I was invited to a spotlight talk at this year’s EDEN conference about “Why Do We Still Need MOOCs For Education?“. Here you can find my slides:
[publication] Role of MOOCs and Imoox for Austrian Universities Analysis of Performance Agreements and Activities at imoox #imoox #emoocs
We did a publication about “Role of MOOCs and Imoox for Austrian Universities Analysis of Performance Agreements and Activities at imoox” for the EMOOCS 2023 conference.
This research paper provides an overview of the current state of MOOCs (massive open online courses) and universities in Austria, focusing on the national MOOC platform iMooX.at. The study begins by presenting the results of an analysis of the performance agreements of 22 Austrian public universities for the period 2022-2024, with a specific focus on the mention of MOOC activities and iMooX. The authors find that 12 of 22 (55 %) Austrian public universities use at least one of these terms, indicating a growing interest in MOOCs and online learning. Additionally, the authors analyze internal documentation data to share insights into how many universities in Austria have produced and/or used a MOOC on the iMooX platform since its launch in 2014. These findings provide a valuable measure of the current usage and monitoring of MOOCs and iMooX among Austrian higher education institutions. Overall, this research contributes to a better understanding of the current state of MOOCs and their integration within Austrian higher education.
Reference: Ebner, M., Edelsbrunner, S., Hohla-Sejkora, K., Lipp, S., & Schön. S. (2023) Role of MOOCs and Imoox for Austrian Universities. EMOOCs 2023, 77-94 [.pdf]
[publication] Development of an Amazon Alexa App for a University Online Search #alexa #research #tugraz
Our chapter about “Development of an Amazon Alexa App for a University Online Search” for the HCII 2022 conference got published.
Today, our homes become smarter and smarter. We started to interact with our home with Intelligent Personal Assistants, like Amazon Alexa. In this paper we want to present and give a review on the Alexa skill developed for an online search for resources like rooms, courses, and persons. The goal is to provide the users an easy-to-use way to ask for information like phone numbers, e-mail addresses, room details, … and the Alexa Skill should provide this information also in an easy understandable way. We will describe how we solved to formulate suitable search queries from spoken Alexa commands and how we presented them to the user accordingly. Other obstacles like the presentation of the search results, due to the limited context and prioritization for individual search results, to the user will be discussed.
[full article @ book’s homepage]
[draft @ ResearchGate]
Reference: Rupitz, J., Ebner, M., Ebner, M. (2022). Development of an Amazon Alexa App for a University Online Search. In: Zaphiris, P., Ioannou, A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Designing the Learner and Teacher Experience. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13328. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-05657-4_10
[mooc] Start of Challenge Based Learning in Higher Education #imoox
We are happy to announce a new MOOC start with the title “Challenge Based Learning in Higher Education” of the University of Graz:
Challenge-based learning is an innovative active approach to teaching and learning which is comparatively new to higher education.
This MOOC helps you to develop competences needed to introduce challenge-based learning into your own teaching practice.
Here you can find the trailer:
Participation is as usual completly free, so feel free to register and join: [Link to enroll to the course]
[ITuG, book, #COER13] Social Media an Hochschulen
Es freut uns den dritten Band der ITuG-Serie (Internet-Technologie und Gesellschaft) ankündigen zu können. Die Autorin Jennifer-Carmen Frey beschäftigt sich dabei mit dem Thema Social Media an Hochschulen, insbesondere wurde ein Wirksamkeitsanalyse durchgeführt und Handlungsempfehlungen für einen sinnvollen und nachhaltigen universitären Social-Media-Auftritt erarbeitet:
Wie schafft man in sozialen Netzwerken ein Gemeinschaftsgefühl, das tausende von Fans aktiviert? Welche Inhalte erhalten auf Hochschulseiten im Social Web Likes, Shares und Comments? Wie sollten Universitäten Social Media nutzen?
Im internationalen Wettbewerb müssen Universitäten als Stätten des Fortschritts ihre Außenwirkung zunehmend bewusst gestalten. In der Realität präsentiert sich dies jedoch schwierig – Hochschulen zeigen sich in ihrer Öffentlichkeitsarbeit eher wenig fortschrittlich und zählen auf konservative, althergebrachte und vor allem „sichere“ Medien. Doch liegt gerade hier ein großes Potential, denn durch neue Medien können nicht nur schnell und unkompliziert große Massen von Menschen global erreicht werden, sondern auch ein zukunftsorientiertes, modernes Image aufgebaut werden, dass sich – im Falle der sozialen Medien – auch als gemeinschaftsbildendes Element (Instrument) darstellt.
