[publication] Individualized Differentiated Spelling with Blogs – Implementing and Individualizing (IDeRBlog ii) #iderblog #hcii2020 #tugraz

We did a contribution titled “Individualized Differentiated Spelling with Blogs – Implementing and Individualizing (IDeRBlog ii)” for this year HCII conference.

The paper depicts the Erasmus+ project “Individual DifferEntiated correct writing with Blogs – Individualizing and Implementing (IDeRBlog ii)”. IDeRBlog ii is a follow-up project evolving the result of IDeRBlog, a blogging platform for pupils aged eight and above. The project is an international cooperation between 3 countries in Europe. This paper presents an overview of possibilities in context of individualization of the exercises. Further, it covers the benefits of using the platform, e.g. learning about media competences, how to communicate online and the possibility to get individualized exercises for supported during their writing process by the feedback of the intelligent dictionary.

Abstract of the publication

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Reference: Leidinger N., Gros, M., Ebner, M., Ebner, M., Edtstadler, K. Herunter, E., Heide J., Pfeifer, S., Huppertz, A. & Kistemann V. (2020) Individualized Differentiated Spelling with Blogs – Implementing and Individualizing (IDeRBlog ii). In: Zaphiris P., Ioannou A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Designing, Developing and Deploying Learning Experiences. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12205. Springer, Cham. pp. 368-279

[publication] Open educational resources in continuing adult education: development in the German-speaking area #OER #research

Our article about “Open educational resources in continuing adult education: development in the German-speaking area” got published in the Journal “Smart Learnining Environment“. We aimed to give a short overview about the situation in the german-speaking area.

Open Educational Resources (OER) allow many different uses in educational work that are excluded from traditional materials by copyright laws, such as modifying and republishing existing materials. This article examines the current role of OER in the field of adult education in German-speaking area, especially in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Although nowadays the topic of digitization is given a high strategic importance in continuing education in Switzerland, OER plays just a subordinate role there.

Website Smart Learning Environment

[full article @ publisher’s homepage]
[full article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Schön, S. & Ebner, M. (2019) Open educational resources in continuing adult education: development in the German-speaking area. Smart Learn. Environ. (2019) 6: 25. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40561-019-0111-4

[publication] Learning Analytics Challenges to Overcome in Higher Education Institutions #LearningAnalytics #tugraz #research

Our chapter on “Learning Analytics Challenges to Overcome in Higher Education Institutions” got published in the book “Utilizing Learning Analytics to Support Study Success


While a large number of scientific publications explain the development of prototypes or the implementation of case studies in detail, descriptions of the challenges and proper solutions when implementing learning analytics initiatives are rare. In this chapter, we provide a practical tool that can be used to identify risks and challenges that arise when implementing learning analytics (LA) initiatives and discuss how to approach these to find acceptable solutions. In this way, implementers are given the opportunity to handle challenges early on and avoid being surprised at a critical moment in the project, which will save time, resources, and effort. We are aware that all aspects needed to successfully carry out learning analytics initiatives are co-dependent. Nonetheless, we identified and categorized the criteria necessary for implementing successful learning analytics initiatives. We conclude this chapter with an overview of the challenges faced and possible approaches that can be taken to facilitate the successful implementation of learning analytics.

[full article @ Springer]

[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Leitner P., Ebner M., Ebner M. (2019) Learning Analytics Challenges to Overcome in Higher Education Institutions. In: Ifenthaler D., Mah DK., Yau JK. (eds) Utilizing Learning Analytics to Support Study Success. Springer, Cham

[publication] Trends and Opportunities in Online Learning, MOOCs, and Cloud-Based Tools #research

Our article about “Trends and Opportunities in Online Learning, MOOCs, and Cloud-Based Tools” within the Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education got published.


Online learning, in particular massive open online courses (MOOCs) and cloud-based tools, is on the move. This chapter takes a deeper look at opportunities and possibilities that might be provided to K-12 education through these emerging tools. The chapter summarizes experiences, case studies, and examples that illustrate where technology-enhanced learning is heading.

[Full article @ Springer]

[Draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Chang V., Gütl C., Ebner M. (2018) Trends and Opportunities in Online Learning, MOOCs, and Cloud-Based Tools. In: Voogt J., Knezek G., Christensen R., Lai KW. (eds) Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer, Cham

[publication] Can Learning Analytics Find Success in Didactical Measurements? Results from a MOOC Case Study #tugraz #research

We are very proud to be part of the book “Digital Workplace Learning” with a contribution about our MOOC research. This time we take a look to a particular MOOC and reported about the case study. Our chapter “Can Learning Analytics Find Success in Didactical Measurements? Results from a MOOC Case Study” is now published.


