[presentation] Learning Analytics in Massive Open Online Courses #LearningAnalytics

Stephan did his masterthesis about “Learning Analaytics in Massive Open Online Courses” and developed a first prototype for in-depth analyses. Here you can find his slides of his defense:

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[publication] Erfolgsfaktoren für Projekte zu offenen Bildungsressourcen – Bücher gehen auf die Reise :-) #OER #O3R #L3T #bims

Wir sind ja reichlich altmodisch, und bieten unsere Veröffentlichung sehr oft auch gedruckt an. Soeben wurden die Exemplare des neuen Bandes der O3R-Reihe für die beteiligten Experten für den Versand gepackt 🙂


Band 9 der O3R-Reihe Martina Stadler hat eine interessante Masterarbeit mit dem Titel “Was macht OER-Projekte erfolgreich? Eine Analyse von Erfolgsfaktoren von Projekten zu offenen Bildungsressourcen (OER) im schulischen Kontext” verfasst und stellt diese der Reihe zur Verfügung:

Es gibt zahlreiche, meist ehrenamtlich verfolgte Initiativen, die offene Bildungsressourcen (auf Englisch „open educational resources“, kurz OER) erstellen. Dieser 9. Band der O3R-Reihe beschäftigt sich mit den Faktoren, die gegeben sein müssen, damit OER-Projekte erfolgreich sind und Lehrerinnen und Lehrer an diesen aktiv mitmachen. Dazu wurde das Online-Angebot von fünf erfolgreichen OER-Projekten aus Österreich und Deutschland mit Hilfe eines eigens entwickelten Kriterienkatalogs analysiert und mit Hilfe von problemzentrierter Interviews die Projektbesonderheiten und projektspezifischen Erfolge aus Anbietersicht eruiert. Die Ergebnisse aus dem Theorieteil und dem empirischen Teil werden abschließend reflektiert und zusammengeführt. Zusammenfassend kann festgehalten werden, dass OER-Projekte dann erfolgreich sind, wenn die aktive Mitarbeit einfach und unkompliziert möglich ist. Weitere Faktoren, die zum Gelingen eines OER-Projektes beitragen sind unter anderem der Bekanntheitsgrad der Initiative, die gesicherte Projektfinanzierung und eine Qualitätskontrolle der Beiträge. Einflussgrößen, damit Pädagoginnen und Pädagogen ihren Content teilen, sind neben den oben genannten Faktoren persönliche Anreize, wie die bewusste Beteiligung an sozialen Projekten, der eigene Reputationsgewinn oder die Kommunikation und der Austausch mit gleichgesinnten Kolleginnen und Kollegen.

Das Buch kann bei Amazon bestellt werden oder ist als .pdf wie gewohnt auf der Homepage zugänglich.

Zitation: Stadler, M. (2015) Was macht OER-Projekte erfolgreich? Eine Analyse von Erfolgsfaktoren von Projekten zu offenen Bildungsressourcen (OER) im schulischen Kontext. Ebner, M., Schön, S. (Hrsg.), Band 9, O3R-Reihe, Book On Demand, Norderstedt

[publication] Why Facebook Swallowed WhatsApp! #tugraz

Our publication at this year ED-Media 2015 conference “Why Facebook Swallowed WhatsApp!” is now online available.


Since 2007 Graz University of Technology has undertaken questionnaires on its first- year students. The main goal of that annual survey basically concentrates on the IT- and Web- competences as long as they are related to e-learning. The long-term results display progresses and trends that need to be taken into account for a university’s e-learning strategy. The results of this year mainly state a tremendous triumph of the application WhatsApp. It ́s influence on the usage of other applications and it’s relation to Facebook is specially focused. There is no evidence that using WhatsApp has a negative effect on Facebook. Quite the contrary; WhatsApp is another big push on the steady growing usage of modern media for learning purposes.

[Link to full text]

Reference: Nagler, W., Ebner, M., Schön, M. (2015). Why Facebook Swallowed WhatsApp!. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2015. pp. 1383-1392 Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

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[iphone] Slap The Clap

Slap the CapIm Rahmen unserer Vorlesung “Mobile Applications 2015” ist ein Spiel entwickelt worden um den Rythmus zu üben:

The rhythm or clapping therapy is used for people with special needs: For children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder it is successfully applied to help them in improving their concentration and motor planning skills. In retirement homes it is used to support the elderly people with keeping their motor and coordination skills. Moreover, in rehabilitation, e.g. after an accident, a stroke, or a heart attack, the rhythm therapy can cure movement disorders and paralysis.

