critical aspects include shorter course duration, narrative structures with suspense peaks, and a course schedule that is diversified and stimulating. To evaluate their impact on retention, the authors have tried to implement these patterns in the design of the “Dr Internet” MOOC.

Statistical results from the first run of the case study MOOC do not indicate any strong influences of these design patterns on the retention rate.

Research limitations/implications
With inconclusive statistical results from this case study, more research with higher participant numbers is needed to gain insight on the effectiveness of these design patterns in MOOCs. When interpreting retention outcomes, other influencing factors (course content, pacing, timing, etc.) need to be taken into account.

This publication reports about a case study MOOC and gives practical hints for further research.

[Link to final publication @ Journal Homepage]

[Link to final publication @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Elke Höfler, Claudia Zimmermann, Martin Ebner, (2017) „A case study on narrative structures in instructional MOOC designs“, Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning, Vol. 10 Iss: 1, pp.48 – 62

[CallForPapers] Learning Analytics in primary, secondary and higher education #CfP #LearningAnalytics

Together with my colleague I like to call for submissions on the topic „Learning Analytics„. The contributions will appear as Special Issue of the Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning that is an open access journal published by Emerald Publishing Services.
Please consider to send us a scientific contribution on 28th April 2017 at latest, if the following sounds interesting and meet your research interests as well:

This special issue focuses on these research dimensions and aims to foster discussion on both individual impact of these dimensions and the interdependencies. Suggested topics will include, but are not limited to, the following concerning learning analytics in primary and secondary education (K-12):

  • Big data learning analytics
  • Learning process analytics
  • Learning analytics in institutional effectiveness
  • Semantic technologies in learning analytics
  • Learning analytics in mobile and/or ubiquitous learning
  • Learning analytics with the help of virtual reality/wearable technologies
  • Visualizations in learning analytics
  • Learning analytics in schools and beyond
  • Dashboards for self-regulated learning
  • Use of open badges for certification
  • Formative assessment
  • Educational data mining
  • Process mining

Here you will find the detailed Call for Paper (CfP).

Follow the project on ResearchGate!

[publication] ResXplorer: Revealing relations between resources for researchers in the Web of Data #science #tugraz

Our publication about „ResXplorer: Revealing relations between resources for researchers in the Web of Data“ is now online available – enjoy the results of a very increasing research field.


Recent developments on sharing research results and ideas on the Web, such as research collaboration platforms like Mendeley or ResearchGate, enable novel ways to explore research information. Current search interfaces in this field focus mostly on narrowing down the search scope through faceted search, keyword matching, or filtering. The interactive visual aspect and the focus on exploring relationships between items in the results has not sufficiently been addressed before. To facilitate this exploration, we developed ResXplorer, a search interface that interactively visualizes linked data of research-related sources. By visualizing resources such as conferences, publications and proceedings, we reveal relationships between researchers and those resources. We evaluate our search interface by measuring how it affects the search productivity of targeted lean users. Furthermore, expert users reviewed its information retrieval potential and compared it against both popular academic search engines and highly specialized academic search interfaces. The results indicate how well lean users perceive the system and expert users rate it for its main goal: revealing relationships between resources for researchers.

[Link to full arcticle @ Journal Homepage]

[Link to full article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: De Vocht, L., Softic, S., Verborgh, R., Mannens, E., Ebner, M. (2016) ResXplorer: Revealing relations between resources for researchers in the Web of Data. Computer Science and Information Systems. (doi:10.2298/CSIS151028031D)