[publication] Insights into Learning Competence Through Probabilistic Graphical Models #tugraz #research

We contributed to this year „Third IFIP TC 5, TC 12, WG 8.4, WG 8.9, WG 12.9 International Cross-Domain Conference (CD-MAKE 2019)“ with a publication titled „Insights into Learning Competence Through Probabilistic Graphical Models„.


One-digit multiplication problems is one of the major fields in learning mathematics at the level of primary school that has been studied over and over. However, the majority of related work is focusing on descriptive statistics on data from multiple surveys. The goal of our research is to gain insights into multiplication misconceptions by applying machine learning techniques. To reach this goal, we trained a probabilistic graphical model of the students’ misconceptions from data of an application for learning multiplication. The use of this model facilitates the exploration of insights into human learning competence and the personalization of tutoring according to individual learner’s knowledge states. The detection of all relevant causal factors of the erroneous students answers as well as their corresponding relative weight is a valuable insight for teachers. Furthermore, the similarity between different multiplication problems – according to the students behavior – is quantified and used for their grouping into clusters. Overall, the proposed model facilitates real-time learning insights that lead to more informed decisions.

[Proceedings online @ Springer]

[Draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Saranti, A., Taraghi, B., Ebner, M., Holzinger, A. (2019) Insights into Learning Competence Through Probabilistic Graphical Models. In: Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction. Third IFIP TC 5, TC 12, WG 8.4, WG 8.9, WG 12.9 International Cross-Domain Conference, CD-MAKE 2019, Canterbury, UK, August 26–29, 2019, Proceedings. pp. 250-271

[publication] Potentials of Chatbots for Spell Check among Youngsters #tugraz #chatbot #research #LearningAnalytic

We did an article about „Potentials of Chatbots for Spell Check among Youngsters“ for the first issue of the „International Journal of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Education (iJAI)„.


Chatbots are already being used successfully in many areas. This publication deals with the development and programming of a chatbot prototype to support learning processes. This Chatbot prototype is designed to help pupils in order to correct their spelling mistakes by providing correction proposals to them. Especially orthographic spelling mistake should be recognized by the chatbot and should be replaced by correction suggestions stored in test data.

[article @ journal’s homepage]

[article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Arifi, J., Ebner, M., Ebner, M. (2019) Potentials of Chatbots for Spell Check among Youngsters. IN: International Journal of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Education (iJAI). 2019(1). pp. 77-88

[publication] Setup of a Temporary Makerspace for Children at University: MAKER DAYS for Kids 2018 #tugraz #makereducation #makerdays

The conference proceeding of this year „Robotics in Education“ is online now and we contributed with a chapter about the MakerDays for Kids.


The maker movement has become a driving force for the new industrial revolution, whereby all learners should have the opportunity to engage. Makerspaces exist in different forms with different names and a variety of specializations. The MAKER DAYS for kids are a temporary open makerspace setting for children and teenagers with the goal to democratize STEAM education and social innovation and to empower young learners, especially girls, to shape their world. This publication presents the setup and results of a temporary makerspace at Graz University of Technology with more than 100 participants in four days in summer 2018 and discusses the role of new technologies as a trigger of making in education. Moreover, the MAKER DAYS implemented an innovative evaluation concept to document the participants’ activities in open and unstructured learning environments.

[article @ publisher’s Homepage]

[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Grandl M., Ebner M., Strasser A. (2020) Setup of a Temporary Makerspace for Children at University: MAKER DAYS for Kids 2018. In: Merdan M., Lepuschitz W., Koppensteiner G., Balogh R., Obdržálek D. (eds) Robotics in Education. RiE 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1023. Springer, Cham

[master] Teaching Digital Literacy with the BBC micro:bit in the EFL Classroom #microbit #school

Daniel Wachmann did his master thesis about „Teaching Digital Literacy with the BBC micro:bit in the EFL Classroom„. Here are the slides of his successful defense:

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[publication] A Pedagogical Framework for Mixed Reality in Classrooms based on a Literature Review #VR #AR #tugraz #research

Our publication about „A Pedagogical Framework for Mixed Reality in Classrooms based on a Literature Review“ at this year ED-Media conference in Amsterdam is online available:

Virtual reality devices are not an invention of the previous years. In fact, those are applicable since the 60s and therefore many scholars have elaborated in the potential of virtual reality as a learning platform. There are many diverse ways to integrate these techniques into the classroom. Affordable devices in combination with concepts like making legitimate the usage for learning. Pedagogical motivation factors like collaborations and gamification amply justify the usage of modern VR technologies as a learning platform. A variety of application have been used already in classrooms but in higher education, there is a need to catch up. Those examples have been divided by the way they make use of virtual systems and how they provide supervision. This literature review describes the functional classification of virtual reality, how it typically applies to learning and how it represents the key features for a didactically valuable usage. As a result of the literature research, a framework for the use of mixed reality in education has been developed allowing to spot new capabilities for the implementation of future VR or AR applications. This paper will also clarify the proper direction of development and the potential impact on future educational domains.

[Draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Kommetter, C. & Ebner, M. (2019). A Pedagogical Framework for Mixed Reality in Classrooms based on a Literature Review. In J. Theo Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 901-911). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)

[publication] Lernräume und Makerspaces #tugraz #fnma #making

Das neue FNMA-Magazin hatte den Themenschwerpunkt „Lernräume und Makerspaces„. Diesen durfte ich betreuen und eine kurze Einleitung dazu schreiben.

In diesem Heft habe wir ein sehr aktuelles und breit diskutiertes Thema uns vorgenommen – Lernräume mit einem speziellen Fokus auf die auch in Österreich anwachsenden Makerspaces. Aus der Pädagogik schon lange bekannt kommt dem Raum wo Lernen stattfindet eine durchaus bedeutende Rolle zu. „Der Raum als 3. Pädagoge“ ist so eine Aussage auf die man in diesem Zusammenhang trifft. Es ist aber natürlich auch einleuchtend, dass Lernen nur dort stattfinden kann wo man sich entsprechend wohl fühlt und durchführen kann was für das Lernergebnis notwendig ist. Umgekehrt gilt das selbstverständlich auch für den virtuellen Raum (Ebner, 2019). Je besser dieser das Lernen unterstützen kann, umso hilfreicher.

[Beitrag @ ResearchGate]

Zitationsangabe: Ebner, M. (2019) Lernräume und Makerspaces. fnma-Magazin 02/2019. S. 13-15. ISSN: 2410-5244

[presentation] A Pedagogical Framework for Mixed Reality in Classrooms based on a Literature Review #edil19 #edmedia19 #tugraz #research

Our second presentation at this year ED-Media 2019 conference in Amsterdam is about research work in Virtual Reality for education. This time we present a framework how we can cluster Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality scenarios for education. Find the slides here:

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[publication] Conception of a Conversational Interface to Provide a Guided Search of Study Related Data #chatbot

Our research about „Conception of a Conversational Interface to Provide a Guided Search of Study Related Data“ got published in the International Journal of Emerging Technologies.


Since the beginning of software development, solution approaches and technolo-gies have changed massively, including the requirements for a user interface. At the very beginning, it was the desktop application, with a classic Graphical User Interface (GUI), which fulfilled the needs of a user. Nowadays, many applica-tions moved to web respectively mobile and the user behavior changed. A very modern concept to handle the communication between a computer and a user is a chatbot. The range of functions of a chatbot can be very simple up to complex ar-tificial intelligence based solutions. This publication focuses on a chatbot solution for Graz University of Technology (TU Graz), which should support the student by finding study related information via a conversational interface.

[Full Article @ Journal’s Homepage]

[Full Article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Berger, R., Ebner, M. & Ebner, M. (2019) Conception of a Conversational Interface to Provide a Guided Search of Study Related Data. International Journal of Emerging Technologies (i-JET). 14(7). pp. 37-47

[imoox] Der neue Trailer ist da :-) #imoox #ZeitEtwasNeuesZuLernen

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[workshop] Making with Kids to Foster STEAM Education #edil19 #edmedia

I am happy that I can announce a workshop on „Making with Kids to Foster STEAM Education“ at this year EdMedia + Innovate Learning conference in Amsterdam.


Some of Europe’s leading experts on making with children will share their experiences and different approaches within this joint workshop. The workshop will include presentations about teacher education within makerspaces at Graz University of Technologies (AT) as well as a short introduction about the first Maker Days for Kids in August 2018 for children aged 10-14 years. Participants will work with a set of tools and smaller maker projects. For example they can work with an BBC:MicroBit or an Ozobot for educational purposes. The examples shown were especially prepared for an open learning setting within a huge maker space environment. Interactive discussions will be the base to develop own future implementations.

So we would love to welcome you there. Here you can find all details about the workshop [Link to conference website]