In recent years, massive open online courses (MOOCs) led the road into a new era of learning environment systems. Since 2008, e-Learning witnessed a new type of course which is massive in student numbers, open for anyone, and available for all without limitations. MOOCs integrate social networking, accessible online resources, and open-ended outcomes and are publicly shared. In addition, MOOCs offer several online variables that allow researchers from analytical disciplines (learning analytics) to translate these variable data values into research actions and interpret patterns. In this chapter, we present a detailed analysis of a MOOC case study offered in the previous 2 years, 2015 and 2016. The Graz University of Technology, the University of Graz, and partners from the Medical University of Graz collaborated on a project producing a MOOC called “Dr. Internet.” This MOOC aims to investigate whether the Internet helps or hurts in the endeavor to increase health literacy of the public and how it affects the practitioner-patient relationship. Nevertheless, the research study in this chapter is looking onto a different point of view. We will follow a quantitative investigation and apply learning analytics techniques on learners’ behavior as well as scrutinize traces they left behind in videos, discussion forums, and quizzes. In addition, we try to further inspect the dropout rate and level of engagement. It can be outlined that the early analysis results show that those MOOCs behaved similar to other studies but they differ in the higher number of reads in the discussion forum. Reasonable didactical interventions assisted to change learners’ attitudes toward online learning. This chapter will also describe the didactical approach of the Dr. Internet MOOCs.

[Full Paper @ Springer]

[Draft version @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Khalil M., Ebner M. (2018) Can Learning Analytics Find Success in Didactical Measurements? Results from a MOOC Case Study. In: Ifenthaler D. (eds) Digital Workplace Learning. Springer, Cham. pp. 211-225

[publication] Tutoring writing spelling skills within a web-based platform for children #iderblog #LearningAnalytics

Our publication about “Tutoring writing spelling skills within a web-based platform for children” got published. We are describing our research project IDERblog and the results using learning analytics.


According to the NMC Horizon Report (Johnson et al. in Horizon Report Europe: 2014 Schools Edition, Publications Office of the European Union, The New Media Consortium, Luxembourg, Austin, 2014 [1]), data-driven learning in combination with emerging academic areas such as learning analytics has the potential to tailor students’ education to their needs (Johnson et al. 2014 [1]). Focusing on this aim, this article presents a web-based (training) platform for German-speaking users aged 8–12.Our objective is to support primary-school pupils—especially those who struggle with the acquisition of the German orthography—with an innovative tool to improve their writing and spelling competencies. On this platform, which is free of charge, they can write and publish texts supported by a special feature, called the intelligent dictionary. It gives automatic feedback for correcting mistakes that occurred in the course of fulfilling a meaningful writing task. Consequently, pupils can focus on writing texts and are able to correct texts on their own before publishing them. Additionally, they gain deeper insights in German orthography. Exercises will be recommended for further training based on the spelling mistakes that occurred. This article covers the background to German orthography and its teaching and learning as well as details concerning the requirements for the platform and the user interface design. Further, combined with learning analytics we expect to gain deeper insight into the process of spelling acquisition which will support optimizing our exercises and providing better materials in the long run.

[Full Publication @ Springer Nature (Open Access)]

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Reference: Ebner, M., Edtstadler, K., Ebner, M. (2017) Tutoring writing spelling skills within a web-based platform for children. Universal Access in the Information Society (2017). doi:10.1007/s10209-017-0564-6

[publication] When Learning Analytics Meets MOOCs – a Review on iMooX Case Studies #imoox #LearningAnalytics #MOOC

Our chapter on “When Learning Analytics Meets MOOCs – a Review on iMooX Case Studies” got published within the book series Communications in Computer and Information Science.


The field of Learning Analytics has proven to provide various solu- tions to online educational environments. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are considered as one of the most emerging online environments. Its substantial growth attracts researchers from the analytics field to examine the rich repositories of data they provide. The present paper contributes with a brief literature review in both prominent fields. Further, the authors overview their developed Learning Analytics application and show the potential of Learning Analytics in tracking students of MOOCs using empirical data from iMooX.

