[master] Implementation and Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Learning Game for Mathematics #tugraz

Christof did his masterthesis about “Implementation and Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Learning Game for Mathematics” and he developed a game, which can also be downloaded at the Google Play Store. Here you can find the slides of his defense – great work 🙂

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[app] 1×1 Trainer #tugraz #math

Wir haben den 1×1 Trainer grundlegend überarbeitet und mit Handschrifterkennung ausgestattet. Ab sofort können die Kinder also die Zahlen per Finger eingeben und wir hoffen so, dass es noch einfacher wird mit der App umzugehen. Die Registierung kann direkt in der App oder auch über unsere LearningLab gemacht werden.

The 1×1 Trainer App with handwriting recognition is supposed to help children with learning multiplication tables. The numbers can be written with the finger.

[Link zur App]

[publication] Game Based Learning Through Near Field Communication #NFC #research #tugraz

Our publication about “Game Based Learning Through Near Field Communication” is now published in the book Game-Based Learning: Theory, Strategies and Performance Outcomes.


Near Field Communication (NFC) is a technology mainly known from the payment and ticketing sector. Due to its availability on smartphones NFC provides a far untapped potential for a variety of different applications. As part of researches regarding NFC and its usability in educational areas, the operational capability of NFC has been tested in the field of game based learning. The result was an Android-based quiz application (“NFCQuiz”) working in multiplayer mode, meaning that several players can exchange their answers through the use of NFC during the game. The application provides educators the possibility to store his/her own questions and answers on a tag. During the game one player reads the tag and can send the contained information to multiple players over Android Beam. The exchange of the given answers and the calculation of the leader board are in turn done over a NFC connection.
Such an application is expected to bring different benefits. Both, question generation and data exchange are handled over NFC. As a result no internet access is needed for participating in the game. Since the used tags are re-writable there are basically no limits in term of reuse. Another benefit resulting from the usage of tags is that parents/teachers can control the used questions and answers. A NFC-based game is also supposed to give players an additional interactive effect by holding the phones for synchronization, which in turn keeps the participants interested.
This research work gives an overview of the “NFCQuiz” application regarding its functionality and implementation. Moreover we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the app with respect to similar games and the overall potential of NFC in the educational sector.

[Draft article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Lamija, D., Ebner, M. (2017) Game Based Learning Through Near Field Communication. Game-Based Learning Theory, Strategies and Performance Outcomes. Youngkyun B. (ed.). Nova publisher. pp. 295-322

[lecture] iOS Human Interface Guidelines For iOS-Platforms #iOS #tugraz

Together with my colleagues Markus Ebner & Mohammad Khalil we did the introduction to the HCI guidlines for iOS in our lecture “Mobile Applications”. Enjoy and reuse the slides:

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[presentation] Mobile Applikationen für große Nachschlagwerke am Beispiel Austria-Forum.org

Paul hat in seiner Masterarbeit die mobilen Applikationen (iOS, Android) des Austria Forum umgesetzt und dabei innovative Features eingebaut. Hier nun die Folien seiner Verteidigung:

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[app] 1×1 Trainer Plus #android #mathetrainer

Das 1*1 spielerisch erlernen, war das Ziel einer neuen App und ich glaub das ist uns gut gelungen. Mit Hilfe eines Spielmodus können zwei Spieler gegeneinander antreten. Damit es auch so richtig lustig wird, haben wir Joker eingebaut – mal sehen wie es in der Praxis ankommt. Jedenfalls freuen wir uns auf Rückmeldungen.
Achja und das ganze verwendet natürlich die Daten unseres 1×1-Trainer.

The 1×1 Trainer Plus is a learning application for kids, that allows to learn simple multiplications playfully. Tasks can either be solved alone or in a duel with another player. Both modes can be played offline or online. For online-mode an account is required. After login all calculation tasks are generated online and the learning progress can be followed at http://schule.learninglab.tugraz.at.

[Link zur App]

Learning in a Virtual Environment: Implementation and Evaluation of a VR Math-Game #publication #research #VirtualReality

Our publication about “Learning in a Virtual Environment: Implementation and Evaluation of a VR Math-Game” is now part of the book Mobile Technologies and Augmented Reality in Open Education.

With the introduction of Google Cardboard, a combination of mobile devices, Virtual Reality (VR) and making was created. This “marriage” opened a wide range of possible, cheap Virtual Reality applications, which can be created and used by everyone. In this chapter, the potential of combining making, gaming and education is demonstrated by evaluating an implemented math-game prototype in a school by pupils aged 12-13. The aim of the virtual reality game is to solve math exercises with increasing difficulty. The pupils were motivated and excited by immerging into the virtual world of the game to solve exercises and advance in the game. The results of the evaluation were very positive and showed the high motivational potential of combining making and game-based learning and its usage in schools as educational instrument.

[Chapter @ IGI-Global]

[Draft Version @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Sternig, C., Spitzer, M., & Ebner, M. (2017). Learning in a Virtual Environment: Implementation and Evaluation of a VR Math-Game. In G. Kurubacak, & H. Altinpulluk (Eds.), Mobile Technologies and Augmented Reality in Open Education (pp. 175-199). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-2110-5.ch009

[workshop] Social Media & Mobile Learning #tugraz

Im Rahmen des CAS eLearning Zertifikatkurses darf ich das Modul “Social Media Learning & Mobile Learning” abhalten. Die dafür notwendigen Unterlagen sind hier nochmals übersichtlich dargestellt.

VORMITTAG: Social Media Learning

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NACHMITTAG: Mobile Learning

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[app, iphone] Twitterwall #tugraz #iphone

Twittewall Rahmen einer Bachelorarbeit ist die App Twitterwall entstanden, die eine mobile Lösung für unsere Twitterwall darstellt. Viel Spaß bei der Verwendung.

Die TwitterWall der TU Graz jetzt auch auf deinem iPhone! Die Tweets können unterwegs praktisch verfolgt werden. Tweets sind nach User und Keywords sortiert. Für eine schnellere Suche können Tweets über einen bestimmten Zeitbereich oder bestimmte Suchwörter gefiltert werden. Der Aktualisierungs-Intervall kann nach Belieben gesetzt werden.

[Link zur App im Appstore]

[Interview] “We’re facing an educational revolution” #tugraz

FeedbackrI just feel honored. Honored, because I was asked to give an interview for a startup of my former students and I am indeed very proud that our former initial idea to create a small and simple application for giving feedback in lecture room is now a widespreaded and well suited tool. Congratultions to the feedbackr team, you are simply great 🙂

[Interview “We’re facing an educational revolution“]