[publication] Examining IT Infrastructures for Learning and Teaching in the European University Alliance Unite! #UNITE! #tugraz

Together with my colleagues, we contributed to the EUNIS 2024 conference in Athen with a publication about „Examining IT Infrastructures for Learning and Teaching in the European University Alliance Unite!

Abstract: In the digital era, European University Alliances like „Unite!“ work to reshape tertiary education by bridging nine prominent universities to champion regional integration, technology transfer, and quality science and engineering education. This paper delineates the methodologies used to harmonize varied IT infrastructures visualizations and descriptions across partner institutions, fostering knowledge sharing and facilitating standardized IT landscape comparisons. The absence of a general universal approach in representing teaching-related IT systems in higher education propelled the development of a unique, synchronized representation methodology. The paper offers a look at TU Graz’s digital infrastructure as an illustrative example. Through iterative collaboration, the alliance will develop a comprehensive IT infrastructure report, aiming to serve as a valuable blueprint for other educational entities.

[publication @ EasyChair]
[publication @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner, M., Schön, S., Alcober, J., Bertonasco, R., Herczak-Ciara, A., Hoppe, C., Langevin, E., Gasplmayr, K., Reignier-Tayar, N., Martikainen, J., Laurent, R., Leitner, P., Petersson, J., Silva, F. M. D., Steitz, K., Taraghi, B., & Wuerz, A. (2025). Examining IT Infrastructures for Learning and Teaching in the European University Alliance Unite! In R. Vogl, L. Desnos, J.-F. Desnos, S. Bolis, L. Merakos, G. Ferrell, E. Tsili, & M. Roumeliotis (Hrsg.), Proceedings of EUNIS 2024 annual congress in Athens (Band 105, S. 276-283). (EPiC Series in Computing). EasyChair Ltd. https://doi.org/10.29007/6n28

[interview] Using AI-Generated Instructor Video for Multilingual Content in MOOCs #tugraz #edtech

Benedikt gave an interview about „Using AI-Generated Instructor Video for Multilingual Content in MOOCs“ to the „Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education“ and introduced our recent research on AI-genereated videos:

Benedikt Brünner is a member of the e-education team at TU Graz, and facilitates the production of avatars, assets, audio and video. As part of his PhD project he has conducted initial survey research to gauge students’ reactions to AI avatars. While most students found the avatars to be authentic and natural, they still preferred real human teachers over AI avatars. However, many students indicated that they would not have realized that the videos were AI-generated, which shows the increasing sophistication of the technology.
In the interview, Benedikt Brünner discusses the potential of generative AI for creating educational videos.

[Link to the interview]

[publication] Didaktik und Praxis der Maker Education #makereducation

Für die Ausgabe Pädagogik 10/24 wurden wir angefragt für einen kurzen Beitrag zu „Didaktik und Praxis der Maker Education

Die Maker Education eröffnet neue Lernmöglichkeiten und vielfältige Potenziale. Dabei muss es nicht immer gleich der neu eingerichtete, voll ausgestattete Makerspace sein, in dem die Schüler*innen projektorientiert und fächerverbindend arbeiten.

[Link zum Originalartikel]
[Draft @ ResearchGate]

Zitation: Hannah Bunke-Emden, Kristin Narr, Sandra Schön, Didaktik und Praxis der Maker Education (21.10.2024), Pädagogik 10/24. Beltz Verlagsgruppe, 69 469 Weinheim, ISSN: 0933-422X, 2024 #10, S.12-15

[workshop] Collective GPT verstehen #tugraz #bildungsinformatik #künstlicheIntelligenz

Benedikt hat einen sehr netten Workshop erstellt um anschaulich die Funktionsweise einer generativen KI zu erklären:

In der Fortbildung Digitale Tools im Unterricht wurde unser kollektiver Chatbot ed-tech.app eingesetzt, hier finden Sie die Fragen und Antworten von ChatGPT 4o-mini zur Nachlese. Dabei wurde von den Teilnehmenden zuerst der Satz vervollständigt, und im Hintergrund ChatGPT 4o-mini parallel angefragt. Sie können die Antworten von ChatGPT hier im Blogeintrag nachlesen.

Sein Workshop ist auf unsere Bildungsinformatik.at Seite zum Nachlesen frei verfügbar – viel Spaß damit 🙂

[publication] Federated virtual learning management in a European University alliance: General challenges and first experiences using LTI to connect LMS in Unite! #tugraz #research

Our research about „Federated virtual learning management in a European University alliance: General challenges and first experiences using LTI to connect LMS in Unite!“ was published at this year’s ED-Media conference in Brussels.

This paper explores the challenges and first experiences of implementing federated virtual learning management within the European University Alliance Unite!. Through the lens of Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI), the study investigates the complexities inherent in connecting Learning Management Systems (LMS) across diverse institutional contexts. This research examines the general hurdles faced by European university alliances in adopting federated LMS. Additionally, it outlines the LMS infrastructure of Unite! in early 2024 and discusses the pilot initiatives undertaken to utilize LTI for connecting LMS platforms at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz). The pilots involve integrating Unite!’s Metacampus with various platforms, including Moodle-based systems from TU Graz. Drawing from these pilot experiences, the paper presents insights and lessons learned regarding the efficacy of LTI in facilitating cross-platform connectivity within Unite! and offers implications for future implementations.