[Article @ Springer]

[Draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Khalil, M. and M. Ebner (2016). When Learning Analytics Meets MOOCs – a Review on iMooX Case Studies. Innovations for Community Services: 16th International Conference, I4CS 2016, Vienna, Austria, June 27-29, 2016, Revised Selected Papers. G. Fahrnberger, G. Eichler and C. Erfurth. Cham, Springer International Publishing: 3-19

[publication] Clustering patterns of engagement in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): the use of learning analytics to reveal student categories #mooc #tugraz

Our research about a case study of using Learning Analytics for MOOCs got published with the title “Clustering patterns of engagement in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): the use of learning analytics to reveal student categories“.


Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are remote courses that excel in their students’ heterogeneity and quantity. Due to the peculiarity of being massiveness, the large datasets generated by MOOC platforms require advanced tools and techniques to reveal hidden patterns for purposes of enhancing learning and educational behaviors. This publication offers a research study on using clustering as one of these techniques to portray learners’ engagement in MOOCs. It utilizes Learning Analytics techniques to investigate an offered MOOC by Graz University of Technology held for undergraduates. The authors mainly seek to classify students into appropriate categories based on their level of engagement. Clusters afterward are compared with another classical scheme (Cryer’s scheme of Elton) for further examination and comparison. The final results of this study show that extrinsic factors are not enough to make students highly committed to the MOOC, yet, adding intrinsic factors are recommended to improve future MOOCs.

[Full article @ Springer]

[Draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Khalil, M., Ebner, M. (2016) Clustering patterns of engagement in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): the use of learning analytics to reveal student categories. Journal of Computing in Higher Education. pp. 1-19. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12528-016-9126-9

[publication] An analysis of the use and effect of questions in interactive learning-videos

Our publication about “An analysis of the use and effect of questions in interactive learning-videos” got published in the Open Journal Smart Learning Environments.


This study focuses on the positioning of interactive questions within learning videos. It is attempted to show that the position of a question’s occurrence has an impact on the correctness rate of its answer and the learning success. As part of the study, the interactive learning videos in which the questions are placed are used as teaching materials with a class. The pupils have been working with the videos for around one month and some interesting results could be obtained. It is shown that questions which are asked too early in the videos are answered incorrectly more often than other questions. This manuscript also recommends an adequate positioning of the first question in learning videos. The new hypothesis that the length of intervals between popping up questions plays a minor role at rather short learning videos is constructed in this publication. Moreover, the positive impact on the long-term learning success of the participants of learning videos is determined.

[Full Article @ ResearchGate]

[Full Article @ Springer]

Reference: Wachtler, J., Hubmann, M., Zöhrer, H., & Ebner, M. (2016). An analysis of the use and effect of questions in interactive learning-videos. Smart Learning Environments, 13(3). 10.1186/s40561-016-0033-3

[publication] Rolle und Herausforderungen von Online-Kursen (MOOCs) für die Hochschullehre #research #mooc

Unser Beitrag “Rolle und Herausforderungen von Online-Kursen (MOOCs) für die Hochschullehre” wurde nun als Teil des Buches “Qualität in Studium und Lehre – Kompetenz- und Wissensmanagement im steirischen Hochschulraum” veröffentlicht.


Über den Einsatz von Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in der Hochschullehre wird mittlerweile ein breiter wissenschaftlicher Diskurs geführt, der jedoch zumeist allgemeine Rahmenbedingungen sowie geografische und gesellschaftliche Unterschiede weitgehend außer Acht lässt. Der vorliegende Beitrag beschäftigt sich daher mit den allgemeinen Herausforderungen bei der Integration von Online-Kursen in die Hochschullehre, wobei der deutschsprachige Raum (und besonders Österreich) im Mittelpunkt steht. Auf der Basis von Experteninterviews und den bisherigen Erfahrungen mit der ersten österreichischen MOOC-Plattform www.imoox.at werden notwendige Voraussetzungen und Erfolgsfaktoren für die Produktion und die Verwendung von MOOCs an (österreichischen) Universitäten dargestellt. Dabei wird explizit auf die spezifischen Rollen der AkteurInnen als Lehrende und Studierende sowie auf die Verantwortlichkeiten der Hochschulen und der politischen EntscheidungsträgerInnen eingegangen.

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Zitation: Ebner, M., Kopp, M., Dorfer-Novak, A. (2016) Rolle und Herausforderungen von Online-Kursen (MOOCs) für die Hochschullehre. In: Qualität in Studium und Lehre – Kompetenz- und Wissensmanagement im steirischen Hochschulraum. Springer. S. 323-334. ISBN 978-3-658-13737-3