[presentation] Erstellung und Einsatz von Lehr- und Lernvideos #tugraz #lehrvideo #imoox

Im Rahmen der Fachtagung „Lernprodukte/Erklärvideos – digitales Prüfen“ hat man mich gebeten, ein wenig über unsere Erfahrungen zu Lehr- und Lernvideos zu geben. Hier sind meine Folien:

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Ich werde auch dabei den Lernvideo-Canvas vorstellen.

[presentation] Mehr als ein MOOC #mooc #tugraz # #delfigmw2019 #imoox

Wir haben bei der heurigen GMW-Tagung einen Beitrag zu verschiedenen didaktisch MOOC-Szenarien eingereicht. Sozusagen die Erfahrungen die wir in den letzten Jahren mit der MOOC-Plattform iMooX sammeln können. Hier gibt es die Folien zur heutigen Präsentation:

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[presentation] Was lernen wir von Learning Analytics #tugraz #research #LearningAnalytics

Im Rahmen des ÖFEB-Kongress darf ich heute über Learning Analytics reden – die Folien findet man hier:

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[publication] „Computer Science for all“: Concepts to engage teenagers and non-CS students in technology #research #tugraz

Our conference contribution to this year 13th European Conference on Games Based Learning about „„Computer Science for all“: Concepts to engage teenagers and non-CS students in technology“ is now online available – enjoy reading 🙂


Knowledge in Computer Science (CS) is essential, and companies have increased their demands for CS professionals. Despite this, many jobs remain unfilled. Furthermore, employees with computational thinking (CT) skills are required, even if they are not actual technicians. Moreover, the gender disparity in technology related fields is a serious problem. Even if companies want to hire women in technology, the number of women who enter these fields is remarkably low. In high schools, most teenagers acquire only low-level skills in CS. Thus, they may never understand the fundamental concepts of CS, have unrealistic expectations or preconceptions, and are influenced by stereotype-based expectations. Consequently, many teenagers exclude computing as a career path. In this research study, we present two promising concepts to overcome these challenges. First, we consider alternative paths to enter the field of CS. In 2018, a voluntary lecture „Design your own app“ at the University of Graz for students of all degree programs was introduced. In total, 202 students participated. We applied a Game Development-Based Learning (GDBL) approach with the visual coding tool Pocket Code, a mobile app developed at Graz University of Technology. The students were supposed to create simple games directly on smartphones. The course received positive evaluations and led to our second concept; In January 2019, we started to design a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) with the title „Get FIT in Computer Science“. First, this course can be used to encourage young women who have little to no previous knowledge in CS. Second, it should help all teenagers to get a more realistic picture of CS to its basic concepts. Third, teachers can use the course materials to lead high school classes (Open Educational Resources). Finally, the MOOC can be accessed by everyone interested in this topic.

[Article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Spieler, B., Grandl, M., Ebner, M., Slany, W. (2019) „Computer Science for all“: Concepts to engage teenagers and non-CS students in technology. In: Conference Proceedings ECGBL 2019, Odense, Denmark

[publication] A Pedagogical Framework for Mixed Reality in Classrooms based on a Literature Review #VR #AR #tugraz #research

Our publication about „A Pedagogical Framework for Mixed Reality in Classrooms based on a Literature Review“ at this year ED-Media conference in Amsterdam is online available:

Virtual reality devices are not an invention of the previous years. In fact, those are applicable since the 60s and therefore many scholars have elaborated in the potential of virtual reality as a learning platform. There are many diverse ways to integrate these techniques into the classroom. Affordable devices in combination with concepts like making legitimate the usage for learning. Pedagogical motivation factors like collaborations and gamification amply justify the usage of modern VR technologies as a learning platform. A variety of application have been used already in classrooms but in higher education, there is a need to catch up. Those examples have been divided by the way they make use of virtual systems and how they provide supervision. This literature review describes the functional classification of virtual reality, how it typically applies to learning and how it represents the key features for a didactically valuable usage. As a result of the literature research, a framework for the use of mixed reality in education has been developed allowing to spot new capabilities for the implementation of future VR or AR applications. This paper will also clarify the proper direction of development and the potential impact on future educational domains.

[Draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Kommetter, C. & Ebner, M. (2019). A Pedagogical Framework for Mixed Reality in Classrooms based on a Literature Review. In J. Theo Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 901-911). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)

[publication] Business models for Open Educational Resources: how to exploit OER after a funded project? #OER #research

Our publication about „Business models for Open Educational Resources: how to exploit OER after a funded project?“ at this year ED-Media conference in Amsterdam is online available:

Open Educational Resources (OER) projects often face the challenge of how to sustain and develop further the resources after the initial project funding comes to an end. OER are provided for free and open for anybody to re-use, modify and distribute. How than can the producers exploit the resources, are there any feasible business models, especially models which could remove or at least reduce dependence on limited and insecure funding? This article presents results of a survey of literature on OER business models and an overview of models identified in the literature. For projects which developed a learning program with OER the freemium model is being considered as a promising model.

[Draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Geser, G., Schön, S. & Ebner, M. (2019). Business models for Open Educational Resources: how to exploit OER after a funded project?. In J. Theo Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 1519-1525). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

[webinar, recording] Learning and instruction videos: design, production, use #video #education #talk #tugraz

Last week I gave a short webinar about „learning and instruction videos: design, production, use“ for the eduhub network. Now also the recording is available:

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[talk] More than a MOOC – Seven Learning and Teaching Scenarios to Use MOOCs in Higher Education and Beyond #mooc #imoox #research #tugraz

I prepared for the „International Seminar on Linguistics and Literature“ held by Fac. of Letters, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, in Central Java, Indonesia, a talk about „More than a MOOC – Seven Learning and Teaching Scenarios to Use MOOCs in Higher Education and Beyond„. My main idea was to present how manigfold MOOCs can be used, if the content is available as Open Educational Resource. It is just great to see how flexible online teaching can be.
The talk was recorded and is accessible on YouTube:


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[publication] MAKER DAYS for Kids – ein temporärer Makerspace an der TU Graz #tugraz #MakerEducation #fnma

Das neue FNMA-Magazin hatte den Themenschwerpunkt „Lernräume und Makerspaces„. Hierzu haben wir die MakerDays der TU Graz beschrieben und laden auch gerne nochmals zum Fachtreffen am 7.8.2019 ein (Anmeldung kostenfrei).

Die MAKER DAYS for Kids verfolgen in erster Linie das Ziel, Kindern und Jugendlichen im Alter von 10 bis 14 Jahren einen Zugang zu einem (temporären) Makerspace zu ermöglichen, wo sie Anregungen und Unterstützung zum/beim (digitalen) Selbermachen von erwachsenen Tutoren und Gleichaltrigen, den sogenannten Peer Tutoren, erhalten. Die Aktivtäten im Makerspace sollen dabei neue Lernmöglichkeiten eröffnen, die nicht nur auf den Fachbereich der Informatik beschränkt sind.

[Beitrag @ ResearchGate]

Zitationsangabe: Grandl, M., Ebner, M., (2019) MAKER DAYS for Kids – ein temporärer Makerspace an der TU Graz. fnma-Magazin 02/2019. S. 15-18. ISSN: 2410-5244

[fnmatalk] Makerspace als Lernraum der nächsten Generation. Materialien und Erfahrungen aus dem Forschungsprojekt DOIT #fnma #webinar

Es freut mich sehr, dass ich am 3.7 um 11.00 Uhr zum fnma-Talk einladen und den Vortrag von Sandra zu „Makerspace als Lernraum der nächsten Generation. Materialien und Erfahrungen aus dem Forschungsprojekt DOIT“ moderieren darf:

Werkstätten mit digitalen Werkzeugen wie 3D-Drucker und Laser Cutter, sogenannte Makerspaces, werden an österreichischen Hochschulen als kreativer Innovations- und Lernraum wahrgenommen. Maker Education wird vielfach auch als Möglichkeit gesehen, Kindern und Jugendlichen Neugierde an Programmierung und digitalen Werkzeugen zu wecken. Im fnma Talk wird der Ansatz des europäischen Forschungsprojekt „DOIT – Entrepreneurial skills for young social innovators in an open digital world“ (http://doit-europe.net), erste Materialien und Erfahrungen vorgestellt, wie gemeinsam mit Kindern und Jugendlichen zwischen 6 und 16 soziale Innovationen in Makerspace-Settings entwickelt werden können und inwiefern das auch als ein Beitrag für frühe Entrepreneurship Education ist.

Und das beste ist natürlich, alles völlig kostenfrei – mehr Information gibt es dann hier [Webinar Sandra Schön]