[publication] Clustering patterns of engagement in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): the use of learning analytics to reveal student categories #mooc #tugraz

Our research about a case study of using Learning Analytics for MOOCs got published with the title „Clustering patterns of engagement in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): the use of learning analytics to reveal student categories„.


Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are remote courses that excel in their students’ heterogeneity and quantity. Due to the peculiarity of being massiveness, the large datasets generated by MOOC platforms require advanced tools and techniques to reveal hidden patterns for purposes of enhancing learning and educational behaviors. This publication offers a research study on using clustering as one of these techniques to portray learners’ engagement in MOOCs. It utilizes Learning Analytics techniques to investigate an offered MOOC by Graz University of Technology held for undergraduates. The authors mainly seek to classify students into appropriate categories based on their level of engagement. Clusters afterward are compared with another classical scheme (Cryer’s scheme of Elton) for further examination and comparison. The final results of this study show that extrinsic factors are not enough to make students highly committed to the MOOC, yet, adding intrinsic factors are recommended to improve future MOOCs.

[Full article @ Springer]

[Draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Khalil, M., Ebner, M. (2016) Clustering patterns of engagement in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): the use of learning analytics to reveal student categories. Journal of Computing in Higher Education. pp. 1-19. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12528-016-9126-9

[presentation] Learning Analytics oder wenn Big Data das Lernverhalten steuert #LearningAnalytics #TUGraz

Im Rahmen der heurigen Campus Innovation darf ich durchaus kritisch das Thema Learning Analytics in Bezug auf (Hochschul-)Lehre reflektieren – bin gespannt auf die Kommentare. Hier einmal dazu der Foliensatz:

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[workshop, publication] Successful transition from secondary to higher education using learning analytics #STELA #LearningAnalytics

For the first time we introduced our project STELA to a broader publid at the 44th SEFI conference in Finland. In our main focus is the transition from secondary to higher education using learning anlaytics.

The economic and financial crisis is having an important socio-economic effect in Europe and is threatening Europe’s economic growth model and employment and the sustainability of Europe’s welfare model. To counter the crisis, Europe should further evolve to a knowledge- driven and technology-based economy. This evolution however causes a rise in the demand for personnel with post-secondary education diploma, since many jobs in such a knowledge en technology-drive economy require at least a postsecondary education (Carnevale & Desrochers 2003). However, during the transition from secondary to higher education a lot of high-potential students drop out (Banger 2008).

[Full Workshop publication @ ResearchGate]

Reference: De Laet, T, Broos, T.,van Staalduinen, J.-P., Leitner, P., Ebner, M. (2016) Successful transition from secondary to higher education using learning analytics. 44th SEFI Conference, Tampere, Finland [.pdf]

[presentation] Was lernen wir von Learning Analytics #keynote #LearningAnalytics

Im Rahmen der eLearning Experts Conference in Eisenstadt darf ich heute das Thema Learning Analytics umreissen. Einerseits eine Definition bringen, Möglichkeiten und Gefahren aufzeigen und abschließende Beispiele zeigen (IDER Blog, Schule.learninglab.tugraz.at) ist das Ziel des Vortrages:

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[CfP] Learning Analytics for Secondary and Higher Education #LearningAnalytics

STELATogether with my colleagues from the STELA project we are organising a parallel session for next year International HCI 2017 conference (9 – 14 July 2017) in Vancouver. Our session is dealing with the topic „Learning Analytics for Secondary and Higher Education“ and we are looking for contributions in this field.
If your are interested in the session we are able to send you a personal invitiation through the submission system. Therefore just send a short email to martin [dot] ebner [at] tugraz [dot] at.

Deadlines for the Call:

  • Deadline for submissions (abstract; 800 words) for review: 25 November 2016
  • Notification of Review Outcome: 23 December 2016
  • Deadline for Camera-ready version (full papers, typically 10 pages, with minimum 8 pages long, maximum 12 pages long): 10 February 2017

Please note that Papers will appear in volumes of the Lecture Notes by Springer.

