[open education] OER about OER #training #OER

We are excited to announce the publication of our new resource: OER about OER  – Materials, Tools, and Methods. This collection, was initiated by Sandra Schön and me and enriched by the Unite! OER Courses project is designed to support educators, trainers, and institutions in developing and delivering Open Educational Resources (OER) courses. The document …

[publication] An Introduction to Open Educational Resources and Their Implementation in Higher Education Worldwide #OER #OpenEducation #tugraz #research

We are thrilled to announce that our article about “An Introduction to Open Educational Resources and Their Implementation in Higher Education Worldwide” was published in the Weizenbaum Journal of the Digital Society. Abstract:The digitization of (higher) education has exposed copyright infringement issues, as the unauthorized use of copyrighted materials has become more visible. This article …

[imoox] Week 4: Open Science and Strategies #oer #OpenEducation #mooc

Our MOOC on “Open Educational Resources in Higher Education” for the European alliance UNITE! is reaching the last week – number 4 :-). This time we are discussing the role of OER within Open Science and strategies for implementation in higher education: And don’t to forget to change the language, all videos are offered in …

[mooc] Week 3: Open Educational Resources in Higher Education #tugraz #unite! #imoox #OER

Our MOOC on “Open Educational Resources in Higher Education” for the European alliance UNITE! is reaching week three. This time we are discussing how to produce and publish OER and you can learn about the OER-Canvas. So I guess it will be interesting content and you can join us for free 🙂 And don’t to …

[mooc] Week 2: Open Educational Resources in Higher Education #tugraz #unite! #imoox #OER

Our MOOC on “Open Educational Resources in Higher Education” for the European alliance UNITE! is reaching the second week. This time we are talking about how to find and use OER. There are some useful hints – so join us for free 🙂 And don’t to forget to change the language, all videos are offered …

[press] MOOC zu “OER in Higher Education” in 11 Sprachen

Wir durften einen Gastbeitrag auf OERinfo veröffentlichen über den OER-Kurs der am 6.5.2024 in 11 Sprachen starten wird: Für mehr OER in Hochschulen: Der neue Online-Kurs zu offenen Bildungsressourcen vereint geballte humane und künstliche Intelligenz, die für Mehrsprachigkeit sorgt. Dank der offenen Lizenz finden die Inhalte schon vor Start des MOOCs „OER in Higher Education“ …

[MOOC] OER in Higher Education #imoox #unite!

Regarding the topic of Open Educational Resources, there will be a new MOOC available on the platform iMooX.at starting from May 6, 2024. The free online course “OER in Higher Education” by the European University Alliance “Unite!” and other cooperating partners will be accessible in several languages, and the learning videos are created with the …

[mooc, imoox] Woche 4: Medienrecht, Medienwirkung, Mediennutzung und OER #lul24 #tugraz #imoox

Und wir sind bereits in Woche 4 beim MOOC zu “Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien I“. Diese Woche streifen wir die Themen Medienrecht (insbesondere Urheberrecht), Open Educational Resources und Medienwirkung bzw. -nutzung. Viel Spaß mit den Inhalten – hier z. B. das Video meines Kollegen Michael Lanzinger rund um das Urheberrecht: Mit dem Laden …