[publication] Digital Learning during COVID-19. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Distance Learning at Universities in Austria #covid19 #edmedia #research

At this year’s EDMedia conference in Brussels we published a paper titled “Digital Learning during COVID-19. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Distance Learning at Universities in Austria“.

The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected universities in Austria, leading to a rapid shift to distance learning. This study analyzed 59 surveys conducted between March 2020 and October 2021. The quality of distance learning varies among universities and lecturers. Effective communication and access to information along with an appropriate workload for online teaching are key aspects. Adequate examination dates, seats, and time to complete courses are necessary. Students appreciated video recordings and some examination formats but preferred face-to-face exams in the future. This shows that online teaching is useful as a complement but not in itself. Using blended and hybrid learning methods can preserve the identified advantages.

[article @ conference homepage]
[article @ researchgate]

Reference: Brünner, B., Findenig, K. & Ebner, M.(2024). Digital Learning during COVID-19. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Distance Learning at Universities in Austria. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 980-988). Brussels, Belgium: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). https://learntechlib.org/primary/p/224617/

[publication] A Mobile Application for School Children Controlled by External Bluetooth Devices #research #tugraz #TEL

Our publication about “A Mobile Application for School Children Controlled by External Bluetooth Devices” got published in the new issue of the International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM).


The didactic method of digital, game-based learning includes integrating educational content or learning standards into video games with the objective to engage pupils. The method combines instructional content with computer or video games and can be used with all subjects and at all ability levels. Exponents of digital game-based learning argue that it provides learning opportunities which involve learners in interactive teaching and encourages them to take part in the technological society of the 21st century. The necessity of digital, game-based learning arose in the last decades of the 20th century as world-wide improvements in innovation took place. Today’s learners live their lives with easy access to technology. This paper discusses the need for, motivation for and adjustment of digital, game-based learning to meet the needs of contemporary and the future generations of learners. Specifically, a game prototype for pupils of 9 to 10 years of age was implemented and evaluated. A simple mathematical game was created to help children practice mathematical skills in a fun, logical, thoughtful, enjoyable, amusing and light-hearted way. The results of the evaluation showed that children were interested in using mobile devices to learn mathematics, and especially the multiplication table. During the study, children tried both to achieve positive results and enjoyed the game. Our findings indicate that using mobile-based games encourages a positive mental outlook in pupils toward mathematics, ensures their dynamic, noteworthy participation and supports the acquisition of mathematical knowledge.

[Article @ ResearchGate]

[Article @ Journal’s Homepage]

Reference: Maloku, V., Ebner, M., Ebner, M. (2018) A Mobile Application for School Children Controlled by External Bluetooth Devices. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies. 12(5). 81-96 ISSN: 1865-7923

[publication] Mobile Phones and Learning Perceptions of Austrian Students, aged 11 to 14 Years

Our publication about “Mobile Phones and Learning Perceptions of Austrian Students, aged 11 to 14 Years” at this year ED-Media conference is now online available. The presentation slides have been published right here.


This article aims to report on the findings of a study of perception for using mobile phones for learning in Austria. Surveys were conducted to examine the ownership and usage of mobile phones of eight to 14 year old pupils. Findings indicate that gathered data show a lack of perceptions for benefits of mobile phones for learning. Issues based on the research in 2013 and 2014 are discussed with regard to demands and challenges for education. Using their own mobile phones for various learning activities could build a bridge between students’ practice in everyday life and school learning, and developing indispensable 21 st century skills.

[Full publication @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Grimus, M. & Ebner, M. (2016). Mobile Phones and Learning – Perceptions of Austrian Students aged from 11 to 14 Years. In Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2016 (pp. 106-115). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

[presentation] Mobile Phones and Learning Perceptions of Austrian Students, aged 11 to 14 Years #edmediaconf #tugraz

Our presentation at this year ED-Media Conference in Vancouver about “Mobile Phones and Learning – Perceptions of Austrian Students, aged 11 to 14 Years” is now online available. Here are the slides:

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[master] Interaktive Lernvideos im Mathematikunterricht #tugraz

Im Rahmen seiner Diplomarbeit hat Michael die Möglichkeiten von LIVE untersucht und den Mathematikunterricht mit Videos begleitet, welche Interaktionsmöglichkeiten hatten. Die Folien zu seiner Verteidigung sind hier zugänglich:

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[publication] Use of Learning-Analytics-Applications in Mathematic with Elementary Learners #LearningAnalytics

Our paper about “Use of Learning-Analytics-Applications in Mathematic with Elementary Learners” got published in the International Journal of Academic Research in Education.

