[publication] A Study on the Compatibility of Ubiquitous Learning (u-Learning) Systems at University Level

A Draftversion of our publication “A Study on the Compatibility of Ubiquitous Learning (u-Learning) Systems at University Level” at this year HCII Conference is now online available.

Graz University of Technology has a long tradition in the design, development and research of university wide Learning Management Systems
(LMS). Inspired by the iPhone Style, the available system has now been extended by the addition of a mobile viewer, which grants the student mobile accessibility to all available online content. In this paper, we report on the lessons learned within a study on user experience with this specially designed LMS mobile viewer. The User Experience (UX) was measured by application of a 26 item questionnaire including the six factors Attractiveness, Perspicuity, Efficiency, Dependability, Stimulation and Novelty, according to Laugwitz et al. (2008). The results showed high rates of acceptance, although the novelty of our approach received a surprisingly low rating amongst the novice end users.

Reference: Ebner, M.; Stickel, C.; Scerbakov, N.; Holzinger, A. (2009) A Study on the Compatibility of Ubiquitous Learning (u-Learning) Systems at University Level . – in: Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science. (2009), S. 34 – 43
Here you will find the Draftversion and here the slides.

[publication] Mixing Content and Endless Collaboration – MashUps: Towards Future Personal Learning Environments

A Draftversion of our publication “Mixing Content and Endless Collaboration – MashUps: Towards Future Personal Learning Environments” at this year HCII Conference is now online available.

The recent movement by major Web services towards making many application programming interfaces (APIs) available for public use has led to the development of the new MashUp technology, a method of merging content, services and applications from multiple web sites. The new technology is now being successfully applied in the academic community to enrich and improve learning and teaching applications. This paper examines its implementation and use, discusses methods and styles of usage and highlights the advantages and
disadvantages of client and server application, based on related work and recent experiences gathered with a large university-wide open learning management system (WBT-Master/TeachCenter of Graz allows lecturers to use diverse web resources.

Reference: Auinger, A.; Ebner, M.; Dietmar, N.; Holzinger, A. (2009)
Mixing Content and Endless Collaboration – MashUps: Towards Future Personal Learning Environments. – in: Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science. (2009) In Press
Here you will find the Draftversion and here the slides.

[publication] Intuitive E-Teaching by Using Combined HCI Devices: Experiences with Wiimote Applications

A Draftversion of our publication “Intuitive E-Teaching by Using Combined HCI Devices: Experiences with Wiimote Applications” at this year HCII Conference is now online available.

The wide availability of game based technologies and sophisticated e-Learning possibilities creates new demands and challenges on Human–Computer Interaction and Usability Engineering (HCI&UE). Solid research in HCI must support improvement in learning ability and creativity for both teachers and students. According to recent market surveys the Wii remote controller or Wiimote is currently more wide spread than standard Tablet PCs and is the most used computer input device worldwide. As a collection of many sensors, also including Bluetooth technology, accelerometers and IR sensors, Wiimote is of great interest for HCI experiments, especially in the area of e-Learning and e-Teaching. In this paper, we present results gained from the investigation of the potential of Wiimote as both a standard input device – such as mouse or presenter – and as a gesture and finger tracking sensor. We demonstrate, on the basis of examples from e-Teaching, how easily everyday gestures can be interpreted in regular computer applicationhardware modules and some additional software modules.

Reference: Holzinger, A.; Softic, S.; Stickel, C.; Ebner, M.; Debevc, M. (2009) Intuitive E-Teaching by Using Combined HCI Devices: Experiences with Wiimote Applications. – in: Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 5616). (2009), S. 44 – 52
Here you will find the Draftversion.

[presentation] Intuitive E-Teaching by Using Combined HCI Devices: Experiences with Wiimote Applications

Our presentation of our publication “Intuitive E-Teaching by Using Combined HCI Devices: Experiences with Wiimote Applications” at this year HCI International 2009 Conference is now online available:

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[paper accepted] Science 2.0 at ECTEL 09 and MindTrek 09

We are very happy that we can announce that two papers of us were accepted.

  1. Workshop on Science 2.0 for TEL at ECTEL 2009 our submission about “Social networking in scientific conferences – Twitter as tool for strengthen a scientific community” passed the review process:

    thanks again for your submission to the TelSci2.0 workshop.
    CONGRATULATIONS: we are happy to accept your submission!

  2. MindTrek 2009 Conference – the submitted paper about “The Benefits of Geo-Tagging and Microblogging in m-Learning: a Use Case” fits the requirements:

    we are very happy to inform you that your paper, titled “The Benefits of Geo-Tagging and Microblogging in m-Learning: a Use Case” has been accepted for being presented during the MindTrek 2009 Conference

So we are looking forward to great conferences and enjoy meeting as many people as possible to discuss our results.

Aufruf zum Twittagessen am 11.8.2009 / 12.00 Uhr (Glöcklbräu) in Graz

So wir versuchen es nun einmal – wir würden gerne ein sogenanntes Twittagessen auch mal in Graz durchführen. Der Grundsatzgedanke ist dabei:

Ein Twittagessen ist ein ungezwungenes Treffen hungriger Twitterer zum Mittagessen. Sei es, um sich kennen zu lernen, mal dem öden Büro zu entfliehen oder einfach nur um Spaß zu haben.

Es gibt hier bereits eine deutsche Webseite auf die wir gerne verweisen – Twittagessen.de. Bitte bei Interesse einfach HIER (dort ist auch der genaue Ort vermerkt) anmelden, wir freuen uns auf rege Teilnahme.

[presentation] Emotion Detection: Application of the Valence Arousal Space for Rapid Biological Usability Testing to Enhance Universal Access

Our presentation of our publication “Emotion Detection: Application of the Valence Arousal Space for Rapid Biological Usability Testing to Enhance Universal Access” at this year HCI International 2009 Conference is now online available:

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