[master] Erstellung und Einsatz von offen lizenzierten Lehr- und Lernmaterialien zum Thema Gestaltung von Webinhalten für die verbindliche Übung „Digitale Grundbildung“

Im Rahmen ihrer Masterarbeit hat Anja untersucht wie man mit Hilfe eines eBooks Schulstunden für die verbindliche Übung „Digitale Grundbildung“ gestalten könnte. Hier die Folien zur Präsentation ihrer Masterarbeit:

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[O3R, book] Das offene Informatikschulbuch: Offen lizensierte Lehr- und Lernunterlagen für den (Einsatz im) Informatikunterricht #oer

Es freut uns, dass wir nun bereits Band 13 unserer Buchreihe O3R – Beiträge zu offenen Bildungsressourcen – ankündigen können. Der Dank geht diesemal an Maria Grandl, die im Rahmen ihrer Diplomarbeit das Konzept für ein offenes Informatikbuch erarbeitet und danach examplarisch drei Kapitel ausgearbeitet hat. Das Tolle ist, dass sie daran im Rahmen ihrer Dissertation weiterarbeiten wird und damit einen Beitrag für die informatische Grundbildung leistet:

Offene und damit auch frei zugängliche Schulunterlagen sind dieser Tage (2017) in aller Munde. Dieses Buch beschreibt die Erstellung von Lehr- und Lernunterlagen für das Unterrichtsfach Informatik gemäß dem österreichischen Lehrplan für die 9. Schulstufe. Die im Buch beschriebenen Lehr- und Lernunterlagen stehen unter htps://learninglab.tugraz.at/informatschegrundbildung/ zur Verfügung.

[Buch bei Amazon]
[Buch bei O3R]

Hier bekommt man das E-Book – wir freuen uns natürlich auf Rückmeldung, vor allem auch auf Einsatzberichte.

[workshop] Digitale Lernressourcen zukunftsfähig gestalten #video #ebook

Im Rahmen eines Workshops an der HFT Stuttgart werde ich über Lernvideos und E-Books möglichst praxisnah zeigen, was man tun kann um selbst seine Lehre zu gestalten. Dazu hab ich zusammen mit Sandra Schön und Walther Nagler zwei Foliensätze gestaltet:

1) Lernvideos

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2) E-Books & Co

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[presentation] Ist das Lehrmittel der Zukunft noch ein Buch? #tugraz #ebook

Im Rahmen eines Vernetzungstreffens an der TU Graz bin ich gebeten worden über unsere Forschungsergebnisse zu E-Books zu berichten. Hier die Folien, die unter anderem auch auf unser Angebot https://ebook.tugraz.at hinweisen:

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[presentation] Potential of EPUB3 for Digital Textbooks in Higher Education #ebook #tugraz

Mohammad Khalil also presented our publication about „Potential of EPUB3 for Digital Textbooks in Higher Education “ at Smart Learning Excellence Conference in Dubai. Here are his presentation slides:

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[publication] Potential of EPUB3 for Digital Textbooks in Higher Education #ebook #tugraz

Our publication about „Potential of EPUB3 for Digital Textbooks in Higher Education“ for this year Smart Learning Excellence Conference in Dubai is now online available. The slides have been already published here.

The e-book market is currently in a strong upswing. This research study deals with the question which practical uses the e-book format EPUB3 offers for (higher) education. By means of a didactic content analysis, a range of interactive exercise types were developed as a result of conversations with teachers. For this purpose, a didactic and technical concept has been developed. Different kinds of exercises were prototypically implemented in an e-book. Finally, a brief overview reflects the present state of the current e-book readers. A subsequent discussion illuminates the strengths and weaknesses of the format. In summary , it can be remarked that EPUB3 is suitable for a variety of different exercises and that it is able to serve as a basic format for forthcoming digital textbooks. Furthermore the openness of EPUB3 will assist Open Learning and Teaching in a meaningful way

[Full text @ ResearchGate]

Ebner, M., Gailer, C., Khalil, M., Kopp, M., Lackner, E., & Raunig, M. (2016). Potential of EPUB3 for Digital Textbooks in Higher Education. Conference proceeding of the 8th e-Learning Excellence Conference, 2016. Dubai, UAE. pp. 1-14

[presentation] Ist das Schulbuch in Zukunft zwingend noch ein Buch?

Im Rahmen der Fachgruppentagung 2014 der WKO in Klagenfurt bin ich eingladen worden meine Gedanken zum zukünftigen Schulbuch zu präsentieren. Ich gebe zu ich denke hier vielleicht quer und gänzlich anders, aber vielleicht bewahrheitet sich ja das eine oder andere doch.
Hier meine Vortragsfolien:

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[publication] Cloud-based service for eBooks using EPUB under the Aspect of Learning Analytics

Our contribution to 8th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Manycore SoCs on „Cloud-based service for eBooks using EPUB under the Aspect of Learning Analytics“ is now online available.

Building a cloud-based e-learning platform using the approach of the research field of learning analytics is the overall goal of this research study. With the strengths of a cloud service it is possible to add value to the learning process for all stakeholders. With such a solution, the process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting data becomes rather easily.
This research study aims to introduce a novel platform to generate interactive e-books. In order to create digitalized forms of exercise books for primary school children, additional features have to be added to gain acceptance by such an idea. The evolution of new e-book standards as EPUB in its version 3.0 makes it possible to generate those additional features. The developments of the platform as well as each interactive exercise, which can be done are described in detail. Finally the weakness and the strength of the approach is discussed. The study concluded that the approach offers huge potential for tomorrow’s learning behaviors

Cloud-based service for eBooks using EPUB under the Aspect of Learning Analytics by Martin

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Reference: Ebner, M., Prettenthaler, C., Hamada, M. (2014) Cloud-based service for eBooks using EPUB under the Aspect of Learning Analytics, Proceedings of IEEE 8th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Manycore SoCs, pp. 116-122

[publication] Potential of EPUB3 for Digital Textbooks in Higher Education

Our publication about „Potential of EPUB3 for Digital Textbooks in Higher Education“ at this year EC-TEL conference is now available.

The e-book market is currently in a strong upswing. This research study deals with the question which practical uses the e-book format EPUB3 offers for (higher) education. By means of a didactic content analysis, a range of interactive exercise types were developed as a result of conversations with teachers. For this purpose, a didactic and technical concept has been developed. Different kinds of exercises were prototypically implemented in an e-book. In summary, it can be remarked that EPUB3 is suitable for a variety of different exercises and that it is able to serve as a basic format for forthcoming digital textbooks. Furthermore the openness of EPUB3 will assist Open Learning and Teaching in a meaningful way.

Reference: Gailer, C., Ebner, M., Kopp, M., Lackner, E., Raunig, M., Scerbakov, A. (2014) Potential of EPUB3 for Digital Textbooks in Higher Education. In: Open Learning and Teaching in Educational Communities. Rensing, C., de Freitas, S., Ley, T., Muñoz-Merino, P. J. (Ed.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8719, Springer 2014, pp. 564-565

[Link to .pdf at Springer]