[publication] Porting a Native Android App to iOS #ios #appdevelopment #tugraz

Our publication on “Porting a Native Android App to iOS” got published in the nternational Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM):

The two mobile operating systems Android and i(Pad)OS have dominated the smartphone and tablet market for years and app providers have to offer their apps for both systems in most cases in order to be competitive or to be able to reach the majority of potential customers. In native app development, separate applications have to be written and maintained for each platform. Often, apps are developed for one platform first and the second app is developed at a later stage, after some feedback could be collected. This porting from one system to the other can be either (partially) automated or manual, but in any case, it has its challenges. Both systems were designed with different approaches and differ greatly in some parts from each other – not only visually, but also in terms of the underlying structure. To illustrate the porting process, the Android app “Schoolstart Screening App”, which was developed for the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research of Austria by Graz University of Technology at the OU Educational Technology, was ported so that it can be used also on iPads. Automated approaches were discussed and the chosen process is explained to get a good overview of the topic.

[article @ journal’s homepage]
[article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Rauter, M., Wachtler, J., & Ebner, M. (2023). Porting a Native Android App to iOS: Porting Process Shown by the Example of the “Schoolstart Screening App”. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 17(23), pp. 20–31. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijim.v17i23.43829

[master] Portability of Mobile Applications #ios #android #tugraz

Mattias did his master thesis about the “Portability of Mobile Applications” and presented it successfully during his defense. Here you can find his slides:

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[publication]The Development of Two Math E-Learning Systems for Primary School Children in Android #tugraz #mlearning #research

Our publication titled “The Development of Two Math E-Learning Systems for Primary School Children in Android” for the EDMedia and Innovative Learning 2023 conference is now online available:

Abstract: Electronic learning, with all its different variations, approaches and applications, is a very relevant topic in today’s education. E-Learning is a wide field, as it affects classes in school as well as training scenarios for adult persons. This work describes the development of two E-Learning systems: EinMalEins Trainer and Division Trainer. Both applications are part of the learning lab of Graz University of Technology. This document sums up the theoretical background of the development process as well as the realization. A lot of emphasis in this work laid on applying different testing methods, therefore thinking aloud testing as well as automated testing are handled more deeply. The methodology behind these methods is explained and the results are presented.

[Preprint @ ResearchGate]
[Publication @ Publisher’s homepage]

Reference: Plieschnegger, M., Wachtler, J. & Ebner, M. (2023). The Development of Two Math E-Learning Systems for Primary School Children in Android. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 798-810). Vienna, Austria: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved July 19, 2023 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/222581/

[master] Math trainer as a chatbot via system(push) messages for Android #tugraz #research #chatbot

Mirza defended successfully his master thesis about “Math trainer as a chatbot via system(push) messages for Android”. Find here his final slides:

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[publication] Math Trainer as a Chatbot Via System (Push) Messages for Android #education #TechnologyEnhancedLearning

Our research titled “Math Trainer as a Chatbot Via System (Push) Messages for Android” got published in the newest issue of the International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies.

In the recent years, as technology grew, so did the chatbot technology. More and more companies and people are using and reaping the benefits from them. This paper shows how a chatbot for mathematical tasks, named mathbot, was developed. The chatbot uses mathematical exercises from the “Schulapps” of the LearningLab of Graz, University of Technology and combines them with textual questions to provide a useful utility for practicing. It is shown that such a chatbot could be useful for pupils and teachers by evaluating a test run in an elementary school.

[publication @ journal’s homepage]
[publication @ researchgate]

Reference: Kabiljagić, M., Wachtler, J., Ebner, M., & Ebner, M. (2022). Math Trainer as a Chatbot Via System (Push) Messages for Android. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 16(17), pp. 75–87. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijim.v16i17.33351

[app] iMooX Coach App #imoox #app

iMooX Coach App

Die iMooX Coach App ist nun fertig und online verfügbar. Das Ziel der App ist nicht (!) die Online-Kurse von iMooX.at via App zugänglich zu machen, da diese sowieso über den Browser möglich ist. Es ist vielmehr die Idee eines Lerntagebuchs und soll beim Lernen mit einem MOOC gezielt unterstützen:

Die App behält einen Überblick über alle Ihre aktuellen Kurse, Termine und anstehenden Kurse. Außerdem kann die App, sofern Sie dies zulassen, Ihnen Benachrichtigungen und Erinnerungen schicken. Durch das eigene Hinzufügen von Terminen, Lernzielen und Notizen können Sie spielerisch Ihren Lernfortschritt antreiben. Laden Sie jetzt die iMoox Coach App runter und behalten Sie Ihre Kurse als auch Ihren Lernfortschritt immer im Überblick.

[iMooX Coach App für iOS]
[iMooX Coack App für Android]

[presentation] School Start Screening Tool #edil21 #research #tugraz

We were happy to present yesterday our research about “School Start Screening Tool” at this year “EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2021” conference.

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[app] TU Graz Search #android #app #development

Im Rahmen einer Bachelorarbeit wurde die Android App “TU Graz Search” überarbeitet bzw. eigentlich neu programmiert. Sie steht ab sofort zum Download bereit:

TU Graz Search App

TU Graz Search enables you to quickly search and find the most important information at Graz University of Technology. This search app includes the following categories:

• people,
• lecture halls and rooms,
• departments and service units,
• lectures,
• exams,
• research publications,
• library catalogue,
• events,
• news (RSS feeds), and
• web-sites.

Moreover, it is possible to add people to your contacts on you Android device or to contact them directly.

This app requires a connection to the Internet.

Google Play Store

[Download TU Graz Search App – Android]

[master] Development of a learning diary for a MOOC platform #app

Markus did his masterthesis about “Development of a learning diary for a MOOC platform” and developed the iMooX Coach.
Here you can find his slides for the defense:

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[app] 1×1 Trainer #tugraz #math #ios #android

Wir haben den 1×1 Trainer grundlegend überarbeitet und mit Handschrifterkennung ausgestattet. Die iOS-Version für iPhone und iPad gibt es schon länger [iOS-Version], nun ist es aber auch die Android-Version verfügbar. Ab sofort können die Kinder also auch dort die Zahlen per Finger eingeben und wir hoffen so, dass es noch einfacher wird mit der App umzugehen. Die Registierung kann direkt in der App oder auch über unsere LearningLab gemacht werden.

The 1×1 Trainer App with handwriting recognition is supposed to help children with learning multiplication tables. The numbers can be written with the finger.

[Link zur iOS-App]
[Link zur Android-App]