This paper describes a study about the use of learning analytical applications in everyday school life. The research study took place in an Austrian secondary school during the mathematics courses. The subjects of the courses were the four basic arithmetical operations in the set of the natural numbers. All together two mathematics classes with 46 children at the age of 10 to 11 participated in this study. The aim was to test the usefulness of mathematics trainers, developed by the University of Technology in Graz, under real conditions. Therefore, one of the classes was determined as the experimental group, which studied with the mathematics trainers. The other class was set as the control group. This class operated with traditional exercise sheets. A pre-test and post-test control-group study indicated that the use of mathematics trainers does not decrease learning outcomes, but it points out other benefits during the whole learning arrangement. These advantages include error analysis, time saving in comparing the homework and enjoying the work with the trainers.

[Link to full article]

Reference: Ebner, M. & Pronegg, M. (2015). Use of Learning Analytics Applications in Mathematics with Elementary Learners. International Journal of Academic Research in Education, 1(2), 26‐39. DOI: 10.17985/ijare.37247

[presentation] A STEM MOOC for School Children – What Does Learning Analytics Tell us? #imoox

Our presentation about “A STEM MOOC for School Children – What Does Learning Analytics Tell us?” at this year ICL 2015 conference is online available. We did this work to contribute to the workshop on “Learning and Assessment Analytics in STEM Education“:

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[imoox] Maker-MOOC ab Herbst bei #imoox

Making! Der kostenlose Online-Kurs zum kreativen digitalen Gestalten mit Kindern und Jugendlichen! – Er richtet sich an PädagogInnen, die neugierig sind, aber selbst noch nichts oder nur wenig ausprobiert haben und beginnt am 19. Oktober 2015. Wir freuen uns auch über alle ExpertInnen, die während des Kurses zu den einzelnen Themen Teilnehmer/Innenfragen (im Forum) betreuen bzw. moderieren möchten. Oder parallel zum Kurs eine Präsenzveranstaltung anbieten, bei der ausprobiert werden kann? Bitte melden bei: sandra.schoen@l3t.eu

[Anmeldungen zum MOOC ab sofort bei iMooX möglich]


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[presentation] Eine Feldstudie zum Einsatz von Learning-Analytics-Applikationen in der Mathematik

Im Rahmen seiner Masterarbeit hat sich Matthias um den Einsatz unserer Mathematikapplikationen im Unterricht bemüht. Das Ergebnis mit dem Titel “Learning Analytics-Eine Feldstudie zum Einsatz von Learning-Analytics-Applikationen in der Mathematik” hat er mit diesen Folien erfolgreich präsentiert:

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[publication] A Contribution to Collaborative Learning Using iPads for School Children

Our contribution about “A Contribution to Collaborative Learning Using iPads for School Children” at this year European Immersive Education Summit is now online available.

Collaboration has a very positive effect on students’ learning experiences as well as their social interactions. Our research study aims towards enhancing the learning experience, stimulating communication and cooperative behavior to improve learning. Making use of recent technological advancements (tablets) and gaming as a motivational factor, a prototype application in form of a multiplayer learning game for iPads was designed and developed. In a face-to-face setting, connecting up to four devices, the players (learners) have to solve word puzzles in a collaborative way. Furthermore, a web-interface for teachers provides the possibility to create custom content as well as to receive feedback of the children’s performance. A first field study at two primary schools in Graz showed promising results for the learning behavior of school children.

Reference: Ebner, M., Kienleitner, B. (2014) A Contribution to Collaborative Learning Using iPads for School Children, European Immersive Education Summit, 2014, Vienna, pp. 87-97 [Link to article]