[publication] Mobile, Social, Smart, and Media Driven The Way Academic Net-Generation Has Changed Within Ten Years #netgeneration #digitalnatives

Another publication at this year ED-Media conference is about “Mobile, Social, Smart, and Media Driven The Way Academic Net-Generation Has Changed Within Ten Years“. The presentation has been recorded and can be find here.

Starting in 2007, Graz University of Technology has conducted an annual poll amongst its new students about their IT preferences and competences. After ten years of survey it is time to consider the overall results. Based on more than 7700 data records we can obviously state that freshmen have changed significantly according to their IT devices ownership, their communicational behavior using IT devices, as well as their usage of Web 2.0 tools. But there are some facts that have remained unchanged, such as the very low usage of Twitter or the usage of e-learning platforms at secondary school level, which is only slowly rising. Furthermore, the long-time survey tracks and reflects international trends, such as the outstanding hypes of Facebook and WhatsApp, replacing SMS over the last three years. We can conclude, that our students have become mobile, social, smart, and media driven.

[Draft version @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Nagler, W., Ebner, M. & Schön, M. (2017). Mobile, Social, Smart, and Media Driven The Way Academic Net-Generation Has Changed Within Ten Years. In J. Johnston (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2017 (pp. 826-835). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

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