[publication] On Using Learning Analytics to Track the Activity of Interactive MOOC Videos #lak16

As part of the Workshop on Smart Environments and Analytics in Video-Based Learning at this year LAK`16 conference our contribution about „On Using Learning Analytics to Track the Activity of Interactive MOOC Videos“ got published.

It is widely known that interaction, as well as communication, are very important parts of successful online courses. These features are
considered crucial because they help to improve students‘ attention in a very significant way. In this publication, the authors present an innovative application, which adds different forms of interactivity to learning videos within MOOCs such as multiple-choice questions or the possibility to communicate with the teacher. Furthermore, Learning Analytics using exploratory examination and visualizations have been applied to unveil learners‘ patterns and behaviors as well as investigate the effectiveness of the application. Based upon the quantitative and qualitative observations, our study determined common practices behind dropping out using videos indicator and suggested enhancements to increase the performance of the application as well as learners‘ attention.

[Publication @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Wachtler, J., Khalil, M., Taraghi, B. & Ebner, M. (2016). On Using Learning Analytics to Track the Activity of Interactive MOOC Videos. Paper presented at LAK 2016 Workshop on Smart Environments and Analytics in Video-Based Learning, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 26/04/16 – 26/04/16, pp. 8-17

[presentation] When Learning Analytics Meets MOOCs – a Review on iMooX Case Studies #imoox #mooc #research

Mohammad give a keynote-speech at this year Conference on Innovations for Community Services in Vienna titled „When Learning Analytics Meets MOOCs – a Review on iMooX Case Studies„. He introduced our research activities concerning MOOCs and Learning Analytics:

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[publication] Learning Analytics in MOOCs: Can Data Improve Students Retention and Learning? #LearningAnalytics

Our publication about „Learning Analytics in MOOCs: Can Data Improve Students Retention and Learning?“ at this year ED-Media conference is now online available. The presentation slides have been published right here.


In order to study learners’ behaviors and activities in online learning environments such as MOOCs, the demanding for a framework of practices and procedures to collect, analyze and optimize their data emerged in the educational learning horizon. Learning Analytics is the field that arose to comply with such needs and was denominated as a “technological fix to the long-standing problems” of online learning platforms (Knox, 2014). This paper discusses the significance of applying Learning Analytics in MOOCs to overcome some of its issues. We will mainly focus on improving students’ retention and learning using an algorithm prototype based on divergent MOOC indicators, and propose a scheme to reflect the results on MOOC students

[Full publication @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Khalil, M. & Ebner, M. (2016). Learning Analytics in MOOCs: Can Data Improve Students Retention and Learning?. In Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2016 (pp. 569-576). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

[publication] Engaging Learning Analytics in MOOCS: the good, the bad, and the ugly #tugraz #mooc

Our publication about „Engaging Learning Analytics in MOOCS: the good, the bad, and the ugly“ at this year END Conference in Lubijana is now online available. The presentation slides have already been published here.


Learning Analytics is an emerging field in the vast areas of Educational Technology and Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL). It provides tools and techniques that offer researchers the ability to analyze, study, and benchmark institutions, learners and teachers as well as online learning environments such as MOOCs. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are considered to be a very active and an innovative form of bringing educational content to a broad community. Due to the reasons of being free and accessible to the public, MOOCs attracted a large number of heterogeneous learners who differ in education level, gender, and age. However, there are pressing demands to adjust the quality of the hosted courses, as well as controlling the high dropout ratio and the lack of interaction. With the help of Learning Analytics, it is possible to contain such issues. In this publication, we discuss the principles of engaging Learning Analytics in MOOCs learning environments and review its potential and capabilities (the good), constraints (the bad), and fallacy analytics (the ugly) based on our experience in last year’s.

[Full arcticle @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Khalil, M., Taraghi, B. & Ebner, M. (2016) Engaging Learning Analytics in MOOCS: the good, the bad, and the ugly. In:International Conference on Education and New Developments. Ljubljana, Slovenia, p. 3-7

[presentation] Learning Analytics and Spelling Acquisition in German – A First Prototype #iderblog

Markus presented our research work titled „Learning Analytics and Spelling Acquisition in German – A First Prototype“ at the 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII) in Toronto. Here are his slides:

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