[publication] Can Weblogs and Microblogs Change Traditional Scientific Writing?

Our article on „Can Weblogs and Microblogs Change Traditional Scientific Writing?“ was published in the Open Access Online Journal Future Internet.

This paper describes a follow-up Web 2.0 approach to a technology enhanced master course for students of Graz University of Technology. The lecture “Social Aspects of Information Technology” has a long tradition for using new didactical scenarios as well as modern e-Learning technologies. After using a blogosphere one year ago, this year microblog channels helped to expand the traditional lecture. Students choose (on a voluntary basis) whether they want to participate in a blogging/microblogging group instead of using conventional methods called Scientific Writer/Scientific Reviewer. This study addresses the question whether this method can change the learning outcome into a more reflective one. Furthermore, peer-reviewing groups judge the quality of essays and blog contributions. In this paper we examine if microblogging can be an appropriate technology for assisting the process. This publication comes to the conclusion that an amazing potential and a new way to work with information is opened when using microblogging. Students seem to be more engaged, reflective and critical in as much as they presented much more personal statements and opinions than years before.

Reference: Ebner, Martin; Maurer, Hermann. 2009. „Can Weblogs and Microblogs Change Traditional Scientific Writing?.“ Future Internet 1, no. 1: 47-58.

[presentation] Web 2.0, Kommunikation, Vernetzung

Im Rahmen der österreichweiten Demonstrationsbewegung #unsereuni bin ich gebeten worden an der TU Graz einem Plenumsvortrag rund um das Thema Web 2.0 und die Auswirkung auf die Gesellschaft zu halten. Ich habe dabei versucht aufzuzeigen, welche Auswirkungen das Web 2.0 bereits hat und mittels Beispielen auch greifbar zu machen. Hier einmal meine Folien:

Und hier der Livestream auf UStream:

Hier gibt es noch weitere Fotos des Events.

[video] Google’s Eric Schmidt on What the Web Will Look Like in 5 Years

Ein interessaner Ausschnitt wie Google’s CEO das Web in 5 Jahren sieht zeigt dieses Video. Vorallem diesem Satz stimme ich völlig zu: „Real time information is just as valuable as all the other information, we want it included in our search results.“ – Das Real-Time Web scheint wirklich kurz vor dem Durchbruch zu stehen und man kann eigentlich davon ausgehen, dass viele der nächsten Anwendungen genau das beinhalten.
Hier also der Ausschnitt:

(via Read/Write Web)

Raindrop – Mozilla Labs

Eine interessante Idee kommt aus den Mozilla LabsRaindrop – wenn man davon ausgeht, dass eMail heute eigentlich nur mehr einen Teil der Online Kommunikation ausmacht und zunehmend andere Online Dienste eine wesentliche Rolle spielen (man denke an Facebook, Twitter, Instant Messaging & Co), dann fehlt es vor allem an einem – der Kommunikationszentrale.
Was das letztendlich auch dann sein wird, die ersten Ansätze sind eben gerade im Kommen (ich werde auch bald mal über Google Wave berichten). Mozilla arbeitet an Raindrop:

Today we’re introducing Raindrop, an exploration in messaging innovation being led by the team responsible for Thunderbird, to explore new ways to use Open Web technologies to create useful, compelling messaging experiences.

[publication] The Benefits of Geo-Tagging and Microblogging in m-Learning: a Use Case

Our publication „The Benefits of Geo-Tagging and Microblogging in m-Learning: a Use Case“ of this year MindTrek 2009 conference is online available.

The recent years have shown the remarkable potential use of Web 2.0 technologies in education, especially in the context of informal learning. The application of Wikis for collaborative work is one example for this theory applied. The support of learning in those fields of education, which are strongly based on visual location-based information, could also benefit from Geo-Tagging, a technique that has become popular lately. This paper presents first development results on the combination of these two concepts into a geospatial Wiki for higher education, TUGeoWiki. Our solution proposal supports mobile scenarios where textual data and images are managed and retrieved during m-Learning in- the-field as well as some desktop scenarios in the context of collaborative e-Learning. Within this scope, one critical issue arises while adding and updating textual information via the collaborative interface, which can be cumbersome in mobile scenarios. To solve this problem, we integrated another popular concept into our solution approach, Microblogging. Thus, the information pushed via short messages from mobile clients or microblogging tools to our m-Learning environment enables the creation of Wiki-Micropages as basis for subsequent collaborative learning scenarios.

Reference: Safran, C., Garcia-Barrios, V.M.; Ebner, M. (2009) The Benefits of Geo Tagging and Microblogging in m-Learning: a Use Case, in Proceedings of ACM Academic MindTrek 2009 – Everyday Life in the Ubiquitous Area, MindTrek 2009, Tampere, Finland, p. 135-141, 2009