[conference] MindTrek 2010

Die heurige MindTrek Conference findet von 6.10 – 08.10.2010 in Tampere statt und der Call for Papers läuft noch bis zum 23.04.2010 offen:

We are pleased to invite you to the Academic MindTrek conference from 6th – 8th October 2010, which brings together a cross-disciplinary crowd of people to investigate current and emerging topics of media in the ubiquitous arena. Among the media to be discussed, will be business, social, technical and content-related topics.

  • Social Media
  • Ambient and Ubiquitous Media
  • Digital Games
  • Open Source
  • Media Business, Media Production and Media Management
  • In addition, special academic sessions (e.g. tutorials, tool demonstrations, workshops, and multidisciplinary sessions) are offered

Hier gibt es den Call im Detail.

6. e-Learning Tag TU Wien

Die TU Wien stellt den 6. e-Learning Tag unter das Motto „Streaming Education – Einsatz von Video und Audio in der Lehre„.

Viele Universitäten mit Rang und Namen etablieren seit einigen Jahren Streaming Technologien und setzen Audio- und Videoclips in der Lehre bzw. in der universitären Öffentlichkeitsarbeit ein. Seit dem Frühjahr 2010 experimentiert auch die TU Wien mit diesen Technologien. Deshalb ist der 6. E Learning Tag diesem Thema gewidmet.

Dazu wurde ich auch eingeladen über unsere Erfahrungen an der TU Graz zu berichten, was ich natürlich gerne mache. Der Titel meines Vortrages am 30.4.2010 lautet

Streaming in der Lehre – relativiert die Erfahrung den Hype?

und ich hoffe ich kann damit Antworten geben oder zumindest Diskussionen anregen. Freu mich auf alle Fälle 🙂 .

Zukunftswerkstätten: Studieren und Lehren 2020

Das Forum Neue Medien Austria veranstaltet von April bis Ende Mai 2010 5 Zukunftswerkstätten an österreichischen Universitäten. Die TU Graz wird am 3. Mai 2010 Austragungsort sein und ich darf jetzt schon alle recht herzlich einladen.

Universitäten und Fachhochschulen sind bei der Vermittlung von Wissen und Bildung heute mehr denn je mit diversen Fragen konfrontiert. Aktuelle Entwicklungen wie die letzten Studierendenproteste, die hohen Studierendenzahlen in einzelnen Fächern oder die Folgen des Bologna-Prozesses zeigen, dass es neuer, vorausschauender Ideen bedarf, um jetzt die Zukunft des Studierens und Lehrens in Universitäten bzw. Hochschulen zu gestalten.
In den Zukunftswerkstätten wird das Spannungsfeld zwischen Lehre, Lernen und Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien gemeinsam mit Lehrenden, Studierenden und EntscheidungsträgerInnen intensiv beleuchtet. Anhand griffiger Themenstellungen und mit kurzen Impulsreferaten von FachexpertInnen wird eine intensive Diskussion in Gang gebracht. Gesucht werden kreative Lösungsvorschläge für die Zukunftsgestaltung von Studium und Lehre. Die Ergebnisse der Zukunftswerkstätten liefern Antworten auf die Frage, was heute zu verändern ist, damit die Zukunft Wirklichkeit werden kann.

Es gibt sowohl eine Hompage als auch Facebookpage hierzu.

[conference] USAB 2010: HCI in Work & Learning, Life & Leisure

The 6th Symposium of the Workgroup HCI&UE of the Austrian Computer Society will take place in Carinthia (Southern Austria) this year from Sept. 16th to Sept. 17th.
The topics are structured alongside (but not limited to) the following three dimensions:

  1. Special user groups (children, elderly, healthcare professionals,
    tourists, students, teachers, …)
  2. Issues on practical application of HCI in the work place (process
    aspects, HCI patterns, cost/benefit analyses, …)
  3. Future trends in HCI, …

Here you will finde the Call for Papers [CfP] and some other details.

[workshop] Using Microblogging to enhance communication within Communities of Practice

Due to the fact that I agreed to serve as member of the program committee I also like to hint to the forthcoming workshop „Using Microblogging to enhance communication within Communities of Practice“ (MicroECoP) within the WCC 2010 conference in Brisbane, Australia.
The workshop aims to discuss:

A number of questions are emerging from the early use of micro-blogs as social networking tools that connect communities of practice and interest. These include: How can microblogs support the development of professional communities of practice? How can microblogs be effectively incorporated into formalised professional learning? How can we measure the optimum levels of engagement necessary for microblogs to be successful social networking tools within professional communities of practice? How are communities of practice enhanced or enriched as a result of the application of microblogs? What about issues of security, privacy and intellectual property – how can these be protected? Do the filtering features on microblogs constitute semantic tools?

So think about to participate – more details you will find at the homepage of MicroECoP.

[CfP] The PLE Conference

I like to announce the Call for Papers for the first „PLE Conference“ in Barcelona, Spain this year.

Personal Learning Environments (PLE) include the tools, communities, and services that constitute the individual educational platforms learners use to direct their own learning and pursue educational goals. The idea of the PLE represents a shift away from the model in which students consume information through independent channels such as the library, a textbook, or an LMS, moving instead to a model where students draw connections from a growing matrix of resources that they select and organize. Because they emphasize relationships, PLEs can promote authentic learning by incorporating expert feedback into learning activities and resources. A PLE also puts students in charge of their own learning processes, challenging them to reflect on the tools and resources that help them learn best. By design, a PLE is created from self-direction, and therefore the responsibility for organization—and thereby for learning—rests with the learner ….

Executive Commitee „Global Time“

Es freut mich außerordentlich, dass ich in das Executive Commitee der Online Konferenz „Global TIME: Global Conference on Technology, Innovation, Media & Education“ aufgenommen wurde die das nächste Mal von 19. – 20. Februar 2010 stattfinden wird.
Ich bin selbst auch sehr gespannt wie es ablaufen wird, aber definitiv ein Schritt in die Zukunft von Konferenzen. Hier sind die Topics gelistet.

Global TIME is an online conference organized by the non-profit, international, educational Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) and co-sponsored by EdITLib–Education and Information Technology Digital Library.

[publication] The Benefits of Geo-Tagging and Microblogging in m-Learning: a Use Case

Our publication „The Benefits of Geo-Tagging and Microblogging in m-Learning: a Use Case“ of this year MindTrek 2009 conference is online available.

The recent years have shown the remarkable potential use of Web 2.0 technologies in education, especially in the context of informal learning. The application of Wikis for collaborative work is one example for this theory applied. The support of learning in those fields of education, which are strongly based on visual location-based information, could also benefit from Geo-Tagging, a technique that has become popular lately. This paper presents first development results on the combination of these two concepts into a geospatial Wiki for higher education, TUGeoWiki. Our solution proposal supports mobile scenarios where textual data and images are managed and retrieved during m-Learning in- the-field as well as some desktop scenarios in the context of collaborative e-Learning. Within this scope, one critical issue arises while adding and updating textual information via the collaborative interface, which can be cumbersome in mobile scenarios. To solve this problem, we integrated another popular concept into our solution approach, Microblogging. Thus, the information pushed via short messages from mobile clients or microblogging tools to our m-Learning environment enables the creation of Wiki-Micropages as basis for subsequent collaborative learning scenarios.

Reference: Safran, C., Garcia-Barrios, V.M.; Ebner, M. (2009) The Benefits of Geo Tagging and Microblogging in m-Learning: a Use Case, in Proceedings of ACM Academic MindTrek 2009 – Everyday Life in the Ubiquitous Area, MindTrek 2009, Tampere, Finland, p. 135-141, 2009