Our article about “Open educational resources in continuing adult education: development in the German-speaking area” got published in the Journal “Smart Learnining Environment“. We aimed to give a short overview about the situation in the german-speaking area.
Website Smart Learning Environment
Open Educational Resources (OER) allow many different uses in educational work that are excluded from traditional materials by copyright laws, such as modifying and republishing existing materials. This article examines the current role of OER in the field of adult education in German-speaking area, especially in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Although nowadays the topic of digitization is given a high strategic importance in continuing education in Switzerland, OER plays just a subordinate role there.
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Reference: Schön, S. & Ebner, M. (2019) Open educational resources in continuing adult education: development in the German-speaking area. Smart Learn. Environ. (2019) 6: 25. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40561-019-0111-4