[publication] A Research Agenda to Deploy Technology Enhanced Learning with Augmented Reality in Industry #AugmentedREality #VirtualReality #tugraz

We did a short article about “A Research Agenda to Deploy Technology Enhanced Learning with Augmented Reality in Industry” for this year “Mensch und Computer 2019”.


To apply Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) with Augmented Reality (AR) in industry, a suitable methodology is necessary. This work focuses on how to deploy and evaluate AR learning scenarios in industrial environments. The methodology evolved within the two EU projects FACTS4WORKERS and iDEV40 and has been improved iteratively. The first step is to investigate the use case at the industry partner. Then the appropriate concept is defined. The next step is to develop a first prototype. This prototype is then improved during several iterations according to the feedback of the industry partner. When the prototype reaches an appropriate Technology Readiness Level (TRL), a final evaluation is carried out to verify the software artifact against the gathered requirements.

[Full article]

[Full article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Spitzer, M., Gsellmann, I., Hebenstreit, M., Damalas, S. & Ebner, M., (2019). A Research Agenda to Deploy Technology Enhanced Learning with Augmented Reality in Industry. Mensch und Computer 2019 – Workshopband. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V..

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