[ebook, workshop] e-Learning, Lernen heute/morgen

Ich bin gebeten im Rahmen des 30. österreichischen Bibliothekertag hier in Graz einen Workshop rund um das Thema e-Learning, Technology Enhanced Learning und wie Lernen in Zukunft ausschaut zu halten.
Die Unterlagen habe ich in ein eBook rund um das Thema zusammengefasst und diese sind hier öffentlich zugänglich. Weiters gibt es auch ein .pdf mit dem Nachteil dass die vielen Filme und eingebetteten Präsentationen nicht abgebildet sind.

[article] Weaving Social E-learning Platforms Into The Web of Linked Data

My colleague Behnam Taraghi and his friend also contributed to this year i-Know Conference and presented a publication on “Weaving Social E-learning Platforms Into the Web of Linked Data“. I think who is interested in this topic it’s worth to take a look.

In this paper we present an approach for interlinking and RDFising social e-Learning Web 2.0 platforms like ELGG based on semantic tagging and Linked Data principles. A special module called SID (Semantically Interlinked Data) was developed to allow existing tagged and published user generated content an easy entrance into the Web of Data and to enrich it semantically on the other hand. Our approach uses commonly known vocabularies (FOAF, SIOC, MOAT and Tag Ontology) for modelling and generation tasks along with DBPedia as reference dataset for interlinking.

[publication] Will Personal Learning Environments Become Ubiquitous through the Use of Widgets?

Our publication “Will Personal Learning Environments Become Ubiquitous through the Use of Widgets?” for this year i-Know Conference is now online available.

Nowadays Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) are described as the use of different social software tools for learning and teaching. The use of common web browsers often is a precondition to fulfil the requirements of social software tools. In this publication a new perspective as well as a couple of prototypes is presented to allow a more independent solution in this context. Using the new JavaFX technology so called widgets are implemented which can be used on different devices as well as different operating systems. Furthermore also the web browser can be replaced by a browser instance. It can be summarized that through the use of widgets the learning environment of the future can be more individualized and personalized.

Reference: Taraghi, B., Mühlburger, H.; Ebner, M.; Nagler, W. (2009) Will Personal Learning Environments Become Ubiquitous through the Use of Widgets?, Tochtermann, K. and Maurer, H. (ed.), Proceedings of I-KNOW ’09 and I-SEMANTICS ’09, Graz, Austria, pp. 329-335

Here you will find the online copy.

[publication] Interactive Technology for Enhancing Distributed Learning: A Study on Weblogs

Our contribution to this year HCI 2009 conference about “Interactive Technology for Enhancing Distributed Learning: A Study on Weblogs” is now online available.

In this study, it was investigated whether, and to what extent, Web 2.0 technologies, actually Weblogs, can be a suitable instrument for enhancing the practice of distributed learning. In educational settings, which are based on traditional lectures many students begin serious study shortly before the exam. However, from previous empirical research, it is known that the practice of distributed learning is much more conducive to retaining knowledge than that of massed learning. A 2*2 factorial design (within – repeated measures) with pre-test and post-test in a real life setting was applied; the study lasted for the whole summer term 2007. Participants were N=28 computer science undergraduates of Graz University of Technology. We randomly assigned them to two groups of equal size: The experimental group given the Weblog treatment are referred to as Group W; whereas the control group with no access are referred to as Group C. Students of group W were instructed to use the Weblog for developing their paper and studying during the lecture and they were requested not to reveal their group affiliation. The results showed that performance scores of group W were significantly higher than that of group C. This demonstrates that Weblogs can be an appropriate instrument to supplement a classical lecture in order to enable deeper processing of information over a longer period of time, consequently resulting in enhanced learning performance.

Reference: Holzinger, A.; Kickmeier-Rust, M.; Ebner, M. (2009) Interactive Technology for Enhancing Distributed Learning: A Study on Weblogs, Proceedings of HCI 2009 The 23nd British HCI Group Annual Conference, Cambridge, London, pp. 309-312

The PrePrint is available here.

Social Learning (TU Graz) auf Facebook

Wir haben uns entschieden, dass wir auch auf Facebook unsere Aktivitäten darstellen und vor allem für Studierende zugänglich machen wollen (Homepage). Damit folgen wir dem Beispiel vieler englischsprachichger Universitäten.
Neben unseren beiden bestehenden Twitter-Accounts –

also ab sofort auf auf Facebook:

u:book WS 2009/2010

ubookAuch im heurigen WS 2009 / 2010 beteiligt sich die TU Graz an der u:book Aktion um Studierenden zu ermöglichen kostengünstig Laptops zu kaufen. Das Verkaufsfenster ist vom 21.09 – 18.10.2009 geöffnet.

Seit 2008 gibt es u:books – Notebooks von hoher Qualität und mit einem umfangreichen Serviceangebot, die von Studierenden, MitarbeiterInnen und Organisationseinheiten zahlreicher österreichischer Universitäten zweimal jährlich zu Semesterbeginn günstig erworben werden können.
In 3- bis 4-wöchigen Verkaufsfenstern um den Semesterbeginn werden jeweils mehrere Notebook-Modelle angeboten, die auf Basis einer externen Evaluation ausgewählt werden.

Hier gibt es alle Details.