[publication] Project Based Learning: from the Idea to a Finished LEGO® Technic Artifact, Assembled by Using Smart Glasses #edmedia17

The first publication at this year ED-Media conference is about „Project Based Learning: from the Idea to a Finished LEGO® Technic Artifact, Assembled by Using Smart Glasses„. The presentation has been recorded and can be find here.

Smart Glasses and 3D printers are now easily available on the market. The challenge is how to integrate them efficiently in a learning environment. This paper suggests a project-based learning (PBL) scenario how to construct, produce and assemble a planetary gear using Open Source tools, LEGO® Technic, 3D printers and Smart Glasses. The whole project-based learning scenario was implemented together with a 16-year-old student. Additionally, the assembly process using Smart Glasses was tested by seven users in a qualitative evaluation. The feedback of the student of the target group together with the feedback of other subjects was considered to improve the PBL scenario and the Smart Glasses (ReconJet) application. The evaluation showed the potential of Smart Glasses to improve hands-free assembly processes and supports the user to understand the structure and functionality of mechanical objects.

[Draft version @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Spitzer, M. & Ebner, M. (2017). Project Based Learning: from the Idea to a Finished LEGO® Technic Artifact, Assembled by Using Smart Glasses. In Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2017 (pp. 196-209). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

[master] Implementation and Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Learning Game for Mathematics #tugraz

Christof did his masterthesis about „Implementation and Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Learning Game for Mathematics“ and he developed a game, which can also be downloaded at the Google Play Store. Here you can find the slides of his defense – great work 🙂

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[vocast] On Using Interactivity to Monitor the Attendance of Students at Learning-Videos #tugraz #research #edmedia

Because we are not able to attend the ED-Media conference 2017 in Washington this year, we are doing our presentations virtually. The last of four talks is about „On Using Interactivity to Monitor the Attendance of Students at Learning-Videos„:


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[vodcast] From the Idea to a Finished LEGO® Technic Artifact, Assembled by Using Smart Glasses #tugraz #research #edmedia

Because we are not able to attend the ED-Media conference 2017 in Washington this year, we are doing our presentations virtually. The third of four talks is about „From the Idea to a Finished LEGO® Technic Artifact, Assembled by Using Smart Glasses„:


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[publication] Game Based Learning Through Near Field Communication #NFC #research #tugraz

Our publication about „Game Based Learning Through Near Field Communication“ is now published in the book Game-Based Learning: Theory, Strategies and Performance Outcomes.


Near Field Communication (NFC) is a technology mainly known from the payment and ticketing sector. Due to its availability on smartphones NFC provides a far untapped potential for a variety of different applications. As part of researches regarding NFC and its usability in educational areas, the operational capability of NFC has been tested in the field of game based learning. The result was an Android-based quiz application (“NFCQuiz”) working in multiplayer mode, meaning that several players can exchange their answers through the use of NFC during the game. The application provides educators the possibility to store his/her own questions and answers on a tag. During the game one player reads the tag and can send the contained information to multiple players over Android Beam. The exchange of the given answers and the calculation of the leader board are in turn done over a NFC connection.
Such an application is expected to bring different benefits. Both, question generation and data exchange are handled over NFC. As a result no internet access is needed for participating in the game. Since the used tags are re-writable there are basically no limits in term of reuse. Another benefit resulting from the usage of tags is that parents/teachers can control the used questions and answers. A NFC-based game is also supposed to give players an additional interactive effect by holding the phones for synchronization, which in turn keeps the participants interested.
This research work gives an overview of the “NFCQuiz” application regarding its functionality and implementation. Moreover we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the app with respect to similar games and the overall potential of NFC in the educational sector.

[Draft article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Lamija, D., Ebner, M. (2017) Game Based Learning Through Near Field Communication. Game-Based Learning Theory, Strategies and Performance Outcomes. Youngkyun B. (ed.). Nova publisher. pp. 295-322

OER-Booklet #OER #OpenEducation

Im Rahmen des Open Education Austria Projektes haben wir auch ein OER-Booklet erstellt mit der Idee, dass man schnell etwas Übersichtliches in der Hand hat. Das Prinzip ist simpel – man druckt sich einfach das A4-Blatt aus und dann muss man es richtig falten 🙂
Da ich selbst nicht gerade ein Falttalent bin, haben wir uns gedacht machen wir auch noch ein Video davon, damit es auch sicher klappt. Viel Spaß damit und wir freuen uns wenn es weiterverbreitet wird 🙂

[OER-Booklet als .pdf]

[OER-Booklet als .odg]


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Feedback zum heutigen Vortrag #fnma #tugraz

Ich habe auch heute wieder feedbackr verwendet für ein Live-Feedback während meines Vortrages zu „Die österreichische Hochschule-E-Learning-Landschaft““ und es gibt auch wieder wertvolles Feedback. Bedanken möchte ich mich vor allem für den Hinweis, dass ich die finanziellen Notwendigkeiten zu sehr aus technischer Sicht dargestellt hat. Das hab ich tatsächlich schlecht in den Folien dargestellt. Vielen Dank auch für die vielen Hinweise was die Anreize für Lehrende betrifft, davon kann man nicht genug bekommen 🙂

[publication] A Math Training Platform to Foster Individual Learning #tugraz #math

Our chapter about „A Math Training Platform to Foster Individual Learning“ got published now. We describe there our innovative service Neo-Lernhilfen to train math skills on an individual level.


The use of mobile technologies such as Smartphone, Tablet are becoming more pervasive in our daily lives. Obviosly, it should also be used and integrated to support learning seamlessly. But not all learning environments can be used with all these devices. In some cases special libraries are needed (e.g. flash not available on iPAD, Mac OS X) or a permanent internet connection to a learning-platform is necessary. This publication proposes a new way in math education using the standard format PDF with completly auto-generated tasks for seamless learning and presents new learning scenarios for collaborations. On the one hand a new information system will be described and on the other hand use cases are carried out to establish individual learning. It can be concluded that indivitual math training is an important step to foster future education.

[Link to draft version @ ResearchGate]

[Link to final book]

Reference: Neuherz, E., Ebner, M. (2016) A Math Training Platform to Foster Indivitual Learning. In: Şad, S. N., & Ebner, M. (eds). Digital Tools for Seamless Learning (pp. 1-26). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-1692-7

[master] Google Glass app for colorblind individuals and people with impaired vision #GoogleGlass

Georg did his masterthesis about „Google Glass app for colorblind individuals and people with impaired vision„. Find here his slides of his final successful defense:

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[imoox] Frohe Weihnachten mit einem 360° Trailer über Klettern #imoox #tugraz #klettern

Ich darf mich in die Weihnachts- und Neujahrspause mit einem spannend Trailer verabschieden und zeigen was wir u.a. im Jahr 2017 vorhaben. Wir wollen erstmals einen MOOC bei iMooX anbieten, der mit 360° Videos arbeitet und haben uns das Thema Klettern ausgesucht. Also erstmals ein MOOC zu Klettern und das auch noch mit einem neuen Videoformat. Als Vorgeschmack gibt es nun den Trailer und anmelden kann man sich auch hier bereits zum MOOC der im März 2017 starten wird.
Ein Tipp noch, am besten ist man schaut sich das Video am Mobiltelefon oder in einer 3D-Brille (z.B. Google Cardboard) an:


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[Link zur Anmeldeseite des MOOC]

Nun, aber frohe Weihnachten und ein gesundes, glückliches Jahr 2017. Ich freue mich schon heute mit euch allen das nächste spannende E-Learning-Jahr 2017 zu verbringen – alles Gute und jetzt geht es ab in die Weihnachtspause 🙂 .