[presentation] Concept, design, and implementation of a planning tool for students’ own studies #tugraz #research

Irma did her master’s thesis about “Concept, design, and implementation of a planning tool for students’ own studies“. The slides of her defense are now available online:

Halilovic Salki, I. (2024, Juni 26). Concept, design, and implementation of a planning tool for students’ own studies. Graz University of Technology. https://doi.org/10.3217/t4n9s-7vy95

[presentation] The use of programming tasks in interactive videos to increase learning effectiveness at MOOCs #master #tugraz #imoox #video

Michale did his masterthesis about “The use of programming tasks in interactive videos to increase learning effectiveness at MOOCs” and here you can find his slides of the successful defense:

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[master] Empirical Analysis of Automated Editing of Raw Learning Video Footage #tugraz #presentation

We congratulate David for doing his masterthesis on “Empirical Analysis of Automated Editing of Raw Learning Video Footage”. Here you can find the slides of his final defense:

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[keynote] Digitale Souveränität durch offene Bildung und OER – Chance und Verantwortung der Hochschulen #campusinnovation #OER #tugraz

Wir wurden letztes Jahr gefragt ob wir für die Campus Innovation Konferenz 2021 eine Keynote halten wollen, rund um Digitale Souveränität und die Rolle von OER. Als besondere Herausforderung wünscht man sich, dass Sandra und ich dies gemeinsam machen sollen. Wir haben es probiert und hoffen auch, dass es gut angekommen ist – hier gibt es nachträglich noch die Vortragsfolien:


Referenz: Martin Ebner und Sandra Schön (2021). Digitale Souveränität durch offene Bildung und OER. Chance und Verantwortung der Hochschulen.Keynote auf der Campus Innovation 2021, 19.11.2021 [.pdf]

[presentation] Speech-based Learning with Amazon Alexa #edil21 #research #tugraz

We are happy to present today our research about “Speech-based Learning with Amazon Alexa” at this year “EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2021” conference.

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[master] Development of a learning diary for a MOOC platform #app

Markus did his masterthesis about “Development of a learning diary for a MOOC platform” and developed the iMooX Coach.
Here you can find his slides for the defense:

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