In this therapy the patient tries to clap or knock various specific rhythms after a coach as exactly as possible. If the patient manages to clap the rhythms correctly, more complex rhythms are chosen. As this training always requires a therapist, however, it is very expensive.

This app was developed to enable patients to practice the rhythmic clapping on their own. It generates and plays various rhythms by random. After playing one rhythm, the app asks the patient to clap the rhythm and records the sound for the next seconds. When the recording has finished, the app analyses it and determines if the rhythm clapped by the patient is similar to the played one. If so, the patient gets positive feedback, the next rhythm is generated, and the procedure begins again. If the rhythms are not similar, the app repeats the same rhythm, asking the patient to try it another time. Once the patient has managed to clap a series of 9 different rhythms correctly this way, rhythms of higher complexity, i.e. of longer duration, higher tempo, and/or smaller values of the notes, are generated.

The app was designed mainly with children in mind: It looks like a game, consisting of 9 levels, where each level corresponds to a different degree of rhythm complexity. A colorful graphical user interface and the sometimes barefaced character of a monkey, acting as a personal, very musical clapping coach and giving funny feedback, motivate the children to practice. In the Pro Version which will be released in autumn 2015, besides other new features, there will be the possibility to win different parts of a drumset as achievements for good performances for additional motivation to work with the system.

It is important to underline that this app should not completely replace a therapist, since the personal interaction between the therapist and the patient is very important. The app should rather be regarded as an addition to the personal rhythm therapy, giving the children extra motivation and the possibility to practice independently between the therapy sessions. This way, the app shall contribute to a higher spread of the rhythm therapy.

[Link zur App]

[iphone] Seeking!

Seeking!Im Rahmen unserer Vorlesung “Mobile Applications 2015” ist ein sehr schönes Spiel entstanden. Es geht darum mit seinem Team andere zu besiegen:

Enter the breathtaking world of Vikings and be their leader. Build up your own personal team of Vikings to find your enemies as fast as you can. Once you have found them, support your troops by collecting Gold Coins on the field and sending more warriors to defeat the attacking enemies and deal as much damage as you can to the enemy tent.

[Link zur App]
Darüberhinaus teste ich zum ersten Mal ein Umfragetool – mal schauen wie interessant es für euch ist:

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[presentation] Development of an English vocabulary trainer for German speaking pupils and other beginners of English with focus on learning analytics

Robert Gröbl did his masterthesis about “Development of an English vocabulary trainer for German speaking pupils and other beginners of English with focus on learning analytics“. Here you can find his slides of his final presentation:

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[presentation] Design and Evaluation of an User Interface for an Interaction Supported Video Platform

Our second presentation at this year uDay XIII was about our LIVE-System and titled “Design and Evaluation of an User Interface for an Interaction Supported Video Platform“. Find here the slides:

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[presentation, master] Google Glass zur Verbesserung der Interaktion bei Massenvorlesungen

Markus Ebner hat seine Masterarbeit über “Google Glass zur Verbesserung der Interaktion bei Massenvorlesungen” erfolgreich verteidigt und gezeigt, wie man mit der Brille Feedback von einem großen Auditorium bekommen kann.
Hier seine Folien:

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[publication] Development of an Information System to Enhance Students Reading Literacy

Our publication about “Development of an Information System to Enhance Students Reading Literacy” is published within the new issue of the International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning.


The research study at hand aims to answer the question, whether an innovative information system can be implemented that will help to enhance reading literacy of elementary pupils.
Based on predefined reading tests this web-based system evaluates the reading literacy of pupils. It consists of two primary parts; the system that creates and evaluates such reading tests and the test platform itself.
In order to assess the system a field test was conducted. Therefore it was tested in two school classes. In the course of this study reading tests were carried out and retrieved data and results were evaluated.
Despite some minor usability problems, the system performed very well. The test system delivered good estimations of the reading capabilities of single pupils and classes. Of special interest is the system’s analysis of the created reading tests since the system is capable of evaluating reading test according to their difficulty.

[Link to the full paper]

Reference: Picher, P., Ebner, M. (2015) Development of an Information System to Enhance Students Reading Literacy, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), pp. 15-21, 10 (3), https://dx.doi.org/10.3991/ijet.v10i3.4457