[publication] Digital Learning during COVID-19. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Distance Learning at Universities in Austria #covid19 #edmedia #research

At this year’s EDMedia conference in Brussels we published a paper titled “Digital Learning during COVID-19. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Distance Learning at Universities in Austria“.

The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected universities in Austria, leading to a rapid shift to distance learning. This study analyzed 59 surveys conducted between March 2020 and October 2021. The quality of distance learning varies among universities and lecturers. Effective communication and access to information along with an appropriate workload for online teaching are key aspects. Adequate examination dates, seats, and time to complete courses are necessary. Students appreciated video recordings and some examination formats but preferred face-to-face exams in the future. This shows that online teaching is useful as a complement but not in itself. Using blended and hybrid learning methods can preserve the identified advantages.

[article @ conference homepage]
[article @ researchgate]

Reference: Brünner, B., Findenig, K. & Ebner, M.(2024). Digital Learning during COVID-19. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Distance Learning at Universities in Austria. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 980-988). Brussels, Belgium: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). https://learntechlib.org/primary/p/224617/

[publication] Promotion of Emotional Learning in Technical and Social Domains: A Systematic Review #tugraz #research #hcii

Our publication, “Promotion of Emotional Learning in Technical and Social Domains: A Systematic Review, ” was published.

Different learning approaches and new Learning Environment Systems (LES) are evolving rapidly these days and are designed by taking more and more individual skills and personal characteristics and preferences into account. Also Emotional Learning is gaining more importance when it comes to different learning environments in the technical domain as well as in the social context. Emotional Learning can help to support the overall engagement in learning and approaching learning achievements significantly. This paper should give some deeper insights into Emotional Learning, which possibilities exist to support it in a meaningful way and how feedback of emotional states can be obtained in Learning Environment Systems in higher education. For this purpose a literature review was chosen as the underlying research method to explore and find the necessary answers in various scientific articles, encyclopedias and relevant conference papers from different sources. The outcome will show different state-of-the-art approaches and tools to promote Emotional Learning and how to incorporate emotional learning support in Learning Environments.

[article @ publisher’s homepage]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Struger, P., Brünner, B., Ebner, M. (2024). Promotion of Emotional Learning in Technical and Social Domains: A Systematic Review. In: Zaphiris, P., Ioannou, A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. HCII 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14723. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-61685-3_18

[publication] The Analysis of Learning Management System towards Students’ Cognitive Learning Outcome #tugraz #researg

Our article titled “The Analysis of Learning Management System towards Students’ Cognitive Learning Outcome” got published in the Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET).

The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of the moodle and edmodo learning management system (LMS) in education, to identify the specific features of the LMS that were utilized in the learning process, and to assess the impact of the LMS on student learning outcomes, drawing on cognitive learning theory. The research method is a systematic literature review (SLR) using the Scopus and Taylor & Francis databases, guided by the PRISMA (preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analyses) protocol, to analyze the data. The validity of the study was tested using the Gregory test with four expert examiners, namely an SLR expert, an LMS expert, and experts in cognitive learning outcomes. The results of the electronic database search focused on articles related to LMS implementation, LMS features, and student cognitive learning outcomes. This systematic literature review identified four key stages that serve as indicators of LMS implementation: 1) introduction, 2) registration, 3) learning materials, and 4) evaluation (assessment or feedback). The LMS features used in learning are grouped into four sections: communication features, course content features, course delivery features, and assignment features. The findings of the literature review indicate that the implementation of LMS and the features utilized in the learning process have an impact on various aspects of learning. These include learning satisfaction, engagement, learning experience, comfort, effectiveness, motivation, and the improvement of student learning outcomes.

[full article @ journal’s homepage]
[full article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Aulianda, N., Wijayati, P. H., Ebner, M., & Schön, S. (2023). The Analysis of Learning Management System towards Students’ Cognitive Learning Outcome: A Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 18(23), pp. 4–26. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijet.v18i23.36443

[publicaton] Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and ChatGPT in education – a first rapid literature review #ai #chatgpt #tugraz #research

We did a first rapid literature review about chatGPT is used in education settings. Our paper titled “Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and ChatGPT in education – a first rapid literature review” for the EDMedia and Innovative 2023 conference in Vienna is now online available.

Abstract: The usage of AI, more precisely ChatGPT, is almost embedded in our everyday routine. It reduces the time, effort, and cost of performing boring and now also very delicate tasks. It appears that ChatGPT knows everything and knows how to explain everything in a personalized and peculiar way, adjusted to the user’s preferences. In this paper, we will explore how ChatGPT can be used in higher education and what its limitations are, if any at all. We shall endeavor to examine both the advantages and disadvantages of ChatGPT in education and state of the art. We will use a literature review as our research method to explore and find the necessary answers. We will explore and use various scientific articles, newspaper articles, blog posts, and other relevant literature from many authors. Our results and conclusion will show how to use ChatGPT in the best way in education and what to look out for now that ChatGPT is still available to everyone.

[draft @ ResearchGate]
[publication @ AACE]

Reference: Jahic, I., Ebner, M. & Schön, S. (2023). Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and ChatGPT in education – a first rapid literature review. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 1462-1470). Vienna, Austria: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved July 13, 2023 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/222670/

With this post, I get to end the 2022/23 academic year and say goodbye to summer vacation. I will recover on the mountains and who wants to know where I’m just hanging around, can look at my tours: [My Homepage @ Alpenverein]
Will be back with end of August – cu 🙂

Das OER-Repositorium und Schnittstellen der TU Graz – Vorstellung und Diskussion eines Papers durch @anjalorenz


ErklOERbärin Anja Lorenz hat mit Oliver Tacke ein Paper von uns genauer angesehen und beschreibt was die “OERsterreicherInnen” in Bezug auf APIs und Schnittstellen zwischen LMS zum OER Repositorium zum OERhub.at entwickelt haben.

https://bldg-alt-entf.de/2021/06/18/bldgaltentf-e039-chip-chip-hurra/ – ab etwa 1:09:00 🙂

Bildschirmfoto 2021-06-24 um 12.01.18

Dankeschön für die Vorstellung! Wer das Paper nachlesen möchte hier entlang bitte.

