[publication] Personal Learning Environment – Generation 2.0

Our third publication at this year ED-Media Confernece in Denver, USA is now online available. We described the newest research outcomes of our Personal Learning Environment. The slides of the talk are already published here.

Teaching and learning efforts at universities has been dominated by Learning Management Systems since years now. At the same time the so-called Web 2.0 technologies arise and assist teachers as well as learners through communication or collaborating with each other. Furthermore new web technologies like mashups or new devices like smartphones allow us to work with the World Web Web from anywhere at anytime. In this publication a so-called Personal Learning Environment (PLE) is introduced which was launched at Graz University of Technology for the first time in 2010. After a prototype phase a complete redesign was carried out to improve usability and in that way better fit user ́s needs. With the help of metaphor-like terms such as “spaces” and apps the interface became quite easy to work with and fulfilled the change towards learner-centered framework. This paper outlines the cornerstones of the PLE development and its redesign as well as first evaluation data in relation to the focus that the learning environment of tomorrow has to integrate Web services as well as university wide services in an easy and understandable way to become a real Personal Learning Environment.

Personal Learning Environment – Generation 2.0

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Reference: Targhi, B., Ebner, M. & Kroell, C. (2012). Personal Learning Environment – Generation 2.0. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2012 (pp. 1828-1835). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

[publication] Web 2.0 als Basistechnologie für CSCL-Umgebungen

Nach längerer Wartezeit ist es erschienen, das neue Buch CSCL-Kompendium 2.0, welches ein Lehr- und Handbuch zum computerünterstützten kooperativen Lernen ist. Anja und ich haben uns den Web 2.0 Technologien gewidmet im Beitrag „Web 2.0 als Basistechnologie für CSCL-Umgebungen„.

Nach der Dotcom-Blase und der damit verbundenen ersten abflauenden Euphorie gegenüber den Potentialen des World Wide Webs wurde im Jahr 2004 ein neuer Begriff postuliert:Web 2.0. Dieser beschreibt aber keinen technologischen Versionssprung, sondern den Um-gang der Nutzer/innen durch deren aktive Beteiligung. Es entstehen immer mehr Dienste und Applikationen, die eine Einbeziehung der Nutzer/innen ermöglichen und es so immer einfacher machen, im World Wide Web zu partizipieren und eigene Inhalte zu publizieren. In diesem Beitrag wird eine erste grobe Übersicht über die wichtigsten Applikationen gegebensowie deren typische Merkmale herausgearbeitet. Ziel ist es, eine Grundlage für nachfolgende Kapitel zu geben, welche die speziellen Ausprägungen der Anwendungen in CSCL-Umgebungen darlegen.

Web 2.0 als Basistechnologien für CSCL-Umgebungen

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Referenz: Ebner, M.; Lorenz, A. (2012) Web 2.0 als Basistechnologie für CSCL-Umgebungen; Haake, J.; Schwabe, G.; Wessner, M. (Hrsg.); CSCL-Kompendium 2.0; Oldenburg, München; S. 97-111

[publication] Podcasting for Electrical Power Systems

Our contribution about „Podcasting for Electrical Power Systems“ for this year MIPRO 2012 conference is now online available.

This paper reflects six years of managing (lecture) recording activities at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) with a special eye on the broad experiences of the Institute of Electrical Power Systems of TU Graz (IFEA) according to podcasting as well as their advantages of using this service. Furthermore the paper analyses the history, development, and management, its increase, aspects of evaluation, and didactics as well as its future trends, facing the challenges of a university wide automated recording system. The paper too presents the latest development of an integrated search functionality offered for each single recording serviced by the Department of Social Learning (DSL) of TU Graz. This is made possible on base of OCR (Optical Character Recognition) recognition of indexed video frames. Podcasting has become an integrated part of teaching activities at IFEA and at TU Graz in general. It will be further enlarged to an automated system providing high quality multimedia lecture recordings.

Podcasting for Electrical Power Systems

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Reference: Grigoriadis, Y., Fickert, L., Ebner, M., Schön, M., Nagler, W. (2012) Podcasting for Electrical Power Systems, Conference Proceedings MIPRO 2012, IEEE, p. 1412-1417, ISBN 978-953-233-069-4

[publication] Studieren 2.0: Digital Natives in Zeiten von Bologna

Unsere Untersuchungen, Auswertungen und Umfragen heutiger Studierender und ihrer digitalen Begleiter, sowie die Anliegen an eine zukünftige Ausbildung ist jetzt in der Zeitschrift „Das Hochschulwesen“ erschienen.

Kernthemen der Bologna Follow-up Group sind die Aktionslinien „LebenslangesLernen“, „Mobilität“ und „Studierendenzentriertes Lernen“. Die Abteilung Vernetztes Lernen der Technischen Universität Graz ist der Frage nachgegangen, in wieweit die Bologna-Ziele auch den Wünschen und Anliegen der Studierenden und Lehrenden für den Teilbereich E-Learning entsprechen? Basis der Diskussion sind drei unabhängige Untersuchungen: die Erstsemestrigen-Befragung, die Umfrage„Studieren 2020“ und die Zukunftswerkstätten 2010 des Vereins Forum neue Medien Austria mit der Thematik „Studieren und Lehren 2020“. Das Ergebnis zeigt,dass die Auswirkungen des Bologna-Prozesses wohl in den Curricula zu finden sind; im Geschehen im Hörsaal spiegeln sich Veränderungen nur rudimentär wider, werden aber sehr gefordert!

