[mooc, imoox] Woche 2: Lernvideo, Mediendidaktik, Computational Thinking #lul25 #imoox

Und wir sind bereits in Woche 2 beim MOOC zu „Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien I„. Diese Woche streifen wir gleich 3 Fachbereiche – Bildungsinformatik, Mediendidaktik und Computational Thinking. Dieser Mix ist bewusst, denn wir wollen damit auch zeigen, dass es immer integrativ und zusammenhängend gedacht werden muss – niemals voneinander losgelöst.

Viel Spaß mit den Inhalten – hier meines zum Thema Lernvideos, mehr dann im MOOC:


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[publication] Prospective Teachers – Are They Already Mobile? #research #mlearning

Our chapter about „Prospective Teachers – Are They Already Mobile“ got published as chapter of the book Mobile, Ubiquitous, and Pervasive Learning.


This research study investigated the prospective teachers’ purposes of using mobile phones and laptops, as well as the significant differences across genders and grades. Furthermore, the frequency of connecting to Internet via both mobile devices was investigated comparatively. The study was designed based on cross-sectional survey and casual-comparative methodologies in order to first determine specific characteristics of the relevant population, and to determine the possible causes for differences in terms of variables investigated. A total of 650 prospective Turkish teachers participated in the study. The results point out that, compared to mobile phones, laptops were used more frequently for various purposes, particularly the educational ones. However, in-class use of both laptops and mobile phones for educational purposes was not very common. Mobile phones were used less for educational purposes, but more for communication and entertainment purposes. Though there were statistically significant differences in terms of some purposes, given the lack of practical significance, both male and female prospective teachers can be said to use mobile phones and laptops for various purposes with similar frequencies. The same was also true for the grade variable: all prospective teachers from first to fourth years used mobile phones and laptops for various purposes with similar frequencies in practice. The present study also revealed that, for prospective teachers, connecting to the Internet via mobile phones is not very common and even significantly less common than doing so via laptops. The findings in general suggested a need to raise awareness among prospective teachers about the mobile learning potential of mobile phones in general and in-class use of laptops in particular.

[Link to full chapter @ Springer]

[Link to Draft version @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Süleyman, N. S., Özlem, G., Ebner, M. (2016) Prospective Teachers – Are They Already Mobile? In: Mobile, Ubiquitous, and Pervasive Learning Fundaments, Applications, and Trends, Edition: 1st, Publisher: Springer, Editors: Alejandro Peña-Ayala, pp.139-166

[publication] Preparing teachers for a mobile world, to improve access to education

Our article about „Preparing teachers for a mobile world, to improve access to education“ for Springer’s Prospectus Journal is now published. You will find the article right here – additionally I published a earlier „draft“ version for further discussions.

Recent statistics on the use of mobile technology proclaim that the world is becoming mobile. People use their phones to socialize, to conduct business, to search for information, and more. For the first time in history, people around the world have the potential to learn from any location at their own convenience. But first, education systems must change, to facilitate mobile access to education. As this article describes, the most important change will be training teachers, both in pre-service programmes and through professional development, to use the technology to design and deliver education and to create bridges to informal learning. The article also describes some projects around the world that are helping to prepare teachers for the mobile world, and some pilot projects using the technology. Most such research, however, is limited to short-term studies focusing on learners’ satisfaction with mobile learning. Future studies must consider its long-term benefits and its impacts on performance and retention. As mobile technologies emerge, teachers have to keep up with the changes so that they can take advantage of the power of the technology to design and deliver education.

Preparing teachers for a mobile world, to improve access to education by Martin

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Reference: Ally, M., Grimus, M., Ebner, M. (2014) Preparing teachers for a mobile world, to improve access to education. Prospectus. 2014. Springer Netherlands. p. 1-­17

[video] Lehrer in Deutschland für 50 Jahren

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