[app] Dermandar

Ich habe ja schon lange nicht mehr auf eine App verwiesen, aber in dem Fall muss ich es einfach – Dermandar, nennt sie sich und erzeugt wunderschöne Panaroma Fotos, welche dann im Netz geteilt und gezeigt werden können. Echt super Umsetzung:

[publication] Survival of the Fittest – Utilization of Natural selection Mechanisms for Improving PLE

Our publication on “Survival of the Fittest – Utilization of Natural selection Mechanisms for Improving PLE” at EFEPLE11 Workshop in France is now online available – the slides you will find here.

In the current ongoing work we propose the use of tracking and feedback mechanisms in order to improve our Personal Learning Environment (PLE), officially launched in October 2010. The approach can be seen as a necessary prerequisite similar to the darwinistic model of evolution. This means the implemented widgets will be improved (variation) and removed (selection) according to the observations. This paper will describe the backgrounds, methods and some details of the technical implementation.

Survival of the Fittest – Utilization of Natural Selection Mechanisms for Improving PLE

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Reference: Taraghi, B., Stickel, C., Ebner, M. (2011) Survival of the Fittest – Utilization of Natural selection Mechanisms for Improving PLE, 1st Workshop on Exploring the Fitness and Evolvability of Personal Learning Environments (EFEPLE’11), Held at the 2nd STELLAR Alpine Rendez‐Vous (ARV) in the French Alps, March 27‐31

[l3t] iPhone-App-Innovationsworkshop

Im Rahmen der Vorlesung AK Medientechnologie wo wir iPhone Development unterrichten, fand ein Innovationsworkshop zur Ideengenerierung innovativer iPhone Apps statt. Hier eine Kurzzusammenfassung, Eindrücke sowie die Darstellung der einzelnen Schritte. Das Ergebnis? Wir hoffen, dass wir es Ende Sommersemester auf den entsprechenden Endgeräten präsentieren können.
Vielen lieben Dank auch an Sandra, für die vorbereitende Unterstützung in der Konzeption des Workshops.

[publication] L3T assits m-Learning

Our publication about “L3T assists m-Learning” at Mobile learning: Crossing boundaries in convergent environments Conference in Bremen ist now onine available.

L3T is a project founded by two researchers of Technology Enhanced Learning in April 2010 with the goal to establish a book for learning and teaching with technologies, short e- Learning. Due to the fact that publishing a book in a traditional way is not appropriate for a Web 2.0 community the project integrates from the very first beginning different Social Media channels like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc. as well as provides different possibilities for access via mobile phones. In this publication we give a short overview about the mobile Learning Strategy im more detail how we are able to ensure that all chapters of the book can be read with modern smartphones like iPhone or Android phones by developed appropriate Apps. Furthermore an iPad App gives insight in the possibilities of providing chapters as innovative and interactive eBooks.

L3T assists m-Learning

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Reference: Ebner, M., Schön, S. (2011) L3T assits m-Learning, Rummler, K., Seipold, J., Lübcke, E., Pachler, N., Attwell, G. (Ed.), Mobile learning: Crossing boundaries in convergent environments conference, Bremen, 2011, p. 69-21