Eine provokante Fragen – aber ja es gibt Geschäftsmodelle dafür, wie es gehen könnte. Seit Jahren wünschen wir uns mehr Bewegung in dieser Problematik und fragen uns wie lagen wir noch warten müssen?
[l3t] Aufzeichnung „Zeitschriften in der Welt der Apps und Ebooks“ online
Die Aufzeichung des ersten Online-Talks im Rahmen des L3T-Projektes ist nun online verfügbar. Heinz Wittenbrink hat im Rahmen seines Vortrages „Zeitschriften in der Welt der Apps und Ebooks“ uns seine 10 Thesen vorgestellt. Er hat diese auch hier auf seinem Blog nochmals kurz beschrieben und auch seine Prezi-Präsentation steht hier zur Verfügung.
Weitere Details und auch die weiteren Talks gibt es auf der Homepage [Link].
[publication] First Experiences with OLPC in European Classrooms
Our publication on „First Experiences with OLPC in European Classrooms“ is now online as Draftversion available.
For many years now E-learning researchers have been discussing the use of laptops in educational settings. The One Laptop per Child project, (OLPC project), has been used in developing countries since the year 2002 to avoid the increase of the digital divide between those with ready access to technology and those with limited access. Austria has become one of the first countries in the European Union (EU) to start an OLPC-project of its own. The focus of the project was on the use of digital devices in education at elementary school level. Accompanied by a solid research team, which brought teachers, e-learning experts and a software developer together, a first attempt was established. This article will describe the preliminary work and the first real life setting of this project, concluding with the experiences of the whole research group. It will also summarize a recommendation for the transfer of the project to developing countries.
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Reference: Ebner, M., Dorfinger, J. & Neuper, W. (2011). First Experiences With OLPC in European Classrooms. International Journal on E-Learning, 10(4), 343-‐364. Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Member of ALT-J Editorial Board
I was elected to become a member of the Editorial Board of the ALT-Journal on „Research in Learning Technology, the journal of the Association for Learning Technology“ for the next years.
Secondly to let you know that ALT’s Trustees today approved the recommendation from the Research in Learning Technology Editorial Board that you be appointed to join the Editorial Board from 1 May 2010.
Here you can find the latest announcement of the Chief Editor [Link] as well as the official Journal Homepage [Link] [List of Issues].
[link] e-Learning Journals
Eine unglaublich lange Liste an einschlägigen Journalen rund um das Thema e-Learning findet man bei e-Taalim:
Special Issue: MashUps for Learning
We are very happy that we can announce that the Special Issue on „MahsUps for Learning“ is now published (open access). Togehter with Sandra and Ralf the results of our Workshop at last year ICL Conference are online available:
The special track “Mashups for Learning” (MASHL 2009) took place within the “International Conference on Interactive Computer Aided Learning” (ICL 2009) in Villach, Austria. Personal Learning Environments (PLE) are the application type for mashing up learning services. We asked for contributions for an increasing research field. MASHL 2009 provided an excellent space for discussions in order to improve the learning and teaching routines of tomorrow. This special issue consists of the outcomes of this intensive process with international experts.
Enjoy the papers and we are looking forward to your feedback.
Liste von e-Learning Journals
Eigentlich ist das jetzt ein Gastbeitrag, denn ich habe alle diese Links via Twitter bekommen. Also einen wunderschönen Dank an meine KollegInnen, die mir diese zukommen ließen.
Weiters eine Ergänzung auch zu Mandys Artikel über Twitter – ich bin davon überzeugt, dass man nicht Fragen sollte ob Microblogging zu informellen Lernen oder Lernen überhaupt führt, man muss Twitter & Co. als Kommunikationsmittel ansehen. Es ist einfach eine weitere Möglichkeit mit Personen zu kommunizieren (und eine sehr mächtige, wie sich herausstellt). Das Lernen über Gespräche, Diskussionen eingebettet in sozialen Kontexten passiert, ist dann lediglich der „schöne Nebeneffekt“.
So nun aber die Links (danke nochmals):
- E-Learning Journals
- Online Journals
- 198 e-Learning Magazines
- Advanced Learning Technology Journals/Indexed Journals
- Journals and Magazines
- Liste bei e-teaching.org
Nachsatz: Bin natürlich dankbar für weitere Hinweise zu solch tollen Listen 🙂
[publication] Why We Need Edupunk
I have published an article about the necessity of EduPunk in formal institutions in the Journal of Social Informatics.
Titel: Why We Need Edupunk (Full Article)
Jim Groom coined in his Weblog a new term called EduPunk and expressed his anger about rigid and commercial platforms. He postulated “that taking imaginative experiments of others and wrapping them up as a product that can be bought” is ignoring valuable work of lecturers. By adding three facets Stephen Downes enhanced this definition and thus helped the term to seemingly sweep the edublogosphere.
In an emerging and growing educational field using Web 2.0 applications for teaching and learning purposes the term EduPunk deserves a closer attention. Considering that learning has always been a highly social process EduPunk must be seen as valuable and important way of educating people. EduPuk helps to carry out new didactical approaches and therefore improve the future of teaching and learning.
At Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) a new concept in consequence to this thoughts has been realized. The presented strategy allows combining traditional methods and e-Learning facilities as well as new Web 2.0 applications.
Objective: To present a concept for universities how the WorldWideWeb especially different Web 2.0 applications can be integrated in a daily used Learning Management System (LMS) and allow lecturers to be and become “EduPunks”.
Implementation: The existing learning management system was adapted and extended to the specific needs.
Conclusion: EduPunk as effective strategy for technology enhanced learning.
Reference: Ebner, M. (2008), Why We Need EduPunk, JOURNAL OF SOCIAL INFORMATICS, June 2008, Nr. 9, ISSN 1584-384X, p. 1-9, https://www.ris.uvt.ro