[presentation] Synergies between Open Education and Open Science: OER Development, Projects and Trends in Austria #OER #OEAA

Last year we gave a talk at the Open Education Conference about „Synergies between Open Education and Open Science: OER Development, Projects and Trends in Austria„. Find here our recorded talk:


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Reference: Ebner, Martin; Hackl, Claudia & Schön, Sandra (2021). Synergies between Open Education and Open Science: OER Development, Projects and Trends in Austria. Presentation at Open Education Week 2021, October 18-22, Recording: opened21.sched.com/event/moOv/synergies-between-open-education-and-open-science-oer-development-projects-and-trends-in-austria

[publication] Weitere österreichische Hochschulen veröffentlichen eine Policy zu offenen Bildungsressourcen – Zum Austausch der AG OER #fnma #OER

Im FNMA-Magazin 1/2022 haben wir die Ergebnisse des Webinars im Dezember 2021 nochmals zusammengefasst unter dem Titel „Weitere österreichische Hochschulen veröffentlichen eine Policy zu offenen Bildungsressourcen – Zum Austausch der AG OER„:

Bei der fnma-Arbeitsgruppe zu offenen Bildungsressourcen dreht sich alles um die bisherige Entwicklung und Förderung von OER. Anfang Dezember 2021 ging es um Erfahrungen mit der Erstellung von strategischen Bekenntnissen und Maßnahmen österreichischer Hochschulen.

[Artikel @ ResearchGate]
[FNMA-Magazin 1/2022]

Zitation: Ebner, Martin und Schön, Sandra (2022). Weitere österreichische Hochschulen veröffentlichen eine Policy zu offenen Bildungsressourcen – Zum Austausch der AG OER. In: fnma Magazin, 1/2022, S. 7-9.

[publication] A decade of first-semester students surveys concerning IT equipment and communication applications and effect of Covid-19 related experiences for first-year students in 2021 #edil22 #tugraz

One of our contributions to the EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2022 is about „A decade of first-semester students surveys concerning IT equipment and communication applications and effect of Covid-19 related experiences for first-year students in 2021

The technical equipment of first-year students and their preferred communication applications are changing, perhaps also influenced by their experiences in the Covid-19 pandemic concerning digital teaching and learning. This paper presents the 2021 survey of first-year students at Graz University of Technology (N=1,207) and compares the results concerning devices and applications with the results of the surveys conducted since 2011. It is striking that there are no striking changes in the endowment of the that can be interpreted as an effect of Covid-19 pandemic. A question introduced in 2021 about experiences with distance online instruction and experiences with online courses before and after Covid-19 shows clearly that new students‘ prior experiences with online learning here have dramatically changed as a result of school closures in Austria.

[Full paper @ conference homepage]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Nagler, W., Schön, S., Mair, B., Ebner, M. & Edelsbrunner, S. (2022). A decade of first-semester students surveys concerning IT equipment and communication applications and effect of Covid-19 related experiences for first-year students in 2021. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 1060-1067). New York City, NY, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved July 12, 2022 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/221412/

[podcast] LectureCast zu MOOCs #tugraz

Einen lieben Dank an Andreas Hebbel-Seeger der mich zu seinem Podcast eingeladen hat und mit mir ein Interview zu MOOCs geführt hat. Der Podcast ist zusammen mit anderen spannenden Folgen online auf vielen Kanälen verfügbar – viel Spaß beim Anhören.

[master] Development of a WCAG theme for a learning management system #tugraz #research #moodle

Bernhard defended his masterthesis about „Development of a WCAG theme for a learning management system“ successfully and did a great job. Find his find final slides here:

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[master] Math trainer as a chatbot via system(push) messages for Android #tugraz #research #chatbot

Mirza defended successfully his master thesis about „Math trainer as a chatbot via system(push) messages for Android“. Find here his final slides:

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[publication] Teaching German as a Foreign Language with Open Educational Resources (OER) #OER #research

Our article about „Teaching German as a Foreign Language with Open Educational Resources (OER)“ got published in the International Journal of Emerging Technologies:

The focus of this research is to find OER to be used in learning German as a foreign language levels A1 to B1 of the The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) standards and to implement in teaching at University of Malang (Indonesia). An overview of the OER will be given, which was categorized language learning level, themes, among others level and themes. From the implementation in university classes with about 19-21 years old, our interviews with five lecturers and their answers in an online questionnaire showed that the OER material in learning did provide many benefits for lecturers and students, including the variety of materials, the forms, and the economic aspect. However, the existing OER still have some downsides, like their suitability to the needs of lecturers and students, in terms of their themes, the technical requirements and levels of difficulty.

[full article @ ResearchGate]
[full article @ Journal’s Homepage]

Reference: Wijayati, P. H., Kharis, M., Hidayat, E., Ardiyani, D. K., Ebner, M., & Schön, S. (2022). Teaching German as a Foreign Language with Open Educational Resources (OER): Implementation in and Experiences from an Indonesian University. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET)17(04), pp. 225–238. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijet.v17i04.23225