[publication] Analysis of Students’ Behavior Watching iMooX Courses with Interactive Elements #mooc

We published an article about „Analysis of Students’ Behavior Watching iMooX Courses with Interactive Elements“ in the iJET-Journal:

Digital learning technologies are becoming increasingly important for our modern educational system. In addition to teaching methods that incorporate interactivity, these approaches benefit students’ overall learning experience and success by enhancing their attention and fostering a positive attitude towards the learning content being presented. Interactivity comes in various forms, and while a combination of distinct activities is beneficial, some are more effective at engaging students. Using digital technologies in an educational environment opens up new possibilities for students, teachers, and researchers. It provides new insights into learning behavior and enables the collection of interaction information. This data could, for example, show how often a video was paused or at what point students lost interest and left, but gaining such knowledge requires further processing. The use of visualizations that depict behavior, such as the change of attention over time, can be an effective way to present extracted information. Therefore, our research focuses on developing an application that enables us to generate various visualizations from the collected data. A single command-line input will be sufficient to create them. Furthermore, a video course was created from which we collected behavioral data. Our results aim to showcase the benefits of interactivity, and that the created figures can be used for data evaluation verifies the versatility of the generated visualizations

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Reference: Dohr, D., Wachtler, J., & Ebner, M. (2023). Analysis of Students’ Behavior Watching iMooX Courses with Interactive Elements. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 18(24), pp. 4–18. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijet.v18i24.46455

[publication] Information Systems Maintenance: Maintenance Factors for Information Systems with a Focus on Teaching and Learning #tugraz

We did a small piece of research about „Information Systems Maintenance: Maintenance Factors for Information Systems with a Focus on Teaching and Learning“ and it was now published:

This work deals with the maintenance of information systems—specifically, with the maintenance of information systems that have a focus on teaching and learning. Depending on the context of an information system, there are different influencing factors for the maintenance of these systems. This work clarifies how the maintenance activities and their influencing factors differ in an information system for teaching and learning from other information systems, or why some influencing factors are particularly more important. The first step is to understand what maintenance means, why there is a need for maintenance, and which maintenance strategies can be used. Finally, the defined factors of influencing the maintenance of information systems for teaching and learning are evaluated during interviews with experts in order to be able to determine their relevance. A further part of this document is the influence of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) guidelines on information systems maintenance, which came into force on May 25, 2018. These guidelines of the GDPR affect a large part of all information systems that process data—in particular, the processing of personal data. The GDPR regulates, among other things, the rights and obligations of data processing.

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Reference: Pilz, M., Ebner, M., & Wachtler, J. (2023). Information Systems Maintenance: Maintenance Factors for Information Systems with a Focus on Teaching and Learning. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 18(15), pp. 67–78. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijet.v18i15.40919

[publication] Practitioner Integrated Education for Vital Computational Thinking Skills #tugraz #research #edil23

Our conference paper, titled „Practitioner Integrated Education for Vital Computational Thinking Skills„, at EDMedia and Innovative Learning 2023 conference in Vienna is published.

The leap from formal education to a modern work environment is often surprisingly difficult. Having young people struggle in these transitional periods while entrepreneurs and businesses strive to merge new team members is a worthy cause to investigate. The process of teacher education can not adequately cope with the intensity of technological and methodological progress. Based on expert-driven, participatory workshops in Austria, the effects and benefits of practitioner integration are evaluated. In multiple stages based on an action research methodology, the problem-solving approach of Computational Thinking (CT) was introduced to learners aged 16 to 18 (K-12) with the help of outside practitioners. This research project reveals the immense potential of expert integration in a secondary school classroom setting. The primary research question of “What consequences has practitioner integration on Computational Thinking education?” is answered. With the development of sustainable, interdisciplinary interfaces between teaching staff and industry experts a multitude of systemic problems in the educational system can be mitigated and the missing link to Computational Thinking education established. With all involved stakeholders and driven by the needs of young learners a robust and inclusive path to practitioner integrated Computational Thinking education is established.

