[publication] Social Semantic Search: A Case Study on Web 2.0 for Science #semanticweb #tugraz

The outcome of the research work of Laurens and Selver got published now in the International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS) using the title Social Semantic Search: A Case Study on Web 2.0 for Science.


When researchers formulate search queries to find relevant content on the Web, those queries typically consist of keywords that can only be matched in the content or its metadata. The Web of Data extends this functionality by bringing structure and giving well-defined meaning to the content and it enables humans and machines to work together using controlled vocabularies. Due the high degree of mismatches between the structure of the content and the vocabularies in different sources, searching over multiple heterogeneous repositories of structured data is considered challenging. Therefore, the authors present a semantic search engine for researchers facilitating search in research related Linked Data. To facilitate high-precision interactive search, they annotated and interlinked structured research data with ontologies from various repositories in an effective semantic model. Furthermore, the authors’ system is adaptive as researchers can synchronize using new social media accounts and efficiently explore new datasets.

[Preview @ Journal’s Homepage]

[Preview @ ResearchGate]

Reference: De Vocht, L., Softic, S., Verborgh, R., Mannens, E., & Ebner, M. (2017). Social Semantic Search: A Case Study on Web 2.0 for Science. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS), 13(4), 155-180. doi:10.4018/IJSWIS.2017100108

[publication] ResXplorer: Revealing relations between resources for researchers in the Web of Data #science #tugraz

Our publication about “ResXplorer: Revealing relations between resources for researchers in the Web of Data” is now online available – enjoy the results of a very increasing research field.


Recent developments on sharing research results and ideas on the Web, such as research collaboration platforms like Mendeley or ResearchGate, enable novel ways to explore research information. Current search interfaces in this field focus mostly on narrowing down the search scope through faceted search, keyword matching, or filtering. The interactive visual aspect and the focus on exploring relationships between items in the results has not sufficiently been addressed before. To facilitate this exploration, we developed ResXplorer, a search interface that interactively visualizes linked data of research-related sources. By visualizing resources such as conferences, publications and proceedings, we reveal relationships between researchers and those resources. We evaluate our search interface by measuring how it affects the search productivity of targeted lean users. Furthermore, expert users reviewed its information retrieval potential and compared it against both popular academic search engines and highly specialized academic search interfaces. The results indicate how well lean users perceive the system and expert users rate it for its main goal: revealing relationships between resources for researchers.

[Link to full arcticle @ Journal Homepage]

[Link to full article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: De Vocht, L., Softic, S., Verborgh, R., Mannens, E., Ebner, M. (2016) ResXplorer: Revealing relations between resources for researchers in the Web of Data. Computer Science and Information Systems. (doi:10.2298/CSIS151028031D)

[presentation] Eductional Technologies for Higher Education

I did a small talk about technologies for education with a special focus on Higher Education as well as how I think the future will be. The recording is available here on YouTube:


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[presentation] Educational Technologies in Higher Education

My presenation for this year scholar-stream at ED-Media conference about “Educational Technologies in Higher Education” is now online. I did as usual some minor changes to last year:

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[video] Web 1.0 vs Web 2.0

Im Rahmen seiner Lehrveranstaltung “E-Learning Anwender Grundlagen und eTutorInnenausbildung” hat Walther Videos erstellen lassen. Jenes von Verena Kumpusch behandelt den Unterschied von Web 1.0 und Web 2.0 verpackt in einer liebevoll gezeichneten Geschichte – danke für den schönen Beitrag:

[publication] Web 2.0 als Basistechnologie für CSCL-Umgebungen

Nach längerer Wartezeit ist es erschienen, das neue Buch CSCL-Kompendium 2.0, welches ein Lehr- und Handbuch zum computerünterstützten kooperativen Lernen ist. Anja und ich haben uns den Web 2.0 Technologien gewidmet im Beitrag “Web 2.0 als Basistechnologie für CSCL-Umgebungen“.

Nach der Dotcom-Blase und der damit verbundenen ersten abflauenden Euphorie gegenüber den Potentialen des World Wide Webs wurde im Jahr 2004 ein neuer Begriff postuliert:Web 2.0. Dieser beschreibt aber keinen technologischen Versionssprung, sondern den Um-gang der Nutzer/innen durch deren aktive Beteiligung. Es entstehen immer mehr Dienste und Applikationen, die eine Einbeziehung der Nutzer/innen ermöglichen und es so immer einfacher machen, im World Wide Web zu partizipieren und eigene Inhalte zu publizieren. In diesem Beitrag wird eine erste grobe Übersicht über die wichtigsten Applikationen gegebensowie deren typische Merkmale herausgearbeitet. Ziel ist es, eine Grundlage für nachfolgende Kapitel zu geben, welche die speziellen Ausprägungen der Anwendungen in CSCL-Umgebungen darlegen.

Web 2.0 als Basistechnologien für CSCL-Umgebungen

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Referenz: Ebner, M.; Lorenz, A. (2012) Web 2.0 als Basistechnologie für CSCL-Umgebungen; Haake, J.; Schwabe, G.; Wessner, M. (Hrsg.); CSCL-Kompendium 2.0; Oldenburg, München; S. 97-111

[presentation] Web 2.0 und Kommunikation

Anlässlich der iSociety Veranstaltung halten wir heute einen Vortrag zu “Web 2.0 und Kommunikation” – hier die Folien:

Web 2.0 und Kommunikation

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[publication] EduPunks and Learning Management Systems – Conflict or Chance?

Our publication for this year ICHL 2011 conference on “EduPunks and Learning Management Systems – Conflict or Chance?” is now online available. The Slides are already published here.

The term Edupunk coined by Jim Groom defines a do-it-yourself concept of using the most recent Web tools available for teaching, instead of relying only on commercial learning platforms – it is the information, the content, the knowledge which matters. Technology itself does not make education valuable per se, it is the creation of individual knowledge which is of paramount importance. However, today, so much free technology is available, which can be used as hands-on tools to enhance learning and teaching of students. However, in this article, we demonstrate that such issues can also be included in a large university wide LMS, which has been developed at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) during the last years. The development was initiated by the necessity to emphasize and implement three crucial factors for learning: communication, active participation and social interaction. We assess the potential of current Web 2.0 technologies for implementing such factors. We show that the development process was not technology driven; on the contrary, end user requirements of all end user groups engaged into university learning (students, teachers and administrators) were thoroughly investigated and mapped onto functional components of the LMS. Finally, we provide an overview of the platform functionalities with an emphasis on Web 2.0 elements and EduPunk concepts.

EduPunks and Learning Management Systems – Conflict or Chance?

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Reference: Ebner, M.; Scerbakov, N.; Tsang, P. .; Holzinger, A. (2011). EduPunks and Learning Management Systems – Conflict or Chance?. Pro- ceedings of International Conference on Hybrid Learning IHCL 2011. Springer Lec- ture Notes in Computer Sciences LNCS 6837. p. 224 – 238

[presentation] Web 2.0 in Higher Education

My last presentation at this year ED-Media Conference was about “Web 2.0 in Higher Education” – it is a rather “traditional” one, which I did every year for the graduate student stream (ok, some slides were changed a little bit):

Web 2.0 in Higher Education

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