[presentation] 360 Degree Videos Within a Climbing MOOC #imoox #research

Markus presented our research results titled “360 Degree Videos Within a Climbing MOOC” at this year CELDA conference in Portugal. Here are his slides:

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[publication] Digitalisierung ist konsequent eingesetzt ein pädagogischer Mehrwert für das Studium: Thesen zur Verschmelzung von analogem und digitalem Lernen auf der Grundlage von neun Fallstudien #gmw17 #tugraz

Im Rahmen der 25. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medien in der Wissenschaft (GMW) haben wir einen Beitrag zu “Digitalisierung ist konsequent eingesetzt ein pädagogischer Mehrwert für das Studium: Thesen zur Verschmelzung von analogem und digitalem Lernen auf der Grundlage von neun Fallstudien” verfasst.


Viele Jahre war der Einsatz von computergestütztem Lehren und Lernen an (tragbare) Computer gebunden. Ob digitale Hilfsmittel, z. B. Laptop und Video-Projektor, zum Einsatz kamen war deutlich erkennbar. Spätestens mit dem ubiquitären Internet und den Smartphones in den Taschen der Studierenden ist diese Grenzziehung zwischen sog. „analoger“ d. h. herkömmlicher Präsenzlehre sowie dem „digitalen“, d. h. dem computergestützten Lehren und Lernen, vermutlich sogar obsolet. Die Digitalisierung verändert auf unterschiedliche Weise die Lehre. Im Papier wird die These aufgestellt, dass dabei digitale und sogenannte analoge Aspekte immer mehr miteinander verschmelzen. Besonderheiten von verschmolzenen Lern- und Lehrformaten wurden in einem Arbeitspapier, das für das Hochschulforum Digitalisierung erstellt wurde, herausgearbeitet. Im Beitrag werden neun Fallstudien skizziert und ihre Besonderheiten verglichen. Daraus abgeleitet werden Thesen über die Charakteristik von verschmolzenen Lern- und Lehrformaten.

[Beitrag @ ResearchGate]

Zitation: Schön, S., Ebner, M., Schön, M., Haas, M. (2017) Digitalisierung ist konsequent eingesetzt ein pädagogischer Mehrwert für das Studium: Thesen zur Verschmelzung von analogem und digitalem Lernen auf der Grundlage von neun Fallstudien. In: Bildungsräume, Igel, C. (Hrsg.), Proceedings der 25. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medien in der Wissenschaft, Waxmann, S. 11-19

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 12 / No. 09 #ijet #research

Issue 12(089) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • 3DBody Software Experimental Platform for Course of Sports Anatomy
  • Design of Online Vocal Music Course Based on Azure-PaaS Platform
  • Design of Multimedia Teaching Platform for Chinese Folk Art Performance Based on Virtual Reality Technology
  • Construction and Application of the BEST Teaching Mode of College English in Big Data
  • IEBOOK-based Experimental Operation Platform of Computer Basic Course
  • Integration of Logistics Simulation Technology and Logistics Learning Factory in a Two-stage Teaching Method for Logistics Management Courses
  • Construction of Multimedia Teaching Platform for Ecological Economics Course Based on Information Technology
  • Construction of Maker Multimedia Technology for the Course of Sports Marketing
  • Design of Moodle-based Podcast Teaching Platform for the Course of Aerobic Gymnastics
  • Construction of Modern Educational Technology MOOC Platform Based on Courseware Resource Storage System
  • A Virtual Reality Teaching System for Graphic Design Course
  • Gamification Teaching Reform for Higher Vocational Education in China: A case study on Layout and Management of Distribution Center
  • An Online Interactive Courseware for the Course of Textile Materials
  • Construction of Mobile Teaching Platform for the Ideological and Political Education Course Based on the Multimedia Technology
  • Innovation Ability Training Mode of Postgraduates in the Mechanical Discipline Based on Simulation Technology

[Link to Issue 12/08]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me :-).

[publication] Development of a Dashboard for Learning Analytics in Higher Education #STELA #LearningAnalytics

Our first publication at this year HCII 2017 conference was about “Development of a Dashboard for Learning Analytics in Higher Education”.

