[publication] Is Your University Ready For the Ne(x)t-Generation?

Our publication about „Is Your University Ready For the Ne(x)t-Generation? “ at this year ED-Media Conference is now online.

Abstract: At Graz University of Technology a survey about the hardware equipment and the Web2.0 skills among students of the first semester took place for the second time. This paper reflects the results of that two years evaluation. It answers the questions whether the net-generation already has arrived at universities or not and which consequences this fact has on the teaching and learning behaviors as well as infrastructural aspects of a university. Although young students are technologically increasingly well equipped they do not exhaust the potential of their devices or the potential of uncommon Web2.0 applications yet. Nevertheless the applications and communicational ways of a student’s average usage are signals not to be ignored by a university management. They not only indicate a dawning basic change of a typical student’s life but demand a rethinking of essential structural elements at universities right now.

Reference: Nagler, W., Ebner, M. (2009) Is Your University Ready For the Ne(x)t-Generation?, Proceedings of 21st ED-Media Conference (2009), S. 4344 – 4351; World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications
Here you will find the publication.

[publication] Trends Discovery in the Field of E-Learning with Visualization

Our publication about „Trends Discovery in the Field of E-Learning with Visualization“ at this year ED-Media Conference is now online.

In this paper we have performed a content analysis using a collection of papers from Ed-Media conferences archive. Various current trends in research topics, change of interest in contributions from across the world in the field of e-learning have been described using our internally built visualization tool. This visualization tool reveals the evolution or decline of research themes, hot research topics and key researchers across the world. In addition to this, evolution of countries, continents and institutions across research topics has been described as well.

Reference: Khan, M. S., Ebner, M., Maurer, H. (2009) Trends Discovery in the Field of E-Learning with Visualization, Proceedings of 21st ED-Media Conference (2009), S. 4408 – 4413; World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications
Here you will get the publication.

Weblog Technology Enhanced Learning

Nach Abschluss meiner Lehrveranstaltung „Technology Enhanced Learning“ stehen nicht nur die Unterlagen (wie bereits hier angekündigt) zur Verfügung, sondern auch der Weblog der Studierenden.
Sie haben über 6 Wochen verschiedene Publikationen rund um die Themen gelesen und kurz dargestellt. Ich denke für e-Learning Interessierte ist es eine schöne Fundgrube und es lohnt sich wirklich ein Blick hinein – viel Spaß und danke für die großartige Vorlesung und die Arbeit.

„Dr. Wolfgang Houska Preis“ für Betonforschung

Nachdem ich meine wissenschaftliche Karriere am Institut für Betonbau begann, freut es mich besonders, dass es meine ehemaligen Kollegen geschafft haben den höchst dotieren Wissenschaftspreis in Österreich zu erhalten. Nach vielen Jahren harter Arbeit ist es schön eine solche Anerkennung zu erhalten.
Hier Links die ich diesbezüglich schon gesammelt habe: