[publication] Usability metrics of time and stress – Biological enhanced performance test of a university wide learning management system

Im Rahmen der USAB 2008 mit dem Thema „HCI & Usability for Education and Work“ haben wir einen Beitrag zu „Usability metrics of time and stress – Biological enhanced performance test of a university wide learning management system“ erstellt.

This paper describes the modification and outcome of a performance test applied to a university wide learning management system under realistic conditions to identify usability problems and to compare measures such as success rate, task time and user satisfaction with requirements. Two user groups with 20 test users each took part in this study. During the whole test psychophysiological parameters of the test persons were monitored and recorded, in order to find event related stress symptoms. Modifications of the original test allowed a faster analysis of relevant quantitative metrics and the collection of qualitative information.

Referenz: Stickel, C., Scerbakov, A., Kaufmann, T., Ebner, M. (2008) Usability metrics of time and stress – Biological enhanced performance test of a university wide learning management system, HCI for Education and Work, Holzinger A. (Ed), Springer, p. 173-184, ISBN 978-3-540-89349-3

Hier gibt es das Buch bzw. einen Entwurf. Weiters steht auch die Aufzeichnung des Vortrages meines Kollegen zur Verfügung.

[video] Wie dachte man anno 1967 im Jahre 1999 zu lernen?

Einen großen Dank an Helge, der dieses Video ausgegraben hat. 1967 stellte man sich die Zukunft so in etwa vor und für mich wieder ganz interessant, dass der soziale Aspekt des Lernens komplett ausgespart wurde (für diese Zeit auch nicht wirklich überraschend). Umso mehr freut es mich, dass dies nicht eingetroffen ist (vor allem wenn ich in das Gesicht des Buben sehe) und wir immer mehr Richtung Communities, Austausch und Diskussion rücken:

[publication] Can Microblogs and Weblogs change traditional scientific writing?

Die Verwendung von Microblogs und Weblogs in unserer Lehrveranstaltung und die Evaluation haben wir im Rahmen dieser Publikation auf der heurigen E-Learn Conference.

This paper describes a follow-up Web 2.0 approach to a technology enhanced master course for students of Graz University of Technology. The lecture “Social Aspects of Information Technology” has a long tradition for using new didactical scenarios as well as modern e-Learning technologies. After using a blogosphere one year ago, this year microblog channels helped to expand the traditional lecture. Students choose (on a voluntary basis) whether they want to participate in a blogging/microblogging group instead of using conventional methods called Scientific Writer/Scientific Reviewer. This study addresses the question whether this method can change the learning outcome into a more reflective one. Furthermore, peer-reviewing groups judge the quality of essays and blog contributions. In this paper we examine if microblogging can be an appropriate technology for assisting the process.
This publication comes to the conclusion that an amazing potential and a new way to work with information is opened when using microblogging. Students seem to be more engaged, reflective and critical in as much as they presented much more personal statements and opinions than years before.

Referenz: Ebner, M., Maurer, H. (2008) Can Microblogs and Weblogs change traditional scientific writing?, Proceedings of E-Learn 2008, Las Vegas, p. 768-776, 2008

[publication] Mobile Information Access in Higher Education

Unser Beitrag bei der heurigen E-Learn Conference über den mobilen Zugang zum Lernmanagesystem ist nun hier online verfügbar.

This paper describes the implementation and integration of a m-Learning interface into the existing University-wide e-Learning System. Thereby existing content and information from the e-learning environment is automatically styled and provided in a way, which is accessible for most mobile devices. Incompatible content is filtered out. The system has been developed at the Institute of Information Systems and Computer Media (IICM) of Graz University of Technology with a special focus on the needs of engineering students. The approach integrates the possibilities of current mobile and wireless computing technology with the efficient delivery of information, content and interaction.
This paper will describe the system as well as encourage discussion, although far from m-Learning scenarios – how this kind of mobile access to information and content can be used to support students in higher education.

Referenz: Ebner, M., Scerbakov, N., Stickel, C., Maurer, H. (2008) Mobile Information Access in Higher Education, Proceedings of E-Learn 2008, Las Vegas, p. 777-782, 2008