Together with my colleagues from the STELA project we are organising a parallel session for next year International HCI 2017 conference (9 – 14 July 2017) in Vancouver. Our session is dealing with the topic “Learning Analytics for Secondary and Higher Education” and we are looking for contributions in this field.
If your are interested in the session we are able to send you a personal invitiation through the submission system. Therefore just send a short email to martin [dot] ebner [at] tugraz [dot] at.
Deadlines for the Call:
- Deadline for submissions (abstract; 800 words) for review: 25 November 2016
- Notification of Review Outcome: 23 December 2016
- Deadline for Camera-ready version (full papers, typically 10 pages, with minimum 8 pages long, maximum 12 pages long): 10 February 2017
Please note that Papers will appear in volumes of the Lecture Notes by Springer.