[publication] Potentiale von Smartwatches für Audience-Response-Systeme #ZFHE #research

Im Rahmen der Seamless Learning Tagung in Graz haben wir einen Beitrag rund um unsere Forschungsarbeiten mit Smart Watches und Audience-Response-Systemen verfasst.


Audience-Response-Systeme ermöglichen dem Auditorium, während eines Vortrages aktiv zu werden. Die vortragendene Person gewinnt damit wertvolle Informationen aus dem Publikum. Mobile, internetfähige Geräte lassen sich in webbasierte Systeme integrieren und zur Benutzereingabe nutzen. Um dieses Feedback den Vortragenden leichter zugänglich zu machen, können die Potentiale der Smartwatch als ein direkt am Körper anliegendes Gerät genutzt werden. Sie schränken die Vortragenden nicht in ihrer Mobilität ein und fördern durch Vibrationssignale und visuelle Signale eine schnellere Reaktion. Vor allem die Integration der Smartwatch in ein Live-Backchannel-System kann den Nutzen des Systemes enorm steigern.

[Full Paper @ ReserachGate]

[Full Paper @ ZFHE]

Zitation: Urwalek, H., Ebner, M. (2016) Potentiale von Smartwatches für Audience-Response-Systeme. Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung, 11/4. S. 39-50

[publication] Mobile Phones and Learning Perceptions of Austrian Students, aged 11 to 14 Years

Our publication about „Mobile Phones and Learning Perceptions of Austrian Students, aged 11 to 14 Years“ at this year ED-Media conference is now online available. The presentation slides have been published right here.


This article aims to report on the findings of a study of perception for using mobile phones for learning in Austria. Surveys were conducted to examine the ownership and usage of mobile phones of eight to 14 year old pupils. Findings indicate that gathered data show a lack of perceptions for benefits of mobile phones for learning. Issues based on the research in 2013 and 2014 are discussed with regard to demands and challenges for education. Using their own mobile phones for various learning activities could build a bridge between students‘ practice in everyday life and school learning, and developing indispensable 21 st century skills.

[Full publication @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Grimus, M. & Ebner, M. (2016). Mobile Phones and Learning – Perceptions of Austrian Students aged from 11 to 14 Years. In Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2016 (pp. 106-115). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

[publication] Use Cases and Architecture of an Information system to integrate smart glasses in educational environments #edmedia

Our publication about „Use Cases and Architecture of an Information system to integrate smart glasses in educational environments“ at this year ED-Media conference is now online available. The presentation slides have been published right here.


Wearable devices, such as smart glasses, are nowadays easily available on the market; therefore, these devices could be used to evaluate more and more use cases in educational domain. After a short introduction to smart glasses functionality, features and user interaction techniques, several use cases are defined and described. To integrate smart glasses into the educational domain, specialized information systems and infrastructure is necessary. A basic concept of a suitable information system is defined and explained by a sample use case. The main advantage of using smart glasses in educational domain is that users can interact with the device hands-free therefore (fine motor skills) tasks can be performed while receiving visual and vocal support simultaneously. Additionally the teacher/observer can evaluate the performance remotely. Wearable devices become better available and cheaper, but should only be used in suitable use cases where the learning experience could be improved.

[Full publication @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Spitzer, M. & Ebner, M. (2016). Use Cases and Architecture of an Information system to integrate smart glasses in educational environments. In Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2016 (pp. 51-58). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)..

[iPad] 1×1 Trainer HD #tugraz #iOS #einmaleins #math

1x1 TrainerEs freut uns ankündigen zu können, dass wir nun auch einen 1×1 Trainer für den iPad anbieten können. Mit Hilfe eines kleinen Pandas dürfen die Rechnungen eingegeben werden. Zusätzlich ist es so, dass wenn man einen Account in unserem Learninglab besitzt, wird alles mitgespeichert und damit die Rechnungen abgestimmt auf den Lernstand.

This App is supposed to help children with learning multiplication tables up to ten.
It is possible to create an account for tracking your success. If a registered user is playing, problematical calculations are tested more often.
There are three difficulty levels and two different modes. In one of the modes the correct result has to be entered by numerical buttons and in the other one the result has to be chosen from seven numbers.
The friendly assistent Paul the panda is commenting your learning sessions.
Have fun!

[Link zur App im Store]

[iPhone, app] MathEvo #tugraz #iOS #AppDevelopment

Math EvoNun gibt es unser Spiel MathEvo auch für iOS, für Android wurde es bereits hier angekündigt. Viel Spaß mit dem Donkey Kong Revieval 🙂 .

