[presentation] www – was wirkt weiter? Hochschule virtuell #covid19 #future

Im Rahmen einer internen Weiterbildung an der PH Steiermark habe ich versucht ein wenig aus der einjährigen Erfahrung in der digitalen Lehre eine Bilanz zu ziehen. Damit sollte auch ein Anstoß gegeben werden, darüber nachzudenken, wie sich vielleicht die Hochschullehre auch verändern wird. Hier sind die zugehörigen Folien:

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[webinar] Künstliche Interaktionspartner*innen an Hochschulen #fnma #fnmatalk

Für Kurzentschlossene noch schnell der Hinweis, dass heute, 14.4.21, um 11.00 Uhr wieder ein fnma-Talk stattfindet rund um das Thema „Künstliche Interaktionspartner*innen an Hochschulen„.

„Conversational user interfaces“ sind in den letzten Jahren vermehrt und in verschiedenen Ausprägungen – als textbasierte Chatbots, Digitale Assistentinnen oder sprachbegabte Roboter – im Alltag anzutreffen und mit unterschiedlichen Vorstellungen und Erwartungen verknüpft. Wie ist ihr Potenzial für Hochschulen und insbesondere für die Hochschullehre einzuschätzen? Der Vortrag befasst sich mit verschiedenen (realistischen) Möglichkeiten, Chatbots und Co. zu erstellen und an Hochschulen einzusetzen, und präsentiert Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse aus dem Förderprojekt „Künstliche Interaktionspartnerinnen an Hochschulen“.

Zuerst wird Michael Raunig einen Impulsvortrag geben, um dann danach gemeinsam mit Sandra Hummels und Vanessa Mai am Podium zu diskutieren. Wie immer kostenlos, aber wir freuen uns auf viele Fragen und Anregungen 🙂 .

[Link zum Webinar]

Herzlichen Dank natürlich an fnma und das Land Niederösterreiche die diese Veranstaltung ermöglichen.

[conference]Digitale Kompetenzen – vom europäischen Rahmenwerk zum Online-Kurs #bologna21 #imoox #mooc

Ich bin heute eingeladen bei der Jahreskonferenz Bologna-Tag 2021 mit dem Titel „Wie erlernen und vermitteln wir „future skills“ in der Hochschulpraxis?“ über unsere Kursentwicklungen rund um das Thema „Digitale Kompetenzen“ zu berichten. Ich werde dabei über die Vorgehensweise bei den beiden MOOCs berichten:

Für den Elevator-Pitch habe ich diese Folie vorbereitet – ich freu mich auf rege Teilnahme 🙂 .

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[presentation] TU Graz Lessons Learnt COVID-19 & Digitalisierungsprojekte in der Lehre #covid19

Im Rahmen eines Impulsfrühstückes an der Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien darf ich heute über die Erfahrungen der TU Graz im Rahmen der digitalen Lehre und der CoVID19-Krise berichten. Gleichzeitig werde ich auch die großen Digitalisierungsprojekte in der Hochschullehre kurz ansprechen.

Hier die Folien meines Impulses:

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[publication] MAKER DAYS for Kids: Learnings from a Pop-up Makerspace #makereducation #makerdays

Our conference contribution at last year Robotics in Education conference got published now titled „MAKER DAYS for Kids: Learnings from a Pop-up Makerspace„.

Makerspaces exist in different forms with different target groups and goals. Dedicated makerspaces are often organized as communities of practise. They provide space, devices, tools and materials for (digital) (re)production to support (social) innovation and to democratize STEAM education. The potential of makerspaces as authentic learning environments to teach 21st century skills is one reason why pop-up makerspaces are especially designed for children and teenagers, with a great focus on the tools and activities offered. The MAKER DAYS for kids are one example of a temporary makerspace for more than 100 participants with an open approach to encourage (especially female) participants to pursue a career in STEAM domains. Based on the gathered data of the last MAKER DAYS in 2018 and 2019 at Graz University of Technology, this publication focuses on the challenges in the design of maker activities in pop-up makerspaces and comments on the changes and improvements that were/are applied to the last/upcoming event.

[article @ publisher’s homepage]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Cite this paper as: Grandl M., Ebner M., Schön S., Brünner B. (2021) MAKER DAYS for Kids: Learnings from a Pop-up Makerspace. In: Lepuschitz W., Merdan M., Koppensteiner G., Balogh R., Obdržálek D. (eds) Robotics in Education. RiE 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1316. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-67411-3_33

[publication] Learning Analytics and MOOCs #imoox #hci20 #research

Ebru did a first publication of her PhD-work titled „Learning Analytics and MOOCs“ for this year HCII conference.

There are new discoveries in the field of educational technologies in the 21st century, which we can also call the age of technology. Learning Analytics (LA) has given itself an important research field in the area of Technology Enhanced Learning. It offers analysis, benchmarking, review and development techniques for example in online learning platforms such as those who host Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). MOOCs are online courses addressing a large learning community. Among these participants, large data is obtained from the group with age, gender, psychology, community and educational level differences. These data are gold mines for Learning Analytics. This paper examines the methods, benefits and challenges of applying Learning Analytics in MOOCs based on a literature review. The methods that can be applied with the literature review and the application of the methods are explained. Challenges and benefits and the place of learning analytics in MOOCs are explained. The useful methods of Learning Analytics in MOOCs are described in this study. With the literature review, it indicates: Data mining, statistics and mathematics, Text Mining, Semantics-Linguistics Analysis, visualization, Social network analysis and Gamification areas are implementing Learning Analytics in MOOCs allied with benefits and challenges.

Abstract of the publication

[full article @ publisher’s webpage]
[draft @ researchgate]

Reference: İnan E., Ebner M. (2020) Learning Analytics and MOOCs. In: Zaphiris P., Ioannou A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Designing, Developing and Deploying Learn- ing Experiences. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12205. Springer, Cham. pp. 241-254

[CfP] EMOOCs 2021 #research #callforpapers #conference #moocs #emoocs21

I am very happy that 7th EMOOCs conference will be held in Potsdam next year – in June 2021. Together with Anja Lorenz I will chair the exeperience track and if possible I would love to see you on site.

Now the Call for Papers is online and we invite you to participate:

The Experience Track sessions will provide participants with the opportunity to debate and learn more about the role, current trends and future directions that MOOCs are taking to continue their online learning delivery in Higher Education. The track will bring together diverse stakeholders to discuss four important areas around MOOCs. First, by discussing best practices in MOOC production processes, quality assurance, with emphasis on sustainable models that address the issue of certification and credentialing. A second focus is on the incorporation of pedagogy and MOOC design elements that can bring rich learning experiences, as well as new innovative teaching and learning models that can match the expectations of the stakeholders. Third, we also invite contributions that reimagine and bring new affordances to the role of technology in MOOCs, such as the development or use of new virtual learning environments and social spaces, interactive and interoperable learning objects, immersive and wearable technologies, or techniques such as a gamification, and how all of these impact student engagement and learning outcomes. Last, the multiple roles of analytics within the MOOC ecosystem, for example to systematically optimize production or measure quality, to quantify the effectiveness of different learning designs and models in terms of learners’ engagement and outcomes, or to be included as part of new technological analytics products such as dashboards, adaptation or recommendation engines.

Find the final call right here at the conference website:

Deadline for your contribution is 15th February 2021.