In this paper, we discuss the design, development, and implementation of a Learning Analytics (LA) dashboard in the area of Higher Education (HE). The dashboard meets the demands of the different stakeholders, maximizes the mainstreaming potential and transferability to other contexts, and is developed in the path of Open Source. The research concentrates on developing an appropriate concept to fulfil its objectives and finding a suitable technology stack. Therefore, we determine the capabilities and functionalities of the dashboard for the different stakeholders. This is of significant importance as it identifies which data can be collected, which feedback can be given, and which functionalities are provided. A key approach in the development of the dashboard is the modularity. This leads us to a design with three modules: the data collection, the search and information processing, and the data presentation. Based on these modules, we present the steps of finding a fitting Open Source technology stack for our concept and discuss pros and cons trough out the process.

[Publication @ Springer]

[Draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Leitner P., Ebner M. (2017) Development of a Dashboard for Learning Analytics in Higher Education. In: Zaphiris P., Ioannou A. (eds) Learning and Collabo- ration Technologies. Technology in Education. LCT 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10296. pp. 293-301 Springer, Cham

[publication] The Multiplication Table as an innovative Learning Analytics Application #LearningAnalytics #tugraz

Another publication at this year ED-Media conference is about “The Multiplication Table as an innovative Learning Analytics Application“. The presentation has been recorded and can be find here.

The main topic of this paper is the development of a web-based application that helps children to learn the one-digit multiplication table. The developed application supports individual learning process of the pupils and also provides the teachers with the possibility to intervene according to the analysis of users’ answers. The application uses modern technologies in order to offer high performance and availability to the users. The system also provides an interface for mobile clients, which present the questions and the processed data in different forms. The answers of the pupils, as well as other gathered data from the application show interesting results related to the participation and learning improvement.

[Draft version @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Kraja, E., Taraghi, B. & Ebner, M. (2017). The Multiplication Table as an innovative Learning Analytics Application. In J. Johnston (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2017 (pp. 810-820). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

[presentation] Wozu denn MOOCs? #imoox #research #tugraz

Im Rahmen einer MOOC-Veranstaltung an der Kunstuniversität Graz bin ich gebeten worden über unsere MOOC-Erfahrungen zu berichten. Die Folien findet man hier dazu:

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Herzlich willkommen – welcome – bienvenue – bei den Welcome Days der #TUGraz #wd17

Welcome Days 2016Es freut mich, dass wir schon ganz traditionell unsere neuen Studierenden bei den Welcome Days begrüßen dürfen. Heuer werden wir erstmals auch einen Welcome Day für unsere internationalen Studierenden durchführen und damit einen dritten Hörsaal öffnen.
Wir können wieder mit einem vielfältigen Programm aufwarten und hoffen, dass damit sich der Einstieg ins Studium so einfach wie nur möglich gestaltet. Alles Gute allen, dass sie erfolgreich in diesen nächsten Lebensabschnitt starten und ein herzliches Willkommen an der TU Graz 🙂

[Link zu den Welcome Days @ TU Graz]

[publication] Mobile, Social, Smart, and Media Driven The Way Academic Net-Generation Has Changed Within Ten Years #netgeneration #digitalnatives

Another publication at this year ED-Media conference is about “Mobile, Social, Smart, and Media Driven The Way Academic Net-Generation Has Changed Within Ten Years“. The presentation has been recorded and can be find here.

Starting in 2007, Graz University of Technology has conducted an annual poll amongst its new students about their IT preferences and competences. After ten years of survey it is time to consider the overall results. Based on more than 7700 data records we can obviously state that freshmen have changed significantly according to their IT devices ownership, their communicational behavior using IT devices, as well as their usage of Web 2.0 tools. But there are some facts that have remained unchanged, such as the very low usage of Twitter or the usage of e-learning platforms at secondary school level, which is only slowly rising. Furthermore, the long-time survey tracks and reflects international trends, such as the outstanding hypes of Facebook and WhatsApp, replacing SMS over the last three years. We can conclude, that our students have become mobile, social, smart, and media driven.

[Draft version @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Nagler, W., Ebner, M. & Schön, M. (2017). Mobile, Social, Smart, and Media Driven The Way Academic Net-Generation Has Changed Within Ten Years. In J. Johnston (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2017 (pp. 826-835). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

[presentation] OER & MOOC #imoox #tugraz

Im Rahmen des “Tag der Lehre” an der Technischen Universität Wien bin ich gebeten worden zwei Kurzpräsentationen zu Open Educational Resources (OER) und zu MOOCs zu halten. Hier die zugehörigen Folien:

  • Open Educational Resources in Hochschulen
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  • MOOCs sind keine Lösung – aber vielleicht die richtige Richtung?
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