[iphone, app] GeoQuiz+ #tugraz #iOS #AppDevelopment

GeoQuiz+Im Rahmen unserer Vorlesung “Mobile Applications 2016” wurde eine App zum Kennenlernen der Welt erstellt:

Level up your geography skills in the most fun and engaging way: with GeoQuizz+

  • Take the challenge and identify countries by their flags or their outlines.
  • Guess the location of cities as accurate as possible


  • 254 Flags
  • 229 Country borders
  • 1673 Cities, Towns or Villages distirbuted in over 200 Countries
  • Switch continents for the game
  • Zoomable map in position quiz

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[iphone, app] StepForward+ #tugraz #AppDevelopment #iOS

StepForward+Im Rahmen unserer Vorlesung “Mobile Applications 2016” hat man eine App zum Schritt zählen erstellt:

StepForward uses the built-in motion sensor in your iPhone to track your daily and weekly step activity. The track data is then used to present the appropriate information you need in order to keep up to your goals. For every step you take, you get one step closer to earn achievements based on your progress. The purpose of the achievements is to motivate you to stay healthy and walk more, but also to make it more entertaining. This application is developed by two Swedish exchange student at TU Graz, Austria, in the course Mobile Applications.
Every step you take, every move you make, we’ll be counting it!

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[iphone, app] Erasmus TU Graz #AppDevelopment #iOS #tugraz

iPhone App Erasmus TU GrazIm Rahmen unserer Vorlesung “Mobile Applications 2016” hat man eine App für die Erasmusstudierenden erstellt. Wir hoffen, dass damit der Anfang leichter ist an der TU Graz:

Erasmus TU is the perfect app for all new international students at TU Graz. Find all the basic information about paper work, university and free time! Insert your country of origin and the length of your stay to get a personalized Must Do List with all the paper work you need to do and a complete explanation of when/where/how to do it. Visa, Meldezettel… everything explained in an easy check list! You can also get the basic information about the university thanks to our TU guide. Campus and international office information, how to register for the courses and more is available in Erasmus TU. Also, useful information about your stay is available. This includes how to find accommodation, which bank or phone company to choose… A good international experience is also based on how you spend your free time. With Erasmus TU you can find information about restaurants, bars, sports… No matter which program you are following or how long you are staying in Graz, this app is for you!

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[lecture] iOS Human Interface Guidlines for iOS-Platforms #ios #iOSdevelopment #tugraz

The lecutre slides for this year lecture on Mobile Applications at TU Graz are now online available. Enjoy it:

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[app] Multiplikationstrainer #app #LearningAnalytics

MultiplikationstrainerDer Mulitplikationstrainer, Teil unseres Learninglab , erhält nun auch eine iOS-App, die einerseits einen Trainingsmodus und andererseits eben den Übungsmodus implementiert hat.

Expand your multiplication skills.
You can start a short game over ten rounds or an online game.
If you reach enough points at the short game, you unlock the next level with higher complexity.
Or our Online-System creates your multiplications. The system enables you to see your calculations and errors online.
So you are able to analyze your errors and improve your skills.
If you play the online mode, you need an account from the learning lab of the TU Graz.

Um den Übungsmodus spielen zu können ist eine Registration bei https://schule.learninglab.tugraz.at notwendig.

[Link zur App]

[app] Divisionstrainer #App #LearningAnalytics

DivisionstrainerDer Divisionstrainer ist nun online, wie ich hier berichtet habe. Nun haben wir bereits eine iOS-App entwickelt die einerseits einen Trainingsmodus und andererseits eben den Übungsmodus implementiert hat.

The Online-System generates some Division questions with increasing difficulty levels. You can see your calculation and errors immediately after entering the solution. As a result, you are able to analyze your errors and improve your division skills.
If you play in online mode, you need an account from the learning lab of the TU Graz.

Um den Übungsmodus spielen zu können ist eine Registration bei https://schule.learninglab.tugraz.at notwendig.

[Link zur App]

[presentation] Human Computer Interface Guidelines #tugraz #iPhoneDevelopment

As now for 5 years now, I give my lecture on Human Computer Interface Guidlines for iOS platforms as part of the lecture “Mobile Applications“. Here you can find the slides of the lecture:

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[iphone] TUKey – Secure Password Manager #iphone #app

Secure Password ManagerIm Rahmen unserer Vorlesung “Mobile Applications 2015” wurde auch ein Passwortmanager fürs iPhone entwickelt – nicht uninteressant für den alltäglichen Gebrauch:

TUKey saves your login informations in an easy and secure way. You choose one master key to access all your credentials. The data is stored encrypted on your device and can be synchronized via iCloud with all your devices. TUKey allows you to generate secure passwords and store them. Your stored data can only be accessed using the master key.
The TUKey Safari extension allows you to retrieve your stored credentials and fills them in.

  • Free and secure password manager
  • Data gets encrypted and is stored on your device
  • Password generator for creating secure passwords
  • Safari extension to easily access your login information – iCloud synchronization between your devices
  • One master key for all devices

This application has been developed for the “Mobile Applications” lecture at the Graz University of Technology.

[Link zur App]

[presentation] Mobile Applikation zur Förderung der Lesekompetenz bei Kindern

Paul hat in seiner Masterarbeit den Lesetrainer entwickelt und diesen dann auch erfolgreich bei der Präsentation seiner Arbeit verteidigt. Hier reiche ich noch die Folien nach:

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[publication] Mobile Applications for Math Education – How Should They Be Done?

My contribution about “Mobile Applications for Math Education – How Should They Be Done?” as part of the book Mobile Learning and Mathematics. Foundations, Design, and Case Studies got published.

Math education in elementary schools is a necessity. In this publication we introduce different math applications for iPhone and iPad developed by students at Graz University of Technology. Both, the technical as well as the pedagogical strategy of these apps are described. Furthermore, a close look at the HCI guidelines are taken and finally enhanced with some crucial facts that in principle an app is able to serve as a learning app for elementary school children. It can be summarized that the successful use of math apps in classroom is more than just a playing with the first app that comes along; it is about a careful design of a didactical approach based on an appropriate learning strategy.

Mobile Applications for Math Education – How Should They Be Done? by Martin

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Reference: Ebner, M. (2015) Mobile Learning and Mathematics. Foundations, Design, and Case Studies. Crompton, H., Traxler, J. (ed.). Routledge. New York and London. pp. 20-32

btw, Happy Easter to all 🙂