[presentation] Automatic Authentication of Students at an Interactive Learning-Video Platform #edil19 #edmedia19 #tugraz #video

Our fourth presentation at this year ED-Media 2019 conference in Amsterdam is about our research work about interactive videos. Here you can find the slides:

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[presentation] A Pedagogical Framework for Mixed Reality in Classrooms based on a Literature Review #edil19 #edmedia19 #tugraz #research

Our second presentation at this year ED-Media 2019 conference in Amsterdam is about research work in Virtual Reality for education. This time we present a framework how we can cluster Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality scenarios for education. Find the slides here:

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[presentation] Business models for Open Educational Resources: how to exploit OER after a funded project? #edil19 #edmedia19 #tugraz #OER

DOIT is not only working on social innovation in makerspaces – the project also tries to spread the ideas and materials in a sustainable way. DOIT’s considerations include how the partner might use the open educational resources that are developed after the project. Guntram Geser and Sandra Schön (both Salzburg Research), together with me, – DOIT advisor – wrote a contribution on „Business models for Open Educational Resources: how to exploit OER after a funded project?„. I am going to present the paper at the EdMedia conference in Amsterdam today.

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And of course we are proud to share or business cards with all of you. If you want to think and co-create potential business models for your OER projects and future exploitation, use these as inspiration. You can e.g. decide which 3 cards fits best and then build your business model or you can force you to adapt business models which were selected by chance for your own case. Sounds weird, but the best ideas are not always developed in straight ways. Enjoy!


[presentation] Professor YouTube and Their Interactive Colleagues #edil19 #edmedia #tugraz #research

Our first presentation at this year ED-Media 2019 conference in Amsterdam is about our survey taken every year from the beginners. This time we also concentrate on YouTub and learning with videos. Here you can find the slides:

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Fachtreffen im Rahmen der Makerdays #makerdays #tugraz

Im Rahmen der Makerdays organisieren wir auch aufgrund der vielen Rückfragen ein Fachtreffen und zwar inmitten der Veranstaltungswoche am 7.8.2019 von 10-16.00 Uhr. Dann kann man sich gleich vor Ort überzeugen (lassen) wie die Workshops aussehen und welche kleinen Projekte wir gerade umsetzen mit den Kindern.

Interessierte Studierende, Lehrende und Personen aus dem Bereich Forschung und Wirtschaft sind herzlich eingeladen, die Bedeutung von Making-Aktivitäten und Makerspaces in der Bildung (von der Primarstufe bis zur Hochschule) im Rahmen des Fachtreffens zu diskutieren.

Dabei sollte natürlich auch das „Making“ nicht zu kurz kommen. Beim Fachtreffen können Sie in die Rolle einer Teilnehmerin/eines Teilnehmers der MAKER DAYS schlüpfen und all das ausprobieren, was Sie bei der Führung durch den Makerspace begeistert hat.

Es erwarten Sie kurze Fachvorträge von Martin Ebner, Kristin Narr, Sandra Schön und Maria Grandl.

Die Veranstaltung ist kostenfrei und wir freuen uns über jede Anmeldung: [Link zum Anmeldefomular]

[publication] Effects of a Mathematical Bridging Course #MOOC #imoox #MatheFit

Our contribution about „Effects of a Mathematical Bridging Course“ to this year eMOOCs conference in Naples got published now:

The secondary to tertiary transition is generally considered as problematic. Thereby, especially mathematics is a significant barrier for students of universities. The reasons are diverse and occur not least because of the changes in the school curriculum caused by the centralised school leaving examination. Subsequently, many universities and academies in the European area provide various approaches to work against the widely spread issue. In 2018, a free accessible online bridging courses for mathematics was designed by Graz University of Technology. The course is provided on the iMooX platform 1 and represents a form of technology-enhanced learning. The aim is to optimise the design of the course considering the needs of freshmen and freshwomen. Following the active course period, course participants take part in evaluations. The outcomes are investigated, which represents the empirical part of the paper. The online course receives positive feedback. As a consequence, it is recommended to continue the course offer within the next few years.

[Full article @ ResearchGate]

[Conference Proceeding eMOOCs 2019]

Reference: Reich, S., Ebner, M., Ebner, M. (2019) Effects of a Mathematical Bridging Course. Proceedings of EMOOCs conference, pp. 197-202, Naples (Italy)

[podcast] Wir bauen eine Stadt #makerdays #tugraz #makereducation

Maria hat in einem kurzen Interview über die Makerdays an der TU Graz berichtet und auch gleichzeitig noch angekündigt, dass es ein paar wenige Restplätze gibt. Die Anmeldung ist hier möglich.

Technik zugänglich und angreifbar zu machen: Das ist das Ziel des Projekts „Maker Days for Kids“. Die TU Graz und der gemeinnützige Verein BIMS e.V. bietet Kindern und Jugendlichen im Sommer die Möglichkeit, in einer offenen Werkstatt kreativ zu arbeiten.

[Link zum Podcast bei Aircampus]

[publication] Experiences with a MOOC-platform — Who are our learners and what do they think about MOOCs? #research #MOOC #emoocs #imoox

Our contribution about „Experiences with a MOOC-platform — Who are our learners and what do they think about MOOCs?“ to this year eMOOCs conference in Naples got published now:

iMooX, the first and currently only Austrian MOOC platform, has been hosting xMOOCs since 2014. Directly after the start a survey of the first three MOOCs was conducted and published in 2015. In the meantime, the MOOC platform contains more than 45 courses and serves many thousands of learners. Therefore, we are investigating, if there is a change towards the learners themselves, their expectations and experiences regarding learning with MOOCs as well as with the platform. Using the exact same survey as years before it can be shown that there are little changes in the right directions or maybe it can be concluded that learning with MOOCs became more common to a broader public, at least in the academic world.

[Full article @ ResearchGate]

[Conference Proceeding eMOOCs 2019]

Reference: Leitner, P., Ebner, M. (2019) Experiences with a MOOC-platform — Who are our learners and what do they think about MOOCs?. Proceedings of Work in Progress Papers of the Research, Experience and Business Tracks at EMOOCs 2019co-located with the (European MOOCs Stakeholders Submmit 2019) Conference. pp 163-168. Naples, Italy

[aufzeichung] Open Educational Resources #OER #tugraz

Im Rahmen einer Fortbildungsveranstaltung an der FH Joanneum wurde mein Kurzinput zu „Open Educational Resources“ aufgezeichnet und steht zum Nachhören zur Verfügung:


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[webinar] Learning and instruction videos: design, production, use #tugraz #eduhub

In July I will give a short webinar about „Learning and instruction videos: design, production, use“ based on our long tradition in doing videos especially for the MOOC-platform iMooX.at:

The talk comes up with the topic of learning and instruction videos and shows the current forms of application. Different formats as well as creation possibilities are presented, which can be converted by today’s technologies partly also with manageable financial resources. In addition, theoretical approaches concerning the instructional design are addressed. In order to facilitate the production of learning and instructional videos in the future, a template for the development of learning and instructional videos, the „Learning-Video-Canvas“, shows how to approach the planning of video projects for learning issues.

The participation is free and I like to thank the eduhub-community for hosting this talk: [Free registration for the webinar]