[article @ publisher’s homepage]
[article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Schön, S., Ebner, M., Edelsbrunner, S., Gasplmayr, K., Hohla-Sejkora, K., Leitner, P. & Taraghi, B. (2024). Federated virtual learning management in a European University alliance: General challenges and first experiences using LTI to connect LMS in Unite!. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 123-136). Brussels, Belgium: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved July 22, 2024 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/224514/.

[mooc] Informatik-Fit (2024/25) #imoox #tugraz

Heute startet ein weiterer Brückenkurs der TU Graz – „Informatik-Fit (2024/25)„. Damit wollen wir unsere zukünftigen Studierenden unterstützen, sich auch in diesem Fachbereich ein wenig einzuarbeiten:

Die Vielfalt der Probleme, die in der Informatik behandelt werden, macht eine kurze und dennoch vollständige Definition dessen, was Informatik ist, unmöglich.
Unmöglich ist es auch, alle Themen in einem Einführungskurs unterzubringen.
Irgendwo müssen wir aber trotzdem anfangen und so haben wir versucht, die wichtigsten Grundbegriffe und Ideen der Informatik auszuwählen und diese so zu vermitteln, dass sich die Teilnehmer:innen schnell ein breiteres Bild von der Informatik machen können.
Darüber hinaus soll es für die Teilnehmer:innen möglich sein, Zusammenhänge zwischen den einzelnen Themen zu erkennen bzw. herzustellen. 

Hier gibt es den Trailer zum MOOC:


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Die Anmeldung ist natürlich frei und der Kurs kostenlos: [Link zur Anmeldung]

Hinweis: Es wird bei diesem MOOC erstmals ein Chatbot zum Einsatz kommen – nachdem die ganze Welt über Künstliche Intelligenz redet, wollen wir uns auch bei iMooX dem Thema widmen und praktisch erproben, wie ein solcher Bot beim Lernen helfen kann. Viel Spaß beim Testen bzw. Lernen 🙂

[presentation] Concept, design, and implementation of a planning tool for students‘ own studies #tugraz #research

Irma did her master’s thesis about „Concept, design, and implementation of a planning tool for students‘ own studies„. The slides of her defense are now available online:

Halilovic Salki, I. (2024, Juni 26). Concept, design, and implementation of a planning tool for students‘ own studies. Graz University of Technology. https://doi.org/10.3217/t4n9s-7vy95

[publication] Handpose Estimation Based Learning Academy for Improving Typing Efficiency by Using Mobile Technologies #tugraz #research

Mathias did his master thesis about an innovative and new idea – using neural networks to estimate the hand pose while learning typing. Now we published his research in the International Journal of Interactive Mobile technologies.

This paper focuses on enhancing touch-typing skills through state-of-the-art deep learning technologies. It has been demonstrated that writing posture can be assessed using integrated keyboard detection and hand pose estimation in real-time browser environments. A unique dataset was created for training the object detection model to recognize individual keyboards. The object detection models were trained using various architectures and then assessed for both inference time and accuracy. In addition, a hand pose estimation was implemented to precisely recognize 21 knuckle points of the hand and compute their exact positions. In order to implement object detection and hand pose estimation, a stream transmission of the keyboard and hand scene is required. For this purpose, server-client communication via a QR code connection is implemented to transfer the stream between two mobile devices. Based on these deep learning technologies, a mobile web app was developed that offers 170 learning courses for touch-typing training. With the help of the Typing Learning Academy prototype, a study was conducted as part of this paper to evaluate the usability and utility of the learning app. This research demonstrates the potential for enhancing the development of writing skills through touch typing through the utilization of advanced deep learning technologies.

[full article @ journal’s homepage]
[full article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Mattersberger, M., Wachtler, J., & Ebner, M. (2024). Handpose Estimation Based Learning Academy for Improving Typing Efficiency by Using Mobile Technologies. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM)18(10), pp. 59–70. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijim.v18i10.49037

[master] Handpose-Estimation-Based Learning Academy for Improving Typing Efficiency #tugraz

Mathias hat im Rahmen seiner Masterarbeit sich mit einem sehr interessanten Thema beschäftigt und zwar wie er das Erlernen des 10-Fingersystems unterstützen kann. Dazu verwendet er das Smartphone, filmt die Fingerbewegungen von oben und kann mit Hilfe von KI sehr sehr gut erkennen ob nicht nur das richtige Wort geschrieben wird, sondern ob auch die korrekten Finger verwendet werden. Hier gibt es noch die Folien von seiner erfolgreiche Verteidigung:

Mathias, M. (2024, April 11). Handpose-Estimation-Based Learning Academy for Improving Typing Efficiency. Graz University of Technology. https://doi.org/10.3217/ncg5h-arv14