Doch wie präsentiert man sich als Hochschule im Social Web? Welche Rolle spielen Fans und Follower, Likes und Retweets? Was sind Shitstorms, gutes Kritikmanagement, und wie gestaltet man einen sinnvollen Post?
Dieses Buch zeigt, was eine Hochschule tun kann, um im Social Web wahrgenommen zu werden und wie sie am besten ihre Community aktiviert.
Das Buch kann entweder hier bei Amazon bestellt werden oder steht auf der Webseite unter einer CC-BY-NC-ND-Lizenz zum Ausdrucken bereit.
[publication] Social Media Usage at Universities – How should it be done?
Our contribution to this year WEBIST conference about “Social Media Usage at Universities – How should it be done?” is now online available.
The social media hype these days is omnipresent, encouraging even public institutions to participate. This study seeks to reveal, which factors have to be kept in mind, when doing social media work at universities. It also is an attempt to provide a list of recommendations and possible fields of action to ensure an efficient presence in social web. Therefore we analyzed the present situation of university efforts and evaluated the success by measuring user engagement concerning different aspects of social media activities (e.g. content, publishing time, frequency of activities, existence of visual elements, additional links, etc.) The study shows, that it seems less important how many times a week a university is publishing, or how long the text messages are in detail, but that there is a significant relationship between the contents of a post, the time of its publishing and the used elements, pointing out that users actively perceive and interact with social media activities that encourage contact between both: the profile-owner with the community and the community amongst itself – especially if made in a personal, emotional or funny way, offering people ways to identify with the institution and to connect with it through well-known habits and traditions.
Social Media Usage at Universities – How should it be done? by Martin
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Reference: Frey, J.-C.; Ebner, M.; Schön, M., Taraghi, B. (2013) Social Media Usage at Universities – How should it Be Done?. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST) 2013, SciTePress 2013, Karl-Heinz Krempels, Alexander Stocker (Eds.), pp. 608-616, ISBN 978-989-8565-54-9, Aachen, Germany, 8 – 10 May, 2013
[publication] Die Standortattraktivität europäischer Hochschulen fördern? – Der mögliche Beitrag von Open Content
Mit Sandra Schaffert habe ich einen kurzen Beitrag in der aktuellen Ausgabe “E-Learning und Bologna” (hrsg. von Rolf Schulmeister) der Zeitschrift für E-Learning geschrieben, der sich mit dem Thema Open Content aus Perspektive der PR von Hochschulen befasst, er trägt den Titel “Die Standortattraktivität europäischer Hochschulen fördern? – Der mögliche Beitrag von Open Content“. Die ursprüngliche, nicht überarbeitete Langfassung des Beitrags haben wir online gestellt:
[paper accepted] Capture Your University
Our paper for this year IADIS e-Learning 2010 Conference in Freiburg/ Germany about our Podcasting and Streaming Activities has been accepted. The title of the publication is “Capture Your University“.
This paper reflects the experiences of four years of managing (lecture) recording activities at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz), its history, development and management, its increase and evaluation as well as its future trends which have already set into life by launching Austria’s first iTunes U platform for a university of technology in November 2009. The paper recommends a way of implementing podcasting and streaming into university daily routine from a didactical point of view as well as in practice. The pros and cons of screening, streaming, live-streaming or simple capturing are being discussed in this context. Finally the next step to a university wide automated recording system is touched which is an unavoidable result of the successful way of podcasting TU Graz has decided to go.
Hopefully we meet each other there for fruitful discussions.
[video] Students Helping Students
Ein Video von der Kansas State University über eine sehr schöne Bewegung – “Students Helping Students”. Besonders gefällt mir die Freude die dieses Video versprüht:
[podcast] Microblogging – Potential an der Hochschule
Die Aufzeichnung unseres Vortrags auf der heurigen Learntec über “Microblogging – Potentiale an der Hochschule” ist nun verfügbar. Der Vortrag ist auch Teil unseres iTunesU Channel. Die Folien und Foto sind ja schon online.
Ich muss mich noch für die Tonqualität entschuldigen – liegt ausschließlich an mir, da ich die Einstellungen am Funkmikro verändert hatte 🙂