[draft @ ResearchGate]
[article @ conference’s homepage]

Reference: Pollak, M., Ebner, M. & Sagbauer, N.N. (2023). Practitioner Integrated Education for Vital Computational Thinking Skills. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 593-602). Vienna, Austria: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved August 31, 2023 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/222704/.

[publication] Openness in Education as a Praxis: From Individual Testimonials to Collective Voices #OER #openess #education

I had the possibility to write a collaborative article with many colleagues about „Openness in Education as a Praxis: From Individual Testimonials to Collective Voices“ for the Journal Open Praxis and it got published already in summer 🙂

Why is Openness in Education important, and why is it critically needed at this moment? As manifested in our guiding question, the significance of Openness in Education and its immediate necessity form the heart of this collaborative editorial piece. This rather straightforward, yet nuanced query has sparked this collective endeavour by using individual testimonies, which may also be taken as living narratives, to reveal the value of Openness in Education as a praxis. Such testimonies serve as rich, personal narratives, critical introspections, and experience-based accounts that function as sources of data. The data gleaned from these narratives points to the understanding of Openness in Education as a complex, multilayered concept intricately woven into an array of values. These range from aspects such as sharing, access, flexibility, affordability, enlightenment, barrier-removal, empowerment, care, individual agency, trust, innovation, sustainability, collaboration, co-creation, social justice, equity, transparency, inclusivity, decolonization, democratisation, participation, liberty, and respect for diversity. This editorial, as a product of collective endeavour, invites its readers to independently engage with individual narratives, fostering the creation of unique interpretations. This call stems from the distinctive character of each narrative as they voice individual researchers’ perspectives from around the globe, articulating their insights within their unique situational contexts.

[full article @ Journal’s homepage]
[full article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Bozkurt, A., Gjelsvik, T., Adam, T., Asino, T. I., Atenas, J., Bali, M., Blomgren, C., Bond, M., Bonk, C. J., Brown, M., Burgos, D., Conrad, D., Costello, E., Cronin, C., Czerniewicz, L., Deepwell, M., Deimann, M., DeWaard, H. J., Dousay, T. A., Ebner, M., Farrow, R., Gil-Jaurena, I., Havemann, L., Inamorato, A., Irvine, V., Karunanayaka, S. P., Kerres, M., Lambert, S., Lee, K., Makoe, M., Marín, V. I., Mikroyannidis, A., Mishra, S., Naidu, S., Nascimbeni, F., Nichols, M., Olcott. Jr., D., Ossiannilsson, E., Otto, D., Padilla Rodriguez, B. C., Paskevicius, M., Roberts, V., Saleem, T., Schuwer, R., Sharma, R. C., Stewart, B., Stracke, C. M., Tait, A., Tlili, A., Ubachs, G., Weidlich, J., Weller, M., Xiao, J., & Zawacki Richter, O. (2023). Openness in Education as a Praxis: From Individual Testimonials to Collective Voices. Open Praxis15(2), pp. 76–112. DOI: https://doi.org/10.55982/openpraxis.15.2.574

[article] The good and the bad of AI in education #AI #education #chatGPT #KI

We just wrote a short article about „The good and the bad of AI in education“ and summarized our work on „Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and ChatGPT in education – a first rapid literature review“ for Education Technology Insights

You can acess it right here or get the draft version as .pdf as well

Reference: Ebner, M., Schön, S. & Jahic, I. (2023) The good and the bad of AI in education. Educational Technology Insights (online). https://student-engagement.educationtechnologyinsights.com/cxoinsights/the-good-and-the-bad-of-ai-in-education-nid-2451.html [.pdf]

[publication] Metastandard für den internationalen Austausch von MOOCs – der MOOChub als erster Prototyp #tugraz #moochub #imoox #mooc #zfhe

In der Ausgabe 18/1 der Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung haben wir einen Artikel zu „Metastandard für den internationalen Austausch von MOOCs – der MOOChub als erster Prototyp“ und berichten hier einerseits über die Entstehung und die Idee des MOOChub als auch den Quasi-Standard den alle deutschsprachigen MOOC-Plattformen verwenden:

Der MOOChub ist eine Webseite, die weit über 700 Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum von insgesamt neun unterschiedlichen Partner:innen listet. Damit eine solche Seite automatisiert aufgebaut werden kann, ist es notwendig, dass alle Partner:innen die Metadaten der Kurse in gleicher Weise beschreiben und verfügbar machen. Dieser Artikel beschreibt zunächst die Entstehung der Idee eines gemeinsamen Standards und wie dieser im Anschluss entwickelt worden ist. Das Ergebnis ist einerseits ein offen lizenzierter Quasi-Standard, der sich an üblichen Standards orientiert, und ein erster Prototyp, der sogenannte MOOChub, auf dem nun alle Kurse auffindbar und durchsuchbar sind. Abschließend wird über die nächsten möglichen und auch notwendigen Entwicklungen berichtet, die die Schnittstelle weiter optimieren sollen.

[Artikel @ Homepage ZFHE]
[Artikel @ ResearchGate]

Referenz: Ebner, M., Koschutnig-Ebner, M., Rampelt, F., Serth, S., Staubitz, T., van Stetten, A., Max, T., Wittke, A., (2023) Metastandard für den internationalen Austausch von MOOCs – der MOOChub als erster Prototyp. In Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung 18/1, S. 17-35

[publication] Identifying the Essentials of Corporate MOOCs’ Application to the Leading Organizations #tugraz #research #MOOC

I am happy to announce our new article in the International Journal of Emerging Technologies for Learning about „Identifying the Essentials of Corporate MOOCs’ Application to the Leading Organizations„. I did this togehter with our international partners 🙂

The purpose of this study is to identify the essentials of corporate MOOCs‘ application to the leading organizations. This basic research was conducted using a qualitative research synthesis technique. The statistical population includes documents retrieved by searching the Persian and Latin web databases (n=165) using a criterion sampling method (2013- 2020). A total of 73 sources were selected.  Theoretical saturation of themes was reached by the 48th sample. In order to collect data, the library research method was used. The collected data were then analyzed using a thematic analysis technique. Finally, to validate the proposed model, a total of 6 experts in different fields were selected using a purposive sampling method, and they approved the final model after modifications. Based on the research findings, the essentials identified include: the main personal, educational, and organizational themes. Clarification of the logic behind and reason for learning is among essentials in designing and formulating any learning from virtual training (e-learning). This is of paramount importance, especially in learning based on corporate MOOCs as an innovation and transformation towards training and improving human resources. This logic prevents the possible resistance of managers and officials, and even the organizations and corporations‘ staff themselves to learning using corporate MOOCs.

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Reference: Fathi Hafshejani, F., Zeinalipour, H. ., Ebner , M., Shikhi Fini, A. A., Fathi Vajargah , K. ., & Jafari, . E. . (2023). Identifying the Essentials of Corporate MOOCs’ Application to the Leading Organizations. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 18(03), pp. 143–159. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijet.v18i03.33937

[publication] Students in Focus – Moving Towards Human-Centred Learning Analytics #LearningAnalytics #LearnersCorner #tugraz #LA

We are very proud that we can announce another research article about our successful Learning Analytics project titled „Students in Focus – Moving Towards Human-Centred Learning Analytics„. It got published with the book Practicable Learning Analytics.

Human-centred design is a well-established approach within research fields such as human-computer interaction, ergonomics, and human factors. Recently Learning Analytics (LA) researchers and practitioners have manifested great interest in exploring methods and techniques associated with this approach to manage the design process in ways that can enhance human interaction with LA technology. The project “Learning Analytics – Students in Focus” aims to use student-related data to support the learning and teaching process in a higher educational context. Our interdisciplinary team investigates LA tools that leverage students’ academic success by acquiring or developing self-regulated learning skills. We adopted a Human-Centred Learning Analytics (HCLA) approach involving students, teachers, and other educational stakeholders in the iterative design of our LA tools. This article contributes to the discussion on how to design LA tools using a human-centred approach. We describe the analysis, design, implementation, and evaluation process of three LA tools comprised in our students’ dashboard, i.e., the planner, the activity graph, and the learning diary. In addition, we present key results gained in several empirical studies which had an implication on the tools’ design. Finally, we provide insights about our experience with the HCLA approach, pointing out benefits and limitations in practice.

[Article @ book’s homepage]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Barreiros, C., Leitner, P., Ebner, M., Veas, E., Lindstaedt, S. (2023). Students in Focus – Moving Towards Human-Centred Learning Analytics. In: Viberg, O., Grönlund, Å. (eds) Practicable Learning Analytics. Advances in Analytics for Learning and Teaching. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-27646-0_5

[publication] Strategien zu offenen Bildungsressourcen an österreichischen öffentlichen Universitäten #OER #gmw2022

Bei der GMW 2022 haben wir eine Publikation zu „Strategien zu offenen Bildungsressourcen an österreichischen öffentlichen Universitäten“ eingereicht, wo wir systematisch die Leistungsvereinbarungen der österreichischen Universitäten hinsichtlich OER untersucht haben.

Bezugnehmend auf eine Analyse der Rolle von offenen Bildungsressourcen (OER für „Open Educational Resources“) in den Leistungsvereinbarungen österreichischer öf- fentlicher Universitäten der Jahre 2019–2021 (Edelsbrunner, Ebner & Schön, 2021) werden in diesem Beitrag die Entwicklungen des vergangenen Jahres in Bezug zu OER und den Hochschulen in Österreich beschrieben. Zentral ist dabei die Analyse der neuen Leistungsvereinbarungen der 22 öffentlichen österreichischen Universitäten für die Periode 2022–2024 und der Nennung von OER-Aktivitäten. Dabei wird auf- gezeigt, dass nun alle öffentlichen Universitäten OER in den Leistungsvereinbarungen erwähnen, 16 der 22 Universitäten planen sogar weitreichende OER-Aktivitäten. Auch haben weitere Hochschulen OER-Strategien veröffentlicht.

[Artikel @ ResearchGate]

Zitation: Edelsbrunner, S., Ebner, M., Schön, S. (2022) Strategien zu offenen Bildungsressourcen an österreichischen Hochschulen. In: Digitale Lehre nachhaltig gestalten, Standl B. (ed.), S. 209-214, Waxmann Verlag. ISBN 978-3-8309-4633-5

[publication] Using learning analytics to improve the educational design of MOOCs #MOOC #imoox

Our article about „Using learning analytics to improve the educational design of MOOCs“ got published now in the International Journal of Education and Learning.

In recent years, the interest in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and Learning Analytics research have highly increased in the areas of educational technologies. The emergence of new learning technologies requires new perspectives on Educational Design. When the areas of MOOCs, Learning Analytics and Instructional Design developed, the interest and connection between these three concepts became important for research. Learning Analytics provides progress information and other individualized support in MOOC settings where teachers are not able to provide learners with individual attention, which would be possible in a traditional face-to-face setting. Through collective views over the learning process, the overall progress and performance are indicated. Moreover, results can lead to Educational Design improvements. Every time a learner interacts with the system, data is created and collected. Many Educational Designers do not take advantage of this data and thereby, losing the possibility to impact the course design in a powerful way. This research work strongly focuses on the implication of Learning Analytics for Educational Design in MOOCs. Many methods and algorithms are used in the analytical learning process in MOOCs. Currently, a great variety of learning data exists. First, well-known Instructional Design patterns from different models were collected and listed. In a second step, through the collected data is used to point out which of these patterns can be answered by using Learning Analytics methods. The findings of the study show that it is possible to better understand which environments and experiences are best suited for learning by analyzing students‘ behaviors online. These results have great potential for a rapidly and easier understanding and optimization of the learning process for educators.

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Reference: Khalil, H., Ebner, M., & Leitner, P. (2022). Using learning analytics to improve the educational design of MOOCs. International Journal of Education and Learning, 4(2), 100-108. doi:https://doi.org/10.31763/ijele.v4i2.641