Rechtzeitig zum Schulbeginn haben wir nun endlich alles umgestellt und unsere Aktivitäten im Bereich Schule und Learning Analytics gebündelt. Ab sofort steht die Seite zur Verfügung und bündelt den Einmaleins-Trainer, den Additions- und Subtraktionstrainer, den mehrstelligen Multiplikationstrainer, sowie auch die Apps für den Lesestest und der Buchstabenpost.
Wir hoffen, dass das Angebot auch weiterhin noch ausgebaut werden kann (zumindest wird von den Studierenden im Hintergrund fleißig gearbeitet) und freuen uns natürlich auch auf Rückmeldungen 🙂 .

This is my last blogpost for the next two weeks – I will go for vacation with my family. In the meanwhile have a pleasant time and come back with me on 18th of August 🙂

[#LAK2012] Learning Analytics and Knowledge 2012

Our publication on “It’s just About Learning the Multiplication Table” got accepted for this year conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge 2012. We will talk about our research results concerning the project “Intelligent Multiplication Table”. The abstract of our contribution:

One of the first and basic mathematical knowledge of school children is the multiplication table. At the age of 8 to 10 each child has to learn by training step by step, or more scientifically, by using a behavioristic learning concept. Due to this fact it can be mentioned that we know very well about the pedagogical approach, but on the other side there is rather less knowledge about the increase of step-by-step knowledge of the school children.
In this publication we present some data documenting the fluctuation in the process of acquiring the multiplication tables. We report the development of an algorithm which is able to adapt the given tasks out of a given pool to unknown pupils. For this purpose a web-based application for learning the multiplication table was developed and then tested by children. Afterwards so- called learning curves of each child were drawn and analyzed by the research team as well as teachers carrying out interesting outcomes. Learning itself is maybe not as predictable as we know from pedagogical experiences, it is a very individualized process of the learners themselves.
It can be summarized that the algorithm itself as well as the learning curves are very useful for studying the learning success. Therefore it can be concluded that learning analytics will become an important step for teachers and learners of tomorrow.

We are looking forward to meet you in Vancouver to discuss our research results 🙂 .

[bachelorthesis] Business models for mobile Applications

Another bachelor thesis of our department adresses the questions which business models are appropriate for mobile Applications. Enjoy the interesting work of Richard and Feedback is appreciated 🙂 .

In the mobile space are countless financial successful applications and every one of these is backed up by a business model. A business model defines how technology, strategy and organization work together and how to achieve maximal possible financial success. This thesis will present common business models that are used in the mobile space. The business models illustrated are very varying from classic sale to indirect advertising models. The Apple App Store is used as environment to describe and analyze the models. The thesis also contains one case study of a successful application. It shows the evolution of the application and necessary changes
to adapt to new market challenges.

Business Models for mobile Applications

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[l3t] iPhone-App-Innovationsworkshop

Im Rahmen der Vorlesung AK Medientechnologie wo wir iPhone Development unterrichten, fand ein Innovationsworkshop zur Ideengenerierung innovativer iPhone Apps statt. Hier eine Kurzzusammenfassung, Eindrücke sowie die Darstellung der einzelnen Schritte. Das Ergebnis? Wir hoffen, dass wir es Ende Sommersemester auf den entsprechenden Endgeräten präsentieren können.
Vielen lieben Dank auch an Sandra, für die vorbereitende Unterstützung in der Konzeption des Workshops.