Ladurner, C., Ortner, C., Lach, K., Ebner, M., Haas, M., Ebner, M., Ganguly, R. & Schön, S., (2021). Entwicklung und Implementierung eines Plug-Ins und von APIs für offene Bildungsressourcen (OER). In: Reussner, R. H., Koziolek, A. & Heinrich, R. (Hrsg.), INFORMATIK 2020. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn. (S. 453-465). DOI: doi:10.18420/inf2020_42

Ausführlich hier:

Ladurner, Christian Ortner, Karin Lach, Martin Ebner, Maria Haas, Markus Ebner, Raman Ganguly und Sandra Schön (2021). Schnittstellen für OER: Entwicklung und Implementierung eines Plug-Ins und von APIs für offene Bildungsressourcen (OER) an der Schnittstelle von LMS, Repositorium und Referatorium. Arbeitsbericht für das Projekt Open Education Austria Advanced. Graz: TU Graz. DOI: https://10.5281/zenodo.4521286, Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/349121177_Schnittstellen_fur_OER_Entwicklung_und_Implementierung_eines_Plug-Ins_und_von_APIs_fur_offene_Bildungsressourcen_OER_an_der_Schnittstelle_von_LMS_Repositorium_und_Referatorium_Projektreport

[presentation] What is Learning Analytics about? #LearningAnalytics #IA9 #research

Today, Mohammad Khalil is presenting our publication about “What is Learning Analytics about?” at Smart Learning Excellence Conference in Dubai. Here are his presentation slides:

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[WANTED] Reviewer needed #ijet #elearning

International Journal of Emerging Technologies in LearningIt’s a great honour for me, because I got nominated for an Associate Editor-in-Chief for the International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning. So I will take care about all submissions and assist Michael Auer, the founder of the Journal.

This interdisciplinary journal aims to focus on the exchange of relevant trends and research results as well as the presentation of practical experiences gained while developing and testing elements of technology enhanced learning. So it aims to bridge the gape between pure academic research journals and more practical publications. So it covers the full range from research, application development to experience reports and product descriptions

Now I am looking for other reseachers who are interested to act as reviewer for the journal. If you would love to read new and exciting proposals, let me know and send an email to martin.ebner[at]tugraz.at. Would really love to hear from you 🙂

[review] Tweet, Tweet , Retweet: Conversational Aspects of Retweeting on Twitter

Danah Boyd, Scott Golder und Gilad Lotan sind der Frage nachgegangen, wie Personen sogenannte Retweets auf Twitter verwenden. Also warum dupliziert jemand auf Twitter eine Nachricht und welche Form hat diese dann. Der Artikel selbst erscheint erst in den Proceedings of HICSS-43 im Jänner 2010, trotzdem findet man ein PrePrint Version vorab im Netz:

Tweet, Tweet, Retweet: Conversational Aspects of Retweeting on Twitter

Nun neben einer relative großen Datenanalyse von von fast 720.000 tweets (erste Studie) und 203.371 tweets (zweite Studie) erfolgte auch eine Kurzumfrage. Die wesentlichsten Aussagen sind m. E.:

  • 36% der tweet waren ein reply (@), 5% der tweets hatten einen hashtag (#), 22% der tweets enhielten eine URL und 3% der tweets waren ein retweet (wobei 88% ein RT inkludierten und nur 11% “via”)
  • 52% der retweets enthielten eine URL und 18% einen hastag (#)

Es wird auch aufgezeigt, dass es verschiedene Arten von Retweets gibt und dass sich hier noch keine wirkliche Norm eingebürgt hat. Genauso sehen es die Autoren bei der Analyse warum jemand etwas retweetet. Es werden hier etliche Gründe angeführt:

  • um den Inhalt eines Tweets weiter zu verbreiten und seinen eigenen Followern mitzuteilen
  • um den Originaltweet zu kommentieren und damit eine Diskussion anzuregen
  • um jemanden seiner Community sichtbarer zu machen
  • um jemanden zuzustimmen
  • als eine Art freundschaftliche Geste
  • um eigene Followers zu gewinnen
  • um den Tweet bei sich abzulegen

Auch bei der Frage was denn retweetet wird, kann aufgezeigt werden, dass es primär dann erfolgt wenn man glaubt, dass es für seine Community relevant bzw. wichtig ist – oder aus einer sozialen Aktion heraus. Die Autoren verweisen zum Schluss auch noch auf die Gefahr, dass durch die Beschränkheit der Zeichenanzahl es durchaus zu einer Sinnveränderung des Original Tweets kommen kann und auf weitere Effekte wie die Bitte nach einem Retweet oder ein Ego-Retweet (Retweet eines Tweets in dem man selbst schon vorkommt).
Alles in allem kann, fasst dieser Artikel das Phänomen Retweet auf Twitter sehr gut zusammen und ich kann ihn allen jenen weiterempfehlen, die sich damit näher beschäftigen. Für einen erfahrenen Twitterexperten verbirgt sich eigentlich wenig Neues, zeigt also die gelebte alltägliche Praxis auf.

(via heise.de)