MathEvo is an educational game for children.
The goal is to solve simple math problems, for which you get rewarded with stars. With these stars you are able to unlock new backgrounds and character models.
The gameplay is based on the old Donkey Kong game, where you have to climb ladders to reach the goal.
Each climed ladder adds another piece to the equation showing in the top right corner. If the equation is wrong, the right path will be displayed.
All levels are randomly generated.

[Link zur App]

[app] Balloon Math #app #iOS #tugraz

Balloon MathIm Rahmen einer Projektarbeit ist wieder einmal eine Mathematik App für das iPhone entstanden. Man soll Aufgaben lösen und die richtige Lösung bei den aufsteigenden Ballons erraten. Um den Spielspaß zu erhöhen kann man das auch gegeneinander spielen bzw. hindern noch ein paar gemeine versteckte Features auf dem Weg zum Sieg:

Diese App ermöglicht Kindern spielerisch Rechenaufgaben zu lösen und somit die vier Grundrechnungsarten zu trainieren. Ein Kind kann alleine oder mit bis zu 3 weiteren Spielern gemeinsam üben.
Aufgrund des einstellbaren Zahlenbereiches ist die App für jedes Alter ab der 1. Volksschulklasse geeignet.
Ziel des Spieles ist möglichst viele Rechenaufgaben durch Zerplatzen der richtigen Luftballons zu lösen.
Ein paar besondere Nebeneffekte machen das Spiel zusätzlich interessant.

[Link zur App im iOS-Store]

[Weitere Apps der TU Graz]

[iphone, app] GeoQuiz+ #tugraz #iOS #AppDevelopment

GeoQuiz+Im Rahmen unserer Vorlesung „Mobile Applications 2016“ wurde eine App zum Kennenlernen der Welt erstellt:

Level up your geography skills in the most fun and engaging way: with GeoQuizz+

  • Take the challenge and identify countries by their flags or their outlines.
  • Guess the location of cities as accurate as possible


  • 254 Flags
  • 229 Country borders
  • 1673 Cities, Towns or Villages distirbuted in over 200 Countries
  • Switch continents for the game
  • Zoomable map in position quiz

[Link zur App]

[iphone, app] StepForward+ #tugraz #AppDevelopment #iOS

StepForward+Im Rahmen unserer Vorlesung „Mobile Applications 2016“ hat man eine App zum Schritt zählen erstellt:

StepForward uses the built-in motion sensor in your iPhone to track your daily and weekly step activity. The track data is then used to present the appropriate information you need in order to keep up to your goals. For every step you take, you get one step closer to earn achievements based on your progress. The purpose of the achievements is to motivate you to stay healthy and walk more, but also to make it more entertaining. This application is developed by two Swedish exchange student at TU Graz, Austria, in the course Mobile Applications.
Every step you take, every move you make, we’ll be counting it!

[Link zur App]

SnailWrite im Test

Sehr nett – unsere Educational-App SnailWrite für iOS wurde von „Grundschullehrer Pete“ getestet. Das Video findet ihr hier.


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[publication] TwitterSuitcase – How to Make Twitter Useful for Event/Lecture Participants #research #twitter

Our publication about „TwitterSuitcase – How to Make Twitter Useful for Event/Lecture Participants“ got published right now.


This publication introduces a tool for analysis and visualization of tweets for a particular event. Recently, many related studies have analysed and extracted information from social media such as Twitter. However, the majority of those approaches are aiming at providing specific content-based information. The objective of this research work is to provide an overview of data collection for a specific event by analysing and visualizing all collected tweets. Furthermore, this paper will focus on applying the outlined approach when using Twitter during conferences and determining what kind of information is used for some specific event.
Two Twitter events have been created for this purpose and the obtained results are presented, explained and discussed. The result of data processing represents a summary of a Twitter event and allows an overview of various information such as the most popular hashtags, users who tweet the most, the most published links, list of all used software platforms, etc. It also includes a timeline of tweets in terms of years, months, days and hours depending on duration of events. Finally, the future of Twitter and the visualization of its data is discussed

[Draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner. M., Harmandic, S. (2016) TwitterSuitcase – How to Make Twitter Useful for Event/Lecture Participants. In: Wallace, K. (Ed.). Learning Environments: Emerging Theories, Applications and Future Directions, Nova publishers, pp. 175 – 196, ISBN 978-1-63484-893-0