Studieren 2.0: Digital Natives in Zeiten von Bologna

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Zitation: Ebner, M.; Nagler, W. (2012) Studieren 2.0: Digital Natvies in Zeiten von Bologna, Das Hochschulwesen 1/2012, Jg. 2012, S. 20-27

[publication] New Forms of and Tools for Cooperative Learning with Social Software in Higher Education

Sandra and I wrote a summary of different tools and forms of cooperative learning with Social Software in higher education. It was just published in the book „Encyclopedia of Computer Science“ (ed. Robert T. Abrams).

Our abstract:

Since the new generation of Internet technology, called Web 2.0, has been introduced, a change of how users are dealing with the World Wide Web has been get into going. If access to the Web is available, today nearly anyone can actively participate and communicate online. Of course this recent evolution of the Web influences also the field of education. Former e-learning was mainly characterized by the use of content offered within learning management systems. Nowadays so called “Social Software” enables new possibilities and didactical approaches. In this chapter we give a short overview of how Social Software can support cooperative learning and how new technologies can enhance higher education in a meaningful new way. After a short introduction to the basics of cooperative learning different Social Software applications are classified and described. Practical examples are presented to show the general usage. In the end we conclude that these technologies have great impact on teaching and learning, as it will help to enhance education at universities.

Within the paper, we distinguished different forms of Social Software:

Social Software can be distinguished concerning their main purposes

  • Social presence and communication including discussion forums, Web chats, (micro-) blogging, (micro-) podcasting, and live streaming;
  • Collaborative development including tools that allow a collaborative work and development as the Wiki technology; or
  • Collaborative enrichment of content such as social bookmarking, social tagging, and rating.

Then we went on with a short description of different teaching settings (formally organised learning), where cooperative learning can be used:

1. Distance learning setting

The learners are distributed and do not meet in reality before and while learning and working together. The online communication is not always, but often asynchronous;

2. Blended learning setting

The learners meet in reality and additionally online but normally not parallel. The online communication usually is asynchronous;

3. Classroom group work setting – with 10 to 25 learners

Every learner additionally and parallel to “real” communication participates through networked computers or mobile phones on the group interaction

4. Lecture hall learning setting

The learners use networked computers or mobile phones to facilitate interaction and feedback loops in big groups of more than 40 people parallel to a (interactive) lecture.

In the paper we list tools and their usage and how it already worked (or not) within cooperative learning settings. We came to the conclusion (amongst other aspects!!):

The use of technology in education strongly depends on the questions how we can improve the quality of education and how we can benefit from it. For example, digital collaboration with the help of Wiki systems leads to new possibilities that had not been imaginable within a paper-based learning scenario. Furthermore tagging enhances learner’s content in a new meaningful way and makes the content shareable und reusable. Micro-blogging as described in previous chapters must be seen as a complete new form of communication – talking to a cloud, without knowing if anyone will read or even react to it.

As cooperative learning is very often a part of open educational practices, where learners have the possibilities to organize their own learning within their groups as active partners, changes of learning and teaching behavior is not only a matter of such new tools. Also the existing learning culture within the institution or the teaching abilities and attitudes of lectures are (amongst others) crucial aspects of teaching in higher education that has to be taken into account for a successful implementation or usage of such new tools for cooperative learning (cf. Schaffert, 2009).

Additionally, we have to bear in mind that such tools are not built especially for learning settings. It is up to the researchers and every single user to find out whether learners can benefit from it or not. (…)

Reference: Schaffert, S., Ebner, M. (2012) New Forms of and Tools for Cooperative Learning with Social Software in Higher Educatio, In: Encyclopedia of Computer Science, R. T. Abrams (Ed.), Nova Publishers, Hauppauge NY, p. 537-552

[video] Soziale Netzwerke und ihre Auswirkungen

Im Rahmen der Vorlesung „Gesellschaftliche Aspekte der Informationstechnologie“ habe ich einen Vortrag zum Thema Soziale Netzwerke gehalten der nun als Aufzeichung verfügbar ist. Wie immer freue ich mich über Fragen, Anregungen und Diskussionspunkte:

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[video] Facebook. Milliardengeschäft Freundschaft

ARD hat eine Dokumentation rund um das Soziale Netzwerk Facebook gemacht:

Für mehr als 800 Millionen Menschen weltweit gehört Facebook zum Alltag dazu – jeder vierte Deutsche ist „drin“. Facebook selbst macht damit geschätzt mehr als vier Milliarden US-Dollar Umsatz im Jahr 2011. ‚Unsere Mission ist es, aus der Welt einen besseren Ort zu machen, indem wir offener und vernetzter werden‘, so die Vision des 27-jährigen Firmengründers Mark Zuckerberg. Doch hinter dem so nützlich scheinenden sozialen Netzwerk steckt auch der aktuell aggressivste Datensammler im Internet.

Hier gibt es den Beitrag online zum Anschauen: [Link]