Die USAB 2009 findet heuer vom 9. – 10. November 2009 in Linz unter dem Motto „Usability & HCI Learning from the Extreme“ statt.
Our 2009 topic is Human–Computer Interaction for eInclusion (HCI4eIn), culminating in the 5th annual Usability Symposium USAB 2009.
Mission Statement: “Interfacing the Interface” for a better eInclusion!Information and Communication Technology (ICT) pervaded many parts of our daily lives. Due to its flexibility (multimedia connected with multimodality) it offers a huge potential for people with disabilities and others with functional limitations to interact with electronic systems and services.
Hier geht es zur Webseite / Programm. Wir werden auch mit einer Publikation / Präsentation vertreten sein und freuen uns auf spannende Diskussionen – cu there.